Tarnished Coast Looking for Guild

Tarnished Coast Looking for Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Tsaboo.1208


Hey everyone. I’m a casual player, currently playing in Tarnished Coast server. I’m looking for a PvE focused guild. If anyone knows a Guild recruiting, please send me a invitation. Thanks!

ps: my max char is a Guardian Norn lvl 80.

Tarnished Coast Looking for Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: harris.7964


Hey Tsaboo,i’d like to introduce you XII Aurora Legion.If you dont mind changing servers (Aurora Glade)check this post

Tarnished Coast Looking for Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Tsaboo.1208


I will still try this server a little longer, but i will keep in mind the invitation. Thanks Harris!

Tarnished Coast Looking for Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Orbixitron.3218


Hey there!

I’ve recently formed a PvX guild on TC, called What The Kitten [Meow]. And we are looking for some friendly players to join. It is still small but you have to start somewhere, right?

We would love it if you could check us out, our website is: http://meowguild.shivtr.com Our GW2 recruitment post is also here

Good luck in your search for a guild!

(edited by Orbixitron.3218)

Tarnished Coast Looking for Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Jeremy.9875


Cynical [CYN] is a very well balanced PvX guild with daily scheduled events covering all areas of the game. You are welcome to check us out.


Tarnished Coast Looking for Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Disryna.4812


Hello! I am the recruitment officer for the guild Blood Faith. I’d like to invite you to go to www.blood-faith.com and submit your application, so that I can review it quickly. We are mainly RP and PVE focused, and will be doing WvW as well. We offer a Mentor system where you will choose one of our members as your go to mentor in game for any help or learning you may need. I’d really love to talk with you as soon as can be arranged. We do use mumble voice chat. There are always a few of us at least online at different hours. You sound exactly like the sort of person we’d like to have in our guild. Please, once again visit www.blood-faith.com and get your application in, once that is in I can interview you and get things rolling from there. Feel free to contact me on the website or in Guild Wars 2 anytime. I look forward to talking with you!