[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Remnants of Hope - Light from a few can be a beacon to many

Guild Name: Remnants of Hope [HOPE]
Server: Tarnished Coast
Time Zone: International, primarily North America
Playstyle: PvX, WvW
Roleplay: Optional, Light-Medium
Age minimum: 14 years
Website: www.remnantsofhope.com
Recruitment: OPEN

About Us
Remnants of Hope was founded on June 7, 2009. Originally a Star Wars Galaxies guild, it moved to Star Wars: The Old Republic at launch. Well known and respected on the Jung-Ma server, fellow guilds have nothing but good things to say. We are described by our fellow players with comments such as “an honor to play with”, to join us for “the full experience”, “really good at making sure fun and great community are the norm” and “one of the best communities I have known in the game”. [i]

At the request of its members, Remnants of Hope has changed into a multi-gaming guild to accommodate Guild Wars 2. Over the past 3 years we have undergone changes but continue to improve with age and experience. We strive to provide an engaging environment for all players to play the way they want. Currently we have about 10 members playing GW2, with 100 approximately in the guild total.

Mission & Goals
Remnants of Hope stands for a lot of things, truthfully. If our atmosphere shows anything, it shows our integrity, maturity, respect and our very will to survive. Now that last one might seem a bit extreme, but our undying loyalty to our guild and the loyalty shown by many of our members today have risen from the ashes of what would have kept many guilds down! We are ever evolving and ever improving as we continue to age and grow.

What we stand for is to serve as a place where one can escape from their daily struggles and stress of life, to simply enjoy their time that they have to spare. Our motivation is to simply ensure that everyone has the best experience that we can offer! As one of our member’s favorite phrases, “Light from the few can be a beacon to many,” we hope to empower and prove inspiration to many of the guilds within the GW2 community. For us to endure what we’ve been tossed and continue to go strong, we only hope that all of the guilds thrive! Though we may serve as an example, certainly we strive to become better and stronger with each passing day! What do we stand for? Hopefully as a beacon of inspiration to any who join or any who compete, we all have one common goal among us and that is a pleasant gaming experience!

Remnants of Hope wants to give you the opportunity to build your own playstyle. This means we offer PvE, PvP and RP. The great thing is you can literally play the way you want! Don’t care for PvE but love PvP? Go for it! Not so hot for either PvE or PvP but want to really immerse yourself in your character through roleplay? Not a problem. Whether or not you’re casual, semi-hardcore or hardcore, we’re right there with you. We have dedicated officers for each focus, committed to giving you what you’re looking for. We plan on taking PvP very seriously, and continue to progress in dungeons and new content both competitively, and casually as a community.

We don’t plan on limiting ourselves to one thing that the game has to offer, but all fields that we can conquer as an ever-growing community. Our focus is far from linear like some guilds might be, and we will make the best of everything we’re given! Some will learn much more quickly than others, why not have our members’ help you reach full potential and maximize your enjoyment of the game? So, we have two primary focuses, 1) All aspects of the game, and 2) Your experience both pre- and post-game launch!

Roleplay & Lore
Many years ago, a small bastion in Elona barely escaped, hidden under the oppressive rule of Palawa Joko. It was harsh living in this strict land; a dervish, valiantly protecting his people, a fallen paragon with nothing to her name, and a thief who only cared for himself. Not one of them ever thought they would have to do more than try to get by, until Fate intervened in the form of an unlikely duo- An asura merchant with his Norn protector. Now on the run they must figure out who can be trusted, and how to survive.

You? You are their descendants…or are you? Perhaps you know one of them; a mentor, a friend, perhaps just a passing traveler. The land of Tyria is an incredible one, full of mystery and intrigue (And monsters! Lots of monsters. And gold farmers), just begging to be explored.

(edited by Vidiea.4867)

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


No restrictions, if you can create it or roleplay it (and it stays within the confines of acceptable Guild Wars 2 Lore), you’re more than welcome at Remnants of Hope. We have an emphasis on letting members RP as they wish, and you are not obligated or required to conform to the guild lore!

Read our full guild lore here!

What We Offer
Aside from giving you the freedom to choose your playstyle, we also offer many features to our community.

