[TOSH](EB) 13 yrs later, still going strong

[TOSH](EB) 13 yrs later, still going strong

in Guilds

Posted by: Catraine.6245


Tired of Logging in and Your Guild is Gone? That Will NOT Happen Here!

The Order of the Silver Hand (TOSH) is a thirteen year old guild that killed its first mob together on November 2nd, 1999 in Asheron’s Call… and have created long-time friendships in many games since!

In Asheron’s Call we grew to be one of the most active guilds in the game, and have been in dozens of games since. The “Silver Hand” name is recognized and well known among many long-time gamers, and has allied and fought alongside some of the biggest and best known clans and guilds in the MMORPG genre.

We’re looking for new family members for both PvE and PvP to join our tanks in GW2!

If you’ve joined guilds before that were active for a few weeks, then slowly disappeared, or you logged on one day to find yourself “guildless” and your guild no longer in the game, you’ll be happy to know that there’s a good chance that we’ll outlive most of the other guilds on the server! We know this from experience, we’re here for the long term, not a flash in the pan.

We value fun and friendship over “winning at all costs” and although we have some extremely hardcore players and members, (and some very part time as well!) we enjoy the journey to end-game as much as the destination….

…we’re looking for casual pve players who want to work together to traverse the worlds of GW2, as well as those that lean towards pvp to help capture world pvp targets. In addition, for those who dare, we’re looking for a more competitive group to compete on a higher level and round out a team or two in the ranked pvp brackets. (our founder was on a team that held the #1 spot in GW1 for a period of time)

Although structured and always thinking about guild events and activities, we are non-military, and have very few rules besides “have fun”, and “don’t make the guild look bad”.

We’re a mature group, most of our members usually average from 25-40 years of age, (even though some members have socks that are 25 years old) but we welcome players of all ages and all levels. We don’t judge people by age, but by actions… and expect all members to do the same. We try to keep our chats as clean as possible, but realize that sometimes the passion of the moment can overwhelm us…

We expect to be a medium sized guild, with players focusing on all aspects of the game. To join us, we won’t expect you to be interviewed by 11 members, send a blood sample, and write a 46 page application backwards in Gaelic to be accepted. We’ll assume you’re a “keeper”, and boot you later if not, lol.

After proving ones self character-wise, we hope to have new members take responsibility within the guild as well, IF that’s something you’re interested in. Leaders are welcome!

To join us, check out our forums found at:


The Order of The Silver Hand (TOSH)
Ehmry Bay Server- www.ehmry.com

[TOSH](EB) 13 yrs later, still going strong

in Guilds

Posted by: Catraine.6245


bump! Please check out our forums.

The Order of The Silver Hand (TOSH)
Ehmry Bay Server- www.ehmry.com

[TOSH](EB) 13 yrs later, still going strong

in Guilds

Posted by: Catraine.6245


bump! We want you

The Order of The Silver Hand (TOSH)
Ehmry Bay Server- www.ehmry.com

[TOSH](EB) 13 yrs later, still going strong

in Guilds

Posted by: Ella Minnow Pee.5721

Ella Minnow Pee.5721

What server were you all on in AC? I played that game for years.

[TOSH](EB) 13 yrs later, still going strong

in Guilds

Posted by: Catraine.6245


Ella, unfortunately I wasn’t with the guild in AC, but our guild leader is still around. I told him you were asking!

The Order of The Silver Hand (TOSH)
Ehmry Bay Server- www.ehmry.com