Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


Several people/guilds have already made their way over to Tarnished Coast. We are still looking for more. Right now the server is VERY competitive during the day, but we could use a little help during late nights PST. If you’re a late night player or Oceanic/European guild looking to make a move to a server that works well together, come over to Tarnished Coast.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Anthony.5098


I got a PM from Madember. My friend(s) and I are discussing it now trying to decide if uprooting and starting over is the best thing to do at this point. We love a good community and guild team, but would be hesitant to up and move simply to be alone somewhere else helping another guild full of people we don’t get to play with. Is there ANY consistent night team there to speak of at this point, or is it pretty much non existant?

The spread is a bit thin but has been growing in small increments. I know a general amount of my time is spent on those hours and these still tends to be some form of presence. Obviously the choice is yours but it wouldn’t be the worse possible decision.

At the end of the day though, when push comes to shove, don’t leave friends just to come to TC or anything like that. I don’t think anyone would suggest that. See if you can get people who are interested and take it from there, y’know? As much as extra combat crews would be appreciated, I don’t want it to be at the expense of you playing with your friends.

Solid TC class, right here.

I love my server.

Tanished Coast:
All classes 80, no main. [OROS]

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Raven Paradox.1860

Raven Paradox.1860

Ugh… I read that he said he thought he’d be high in the standings if he got a night crew….

Doubt that. Blackgate finished this week in about 12 hrs…. just saying.

But I do think TC will be a good opponent if they get more players. I kept telling our commanders before the matchup to not take Stonemist at the start since it flips about 5 times the first few hours. They did that because our main commander (who wasn’t playing) said to…. sigh. You guys played smart by taking out all our supply and fortifying your main area on EB.

It was actually hilarious. We were using your SMC as a distraction, but we ended up taking it…. after that, the match was over. We did however get a good night crew from another server. If we only had that last week….

(edited by Raven Paradox.1860)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


Ugh… I read that he said he thought he’d be high in the standings if he got a night crew….

Doubt that. Blackgate finished this week in about 12 hrs…. just saying.

But I do think TC will be a good opponent if they get more players. I kept telling our commanders before the matchup to not take Stonemist at the start since it flips about 5 times the first few hours. They did that because our main commander (who wasn’t playing) said to…. sigh. You guys played smart by taking out all our supply and fortifying your main area on EB.

It was actually hilarious. We were using your SMC as a distraction, but we ended up taking it…. after that, the match was over. We did however get a good night crew from another server. If we only had that last week….

The match was ‘over’ after 12 hours because Blackgate already had one nights worth of fighting where they outmatched us. During the day, the match is much more even. Blackgate is a tough opponent for sure, but Tarnished Cost does extremely well during the daytime. We could always use more people and there is almost always a map that doesn’t have a queue, but at night it’s much more noticeable. This server would be perfect for any night time players that are looking for a solid server where they would have zero queue times, but also be able to enjoy the ‘community’ like feeling this server has. The maturity of players on this server is very high (I know there are always going to be a few bad apples).

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


I have had several players send me messages in the last few days who are looking to transfer to our server. We still need more to put us over the top. We probably have enough room for several large late night guilds as the queue times are zero during those times. Also, once a few people started to get organized at night, more people who are already playing will join in.

Please contact us if you and or your guild would consider a move to Tarnished Coast.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


Still looking for a few guilds who are looking for a fresh start on a very dedicated server. We are primarily looking for guilds who can cover our late night/early morning times as during the NA prime time we are already very competitive.

If you or your guild are thinking about making a transfer somewhere that you would make a huge difference, please give Tarnished Coast a good look and feel free to contact me in game with the character Madember or go to our webpage.


Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


With the new server matchups this week it gives everyone a fresh start. As always, Tarnished Coast will put up one hell of a fight and we’re still looking for a few guilds to come over. You’ll have a server with a community like no other whose guilds have a never quit attitude.

In particular, we are looking for guilds to fill out our non-North American prime time hours. If you are a guild looking for a fresh start on a very competitive server where you will be able to have a huge impact by helping during our off-hours, please send me a message here or in game (Madember) to ask any questions you may have.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


This week it looks like Tarnished Coast is going to win and get bumped back up to Tier 3. We are still looking for more overnight presence to help defend what we’ve taken during the day. We still don’t have enough overnight presence to win in the Tier 3 bracket and we also don’t have any queues during that time. If you’re an Oceanic or EU guild looking to move to a server with what is know as the best community in the game and where you would also have the best impact for a server… Tarnished Coast is a fantastic choice.

You can ask anyone who plays on Tarnished Coast, the community is like no other. The people playing in WvW have a ‘never quit’ attitude. You can read previous weeks WvW threads to see compliments by the opposition even when we lose in higher brackets, they’re all amazed at how we just keep coming back.

Send me a message here or in game (Madember) if you’d like to know more.

We are looking for either individual players, or whole guilds to move over.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Aceris.3597


Alodar/Madember speaks the truth. TC is a great place to be, especially for WvW. Some great guilds and alliances, good WvW coordination, and all while having a fun time!

I also hear rumors of Alo/Mad making cookies for people who transfer over.

Bloodgale Vanguard – www.vanguardgaming.com
Tarnished Coast
http://tl-dr.ca – Where gamers and information collide

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


This is true. I have also offered to buy beer for those following my Commander Icon for all their hard work and effort they put in.

One of the stipulations however that is saving me is that you must come to me to get your beer… apparently nobody else on my server is from Vancouver so it’s saved me a few rounds.

The offer still stands!

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Jado Cast.1805

Jado Cast.1805

I’m on Blackgate, and we placed TC last week. I play mostly during NA primetime, and I can tell you they have some great and skilled guilds/players. We had one guy come over and duel me from the other team, while my buddy’s backed up. No one interfered, and we went at it, which was fun as hell. They get their coverage straight and more organization, they will move up.