Awards system for community recognition
Highly active Website and forums
Teamspeak 3 server
Events Calendar loaded with new events each day
Large community outreach
Active RP community
Organized PvP and PvE
Family friendly community and environment
Dedicated leaders

Join Us!
What We Look For:
Good attitude
Friendly nature
Respectful, motivated, and sociable

In order to join our ranks you need to start the application process, which includes creating an account on our forums and submitting an application.

Clicking on this link will take you to the RoH forums. To create an account, click on the “Create Account” button in the upper left of the forum page. Once you have received your confirmation email then begin your application by selecting the forum thread New Recruits Start Here..

Think of your application as almost a resume. The Recruitment Committee is using the app to get a better understanding of who you are, as a person, and how you would fit with the guild as a whole. So, complete and detailed responses to the questions will better ensure your application’s acceptance.

Remnants of Hope utilize a trial membership period, if your application is accepted. This helps to ensure that the guild is a right fit for you and vice versa. More information in regard to what the trial membership period entails will be given to you upon acceptance of your application.

Q. I’ve been debating about joining many of the guilds I’ve seen. Why do you believe Remnants of Hope stands out among the rest?
A. Remnants of Hope stands out in a variety of ways! One that tends to stand out is the members. All are very welcoming to newer members; many are easy-going, very patient and always happy to help anyone who asks! We encourage the creation of ideas and are always looking on suggestions that can improve the guild as a whole! None go unseen or overlooked! You’ll find no cliques here, as all are welcome and all are accepted with open arms. Our Teamspeak has people on at all hours and always eager to engage in conversation! Our forums have a variety of entertainment, from roleplaying to simple leisure and casual posting, and best of all — Anyone can join in on the experience!

Q. What kind of guild activities are there?
A. We currently have sPvP practice Monday and Thursday nights, Story Mode dungeons on Tuesday nights, WvW on Wednesday nights, and RP event nights on Friday nights at 6pm PST/9pm EST. We also have static groups doing daily explorable dungeons and other PvE events such as scavenger hunts and jumping puzzle races.

Q. Why would you do 14 years age minimum?
A. At Remnants of Hope we believe maturity is based on the way you act, not how old you are. We evaluate you through an application and trial process to assess your character.

Q. How is the Remnants of Hope moderated and ran?
A. The Remnants of Hope operates in a manner that has proven to be the most efficient. The guild itself is ran by an individual member with the rank of High Elder. The High Elder serves as the leader and has overall authority over guild matters. To assist the High Elder in overseeing the guild, there is an elected body whose duty is to help manage and enforce Guild policy when necessary. This group is called the “Elder Council”.

Q. How would I go about advancing in rank within the Remnants of Hope if I joined?
A. Remain active! You can easily get involved with Specialized Departments within the Guild (ie: RP, PVP, Crafting and PVE Department).

Q. Where do I go for additional questions?
A. Post here or in our visitor forums! We’re always open and willing to answering any questions or concerns you may have.

[i] Real quotes from our ToR recruitment thread here. Pages 1, 1, 1, 7 respectively. [Note with server consolidation our recruitment thread has unfortunately been lost… again.]

Last updated 12/22/12

(edited by Vidiea.4867)

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


We are still actively recruiting! Don’t hesitate to drop us a message here, on the forums or in game! (:

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


We have an rp event lined up for tomorrow (Saturday, Oct. 6) in our Tarnished Coast chapter!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Our RP event will be starting within the hour! (:

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Stanucz.3267


Jade Quarry chapter is currently running some scheduled sPVP sessions.

WvW with Jade Legion Alliance to be announced as current matches continue to even out queue-wise and match-length-wise.

We’ve been doing lots of random dungeon runs and plan to do some scheduled zone clearings here pretty soon as well.

Harkucz Eymund

(edited by Stanucz.3267)

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Maitrayen.9351


I’d like to welcome Avatar Trayne as a new trial member, congrats!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Welcome new trial member Fernlace!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


We have some fun events scheduled for this week! (:

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


We’re having structured PvP tonight at 9EST! (:

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Welcome trial member Vulcanus! (:

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Rayean.8726


Revonin…..or Rayean, or Rev Sehkata…..but pretty much Rev here! Rev is also an EC member (Meaning I have a high rank and abuse my limitless power almost…….never! ¬¬). I play with those on Tarnished Coast and am almost always around in our TS3 or the forums so if you’re looking to join or are interested just shoot me a message and we can engage in jolly conversation. You may find it hard to see me in game (I…uh realized that having almost double the playtime of anyone else in the guild wasn’t healthy so I’m taking a break >>;) but when I’m on I will generally be RPing in Divinity’s Reach or just out on the road.

