[Tarnished Coast] Noble LF RP Heavy Guild!

[Tarnished Coast] Noble LF RP Heavy Guild!

in Guilds

Posted by: McKnighter.6472


So, Noria Dolance is a baroness who helps manage her father’s(who’s a count) company of merchants and caravans while aiding a growing network of intelligence gathering headed by her mother(countess). She is the eldest of four, Noria has one sister who serves as an officer in the Seraph and two brothers who are helping with the merchant company. Noria is often involved in politics, seeking to earn a senator position.

The only thing she’s lacking are friends who are nobles as well! I have been trying to roleplay her out in the open with random people she comes across, but the taverns and such aren’t working out. So! I’m looking for a guild for nobility to sip on wine and have intellectual gossip and parties, all that good stuff. I have only seen one guild that was a noble house, but the name escapes me. So if there’s a guild out there that will satisfy my refined needs, leave a post! It can be another noble house or a collective group of nobles.

Fire away!

(Baroness) Noria Dolance, Human Mesmer
Tandrel, Sylvari Guardian