[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP
We’ll be doing fractals tonight! Bit of a slower day than normal. (:
Next for Saturday: EM AC Path 2 and RP night! We will start our next big story arc and progress our guild ICly. (: We’re hoping to be able to visit the Raven’s Landing and the Garnished Toast soon!
Tonight we’re doing a dungeon story mode marathon! As many as we can until we drop. (:
Next for Monday: EM TA Path 2 and some sPvP!
i think your website is broken wont let me register
I see you on our forums, looks like you’ve got it figured out and working. (:
yes all sorted i have sent my application
This afternoon we did EM SE path 2 and later tonight some WvW is on the table!
Hi all! I’m one of the new recruiting assistants. Boy what a day we had. We had a Arah dungeon event today, Had a RP night, and even had a pick up AC dungeon group today.
Got questions? Ask me in game.
Yesterday we had a Story Mode marathon again. How exciting. Today we have a few dungeon runs and some SPvP later.
Got questions? PM me or ask me in game about our guild.
Yesterday we had some fun in sPvP with an Arah path 3 run afterwards! Earlier that day we also ran CM path 3!
Up for tonight we have some zone exploration in Gendarran Fields, EM Twilight Arbor path 3 and the EB jumping puzzle! (:
Would like to Welcome three new people to our ranks, Kaya, Kiora, and Mujen. Congrats you three and good luck with everything.
Hi all. Tonight RoH is going out for a night on the town. we will be at Raven’s Landing in Ebonhawke for some food and entertainment. Hope to see some of you there.
Ello again. The rp was great, and many of us look forward to going many times in the future. Ran some dungeons and had a rp night. Hope to see you guys around the game.
Ello. Hadalot of stuff go on in the last couple days. Dungeons. PvP, and even some more dungeons. look forward to seeing new people in TC.
Today we did some exploration in the Blazeridge Steppes and EM CM path 1. Up for tomorrow is some WvW and EM TA path 1! (:
We have Guild Bounties queued up and are upgrading it now!
Wwe have a busy day ahead of us. CoF, Fractals a guild meeting and then Arah. Wish us luck today.
Hello all. Been awhile since the last post. I have been moved up to Recruitment head. Are you interested in joining our guild? Do you have questions? Send me a pm or you can ask me in game at evildeadjunky.1576.
(edited by evildeadjunky.1576)
Evening Everyone. had a busy day today. A CoE run at 4. A guild bounties run at 6. and three AC runs at 10. tired out now.
Ello all. had some fun in WvW tonight. Also we did some dungeons today, mainly Ac
Evening all. We had a fun day today. We manage to accomplish both sets of Guild Bounties. And we got through Arah path 3 by only dieing once!
Are you looking for a guild on Tarnished Coast? Are you looking for one that part takes in all aspects of the game? Then come check us out!
Are you interested in a guild that does PvE, PvP, and RP? Well look no farther! Remnants of Hope might be the guild you are looking for. Send me a message via Forums or even in game if you are interested or have questions.
We tore it up yesterday in Wub v Wub.
Got questions about the guild? I might have the answers for you. Just feel free to ask!
Fractals, Fractals. How many can you do in a night? Well I guess for us, 2. We keep getting the hard ones :/. If you are you are on Tarnished Coast, You may see us RPing around the server tonight!
Yesterday was a blast. Did Twilight Arbor at 4pm and then had another Story Mode Marathon. We have alot of things going today as well. We just did SE. We also have some rp and PvP later. Also we are gonna see why everyone is saying the Adventure box is so cool today.
Well I have been sick the last couple of days. But if you have any questions or anything, let me know and i will answer them.
Well we had a very busy weekend. Saturday we did 3, yes 3 guild bounties, and completed them all! Sunday we had our Story Mode marathon again. We also had quite a few Dungeon and Fractals runs over the weekend. And we had RP.
This week looks pretty full to.
Last couple days have been fun. Dungeons, PvP, WvW and RolePlaying!
Are you looking for a guild? If you got questions post them here or pm me!
RoH had a busy weekend. Had alot of dungeon runs this weekend. Mainly Fractals. This week is pretty full as well. So stay tuned!
Hi all! Got a couple events today that you might see us running around at. Got a Guild Bounty at 5 and Jumping Puzzles at 6
Laptop died this weekend, and I am back now! We have some SPvP later today. Maybe we will run into some of you later?
Haven’t updated this in a week. Been busy. But how are you all? Hope you all have been good. I hope to run into some of you on the server.
Hi all again! Gonna be doing some Guild Treks later tonight. Maybe we will see some new and old faces around the server? Who knows?
Hi all, Got a guild meeting tonight, and then after that RP. Rp everywhere.
Its been awhile again forums. Work has picked up and now i am a busy Charr. We have been a busy guild to as well! IF you are interested in a guild that Rp’s, does Pvp, Pve and WvW and you are on Tarnished Coast. Come check us out!
Hi all! How is everyone? Good I hope. RoH will be running around later today trying to figure out a Murder mystery! Maybe we ill run into some of you?
Hello Everyone! We’ve been converted to Fractals. We run them practically daily now. Level 20 too.
Are you looking for a casual guild that plays on Tarnished Coast? Come Give us a look at http://www.remnantsofhope.com
Hi all. Long time since last post. Work has been kicking my kitten . But as far as the guild. We should get our name changed to Remnants of Fractals, cause that’s how much we do it now.