I look forward to seeing you in game, and may you ever find the light in dark places.

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


We’re doing the jumping puzzle in Lion’s Arch tonight at 9 EST! (:

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Had tons of fun doing the jumping puzzles tonight!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Another night of sPvP at 9pm EST!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


The sPvP last night was a success!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Our scavenger hunt tonight starts in 15 minutes! (:

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Scavenger hunt last night was a success and a lot of fun!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Welcome trial members Volcanus Forgeblast & Rougan Creed!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Had a blast in our sPvP tonight!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Excited for our WvW event tonight! (:

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


We had a blast in WvW last night and are excited for sPvP (: !

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


We got some pretty neat sPvP screens from last night’s event and looking forwards to doing some dungeons tonight! (:

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Having great success with our new daily EMs! ^^

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Rayean.8726


RoH did a bit of WvW last night and attempted the Eternal Battlegrounds Jumping puzzle (Thwarted by invaders! and my awful jumping abilities!). Tonight is oursPvP night, looking forward to it-

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


We had a great time trying out the new sPvP map and running a group through EM AC path 2! (:

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Daily events and daily EMs, whoot! (:

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Hopefully everyone had a good Thanksgiving – we did! =D

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Kariokimahn.3821


For a couple of weeks now I’ve been searching for the perfect guild and you guys might be my answer.I really like everything I read in this post and what I saw from your website but before I go through your application process a few questions remain.

Can I get a brief synopsis of your guild’s rp story/background?I saw the story at your website but to be honest it was TL:DR.I get massive headaches from prolonged reading on the pc.Dont get me wrong,if accepted I would read the full story to better understand the theme of the guild but would read it in pieces over a few days.Mainly what I’m looking for here is are you the “good guys” “bad guys” or somewhere in between?Why does the guild exist?Is it to protect a certain land or idea?Is it for wealth and power of its members?

I try to enjoy all aspects of a game but WvW is going to be my meat and potatoes for GW2.I see that you guys have a weekly WvW event for the guild.Are there any rp aspects to your WvW event?Are we fighting for a cause or against a certain enemy?I’m not looking for tavern style rp in the middle of a pvp zone but is there any relevant rp before or after these events whether in game or in forums write ups?I like a good rp reason for my pvp .Also are there any members of your guild that try to do WvW more than the once a week group,in character or out of character?

I look forward to hearing back from y’all.

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Rayean.8726


Officers have been out of town recently (Holiday cheer!) and things are moving slower than expected as players go home and visit their families soon. However!
We still have daily events going, new member created events (Fashion nights, DnD nights), and much more. Sorry if we are slow to respond at the moment, we’re really tied up!
Thanks to all who have joined so far, and to all who give us a chance. We promise to do our best and show you a great time!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


I feel like we’re quite a bit late on the response for you Kario, unfortunately due to the holidays. =( But, I will reply to the best of my ability in the hopes that if it doesn’t help you than perhaps it can help others later on.

Yes our history is a bit massive. The short of it is this:
Many years ago, a small bastion in Elona barely escaped, hidden under the oppressive rule of Palawa Joko. It was harsh living in this strict land; a dervish, valiantly protecting his people, a fallen paragon with nothing to her name, and a thief who only cared for himself. Not one of them ever thought they would have to do more than try to get by, until Fate intervened in the form of an unlikely duo- An asura merchant with his Norn protector. Now on the run they must figure out who can be trusted, and how to survive.

You? You are their descendants…or are you? Perhaps you know one of them; a mentor, a friend, perhaps just a passing traveler. The land of Tyria is an incredible one, full of mystery and intrigue (And monsters! Lots of monsters. And gold farmers), just begging to be explored.

No restrictions, if you can create it or roleplay it (and it stays within the confines of acceptable Guild Wars 2 Lore), you’re more than welcome at Remnants of Hope. We have an emphasis on letting members RP as they wish, and you are not obligated or required to conform to the guild lore!

