Remnants of Hope - Light from a few can be a beacon to many
Guild Name: Remnants of Hope [HOPE]
Server: Tarnished Coast
Time Zone: International, primarily North America
Playstyle: PvX, WvW
Roleplay: Optional, Light-Medium
Age minimum: 14 years
Recruitment: OPEN
About Us
Remnants of Hope was founded on June 7, 2009. Originally a Star Wars Galaxies guild, it moved to Star Wars: The Old Republic at launch. Well known and respected on the Jung-Ma server, fellow guilds have nothing but good things to say. We are described by our fellow players with comments such as “an honor to play with”, to join us for “the full experience”, “really good at making sure fun and great community are the norm” and “one of the best communities I have known in the game”. [i]
At the request of its members, Remnants of Hope has changed into a multi-gaming guild to accommodate Guild Wars 2. Over the past 3 years we have undergone changes but continue to improve with age and experience. We strive to provide an engaging environment for all players to play the way they want. Currently we have about 10 members playing GW2, with 100 approximately in the guild total.
Mission & Goals
Remnants of Hope stands for a lot of things, truthfully. If our atmosphere shows anything, it shows our integrity, maturity, respect and our very will to survive. Now that last one might seem a bit extreme, but our undying loyalty to our guild and the loyalty shown by many of our members today have risen from the ashes of what would have kept many guilds down! We are ever evolving and ever improving as we continue to age and grow.
What we stand for is to serve as a place where one can escape from their daily struggles and stress of life, to simply enjoy their time that they have to spare. Our motivation is to simply ensure that everyone has the best experience that we can offer! As one of our member’s favorite phrases, “Light from the few can be a beacon to many,” we hope to empower and prove inspiration to many of the guilds within the GW2 community. For us to endure what we’ve been tossed and continue to go strong, we only hope that all of the guilds thrive! Though we may serve as an example, certainly we strive to become better and stronger with each passing day! What do we stand for? Hopefully as a beacon of inspiration to any who join or any who compete, we all have one common goal among us and that is a pleasant gaming experience!
Remnants of Hope wants to give you the opportunity to build your own playstyle. This means we offer PvE, PvP and RP. The great thing is you can literally play the way you want! Don’t care for PvE but love PvP? Go for it! Not so hot for either PvE or PvP but want to really immerse yourself in your character through roleplay? Not a problem. Whether or not you’re casual, semi-hardcore or hardcore, we’re right there with you. We have dedicated officers for each focus, committed to giving you what you’re looking for. We plan on taking PvP very seriously, and continue to progress in dungeons and new content both competitively, and casually as a community.
We don’t plan on limiting ourselves to one thing that the game has to offer, but all fields that we can conquer as an ever-growing community. Our focus is far from linear like some guilds might be, and we will make the best of everything we’re given! Some will learn much more quickly than others, why not have our members’ help you reach full potential and maximize your enjoyment of the game? So, we have two primary focuses, 1) All aspects of the game, and 2) Your experience both pre- and post-game launch!
Roleplay & Lore
Many years ago, a small bastion in Elona barely escaped, hidden under the oppressive rule of Palawa Joko. It was harsh living in this strict land; a dervish, valiantly protecting his people, a fallen paragon with nothing to her name, and a thief who only cared for himself. Not one of them ever thought they would have to do more than try to get by, until Fate intervened in the form of an unlikely duo- An asura merchant with his Norn protector. Now on the run they must figure out who can be trusted, and how to survive.
You? You are their descendants…or are you? Perhaps you know one of them; a mentor, a friend, perhaps just a passing traveler. The land of Tyria is an incredible one, full of mystery and intrigue (And monsters! Lots of monsters. And gold farmers), just begging to be explored.
(edited by Vidiea.4867)