We are composed of good guys, bad guys, neutral guys and those who have no idea or no moral compass at all! As for why the guild exists, this is something our characters don’t know yet. We’re a motley group of all sizes, races, ethics and professions who have come together for a bigger purpose that even we are not yet aware of. The guild will be following its own sandbox plots as well as the overall arc of GW2. Everyone has their own agendas, the leaders push for the guild’s interests, but not everyone’s interests align with the guild. We try not to limit anyone in any way, we want to be able to do anything and everything rp-wise.

Right now we have a small group who enjoy WvWing more than once a week, but generally do so out-of-character. As of yet, we have not done any IC-WvW, but that’s something we’re looking into doing in the coming year as well as IC-dungeons, IC-puzzles and more.

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


We’ve been a little slower due to the holidays but we’re still active while we come out of our holiday food comas! (:

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


We’ll just be running the Toymaker dungeons for the next few days to make sure all guildies who want their frames can get them. (:

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Rayean.8726


Had a great time with our Holiday Bash this past weekend followed up with our New year’s Scavenger hunt (Hurray for the winners!); all preceding the first RP night of the new year tomorrow!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Rayean.8726


Tonight RoH will be doing its EM Ascalonian Catacombs and then…* checks calendar * apparently Jumping Puzzle adventures in the Gendarran Fields! Looking forward to the Tarnished Coast Guild Summit this weekend and we’ll see some of you fellow players there!

Also, we did this spontaneously one day…..I’m not saying which one I am but they finally caught me dancing ; ;.

(edited by Rayean.8726)

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Rayean.8726


Wednesday Evening we’ll be doing our EM Caudecus Manor followed up by a dab of World v. World; all sorts of dungeons have been scheduled throughout the week and we’ve got a large guild meeting coming up with many topics of interest!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


We had our GW2 division meeting and have a bunch of fun changes coming up! Finished up some fractals right afterwards and starting a SM AC run in about an hour!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


We had a fruitful day of SM CM, RP Night & attended the TC Guild Summit earlier today! (:

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Rayean.8726


Fractals and sPvP are inbound tonight, and the EM CoE run the other day fell into a makeshift leveling run for lower members through their areas XD.

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Rayean.8726


Full workload of fun and adventure today! Two Twilight Arbor EM runs at different times, EM Sorrow’s Embrace and then Fractals to finish off the day! Tomorrow we will be doing WvW Wednesdays and more fractals!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


We’ll be doing WvW and Fractals tonight! ^^

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Successful Fractals and Blue Borderlands tonight – EM CM, sPvP & lowbie leveling tomorrow! ^^

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Congratulations to Hieraphant, Ellengrad and Rellenor for becoming trial members!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Tonight we’ll be exploring Diessa Plateau and EM Arah ^^

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: OutspokenAardvark.9781


Hello, I have a few questions. How many players do you have online during off-peak hours? How many members do you currently have? How often do you guys WvW? I’m asking because I’ve been trying to recruit Oceanic/EU guilds and players to TC and haven’t had a WvW guild to refer them to. Lemme know if you would like to take this role.

Rhyme – Commander
[DIS] Dissentient – http://dissentient.org
[TC] Tarnished Coast

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Many of our players have real lives outside the game, school, work, family, etc, so we generally don’t have a lot of players online during off peak hours unless they’re working night shifts. Currently we have around 20 active players and WvW about 1-3 times per week. Our WvW department is still building, so we’re not actively doing it as much as I hope we will be in the future.

Hopefully, you’re able to find a good guild to refer them to. If we hear anything, we’ll let you know.

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Successfully completed EM TA path 2 today and having a bit of a break before our optional RP event tonight!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


Started a new forum RP on the forums that will eventually be tied back into in-game RP, decided our IC guild leaders and if players would like, will be doing IC acceptances into the guild. Tonight we’ve planned an EM Honor of the Waves and sPvP!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


This morning we did lowbie leveling and later tonight we’re doing EM CM!

[TC] Remnants of Hope - International PvX/WvW/RP

in Guilds

Posted by: Vidiea.4867


This afternoon we did EM Honor of the Waves Path 1 and later this evening grouped up for WvW and ran two consecutive groups through Fractals!

(edited by Moderator)