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


This is true. I have also offered to buy beer for those following my Commander Icon for all their hard work and effort they put in.

One of the stipulations however that is saving me is that you must come to me to get your beer… apparently nobody else on my server is from Vancouver so it’s saved me a few rounds.

The offer still stands!

Hey, I’m from Vancouver.

East Van represent!

(And I have a hollow leg).

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: penatbater.4710


Sometimes its a bit difficult to get organized without the blue dorito (or sometimes the overabundance of blue doritos). Just a few hours ago, we went from around 550-600 to about 350 losing majority of our hold in Eternal BG, mostly due to disorganization and lack of a clear leader. Eventually, we got back alot (Idk now, I’m out of the game already), but this jsut goes to show that despite the praise, tc still has a long way to go to be a top-tier server.

Shout out to Odinzu, I can’t wait to be part of the Odinzerg again!

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: HenryAu.7523


This is true. I have also offered to buy beer for those following my Commander Icon for all their hard work and effort they put in.

One of the stipulations however that is saving me is that you must come to me to get your beer… apparently nobody else on my server is from Vancouver so it’s saved me a few rounds.

The offer still stands!

Hey, I’m from Vancouver.

East Van represent!

(And I have a hollow leg).

Wait wait… So you mean I could’ve gotten free beer?! I guess I should spend less time in EB and find out which BL and time Alodar.5794 leads. I have followed you briefly but normally that’s just waiting for my EB queue to pop.

- Hella Firestarter, occasionally naked scout

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


This is true. I have also offered to buy beer for those following my Commander Icon for all their hard work and effort they put in.

One of the stipulations however that is saving me is that you must come to me to get your beer… apparently nobody else on my server is from Vancouver so it’s saved me a few rounds.

The offer still stands!

Hey, I’m from Vancouver.

East Van represent!

(And I have a hollow leg).

I grew up in East Van… but live downtown now.

It’s too bad you weren’t around when I was offering to buy drinks! Hopefully next time

I’ll have to add you to friends so I know when you are on…. so I know when it’s safe to keep offering beer!

As anyone who is reading this thread can see. We have a great community like atmopshere on Tarnished Coast. It’s the ‘mature’ server so to speak, but filled with people looking to partake in all activities in the game. WvW is where my guild is focused, and we’re looking to help organize the night presence on the server.

Whether you’re a solo player, or a guild who is looking for a better server to call home, send me a message here or in game (Madember).

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Fel.8195


This is true. I have also offered to buy beer for those following my Commander Icon for all their hard work and effort they put in.

One of the stipulations however that is saving me is that you must come to me to get your beer… apparently nobody else on my server is from Vancouver so it’s saved me a few rounds.

The offer still stands!

The second stipulation, is that it does not apply to other commanders. When he put out that offer, I offered to bring my entire group south to rally up with him, until he pointed out that I did not qualify to get free beer :P I understand it may have not been a smart strategic move to leave the north front undefended… but, free beer!

On a serious note (beer is serious too), TC is the best server around. Every single person on the map is working together to do what is best for the server. No egos, no drama. The coordination/team work between commanders is top notch, and the server’s morale is always high, regardless of the score.

Our night crew is definitely growing, and they are a superb bunch of people. I have run with many of them during late night/early morning (NA EST time for me), and our night crew knows how to have fun. If anyone is interested in discussing a transfer, or finding an oceanic guild on TC, please let us know.


(edited by Fel.8195)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


I have recently been contacted by a decent sized guild from another server who plan on making the switch to Tarnished Coast. If we were to get a couple more, we would have a very good night crew.

Looking primarily for non NA peak time guilds who are looking for a great server with a strong community. People have nothing but great things to say about this server.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


Still looking for a couple more guilds or some solo players to move over that primarily play during our off peak ours here in NA. You’d have the benefit of a very strong daytime group to pass off towers, etc and also zero queue times at those hours.

As noted many times in this thread and many others, TC has by far the best community going. The people playing on this server flocked here because of the ‘mature’ nature that comes with being the unofficial RP server. You rarely even see the RP’ing, but it does attract a more mature crowd who seem to be much more inclined to work with each other to win battles. There is very little in the way of arguing in WvW. People just simply work together.

We’re looking for those on other servers who are looking for a change or fresh start.

Those that are playing overseas… we want to talk to you.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


Still looking for one or two more guilds that are primarily playing during non-NA peak times. If you’re someone or a guild who operates primarily between the hours of 11pm pst and 2pm pst and are looking for a fresh start on what is widely known as a terrific server with a great mature userbase… consider coming to Tarnished Coast.

Still no queue times during those hours.

If you have any questions regarding the server, please send me a messasge.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Zoula.5139


But no fatties.

Zoula Frostmane
<Bloodgale Vanguard>

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: RileyTheRad.8542


…And there goes our credibility. ^

Hoopa doopa.

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


Still looking for a couple of quality guilds who primarily play in North America’s off peak hours to come over and help with our overnight and early morning groups. There are still no Queues during these times.

Tarnished Coast, as has been pointed out in many threads, has by far the best community of any NA server. The maturity on this server is much higher than that of other server due to the nature. The cooperation between guilds is unmatched.

We are looking for guilds who are able to fill the overnight/early morning time slot for WvW and are looking for a fresh start.

Don’t wait until our server shows ‘full’ 24 hours a day. Spots are filling up fast and the window will be quickly closing.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: jayderyu.3751


Hey Alodar, your seriously in Vancouver huh. Well I suppose next time your offering beer I should be in on that :P. It’s been great running with you a number of times

I have to back up Alodar/Madember. The TC community is pretty good. As the unnoficiall collection of RPers it’s helped with the cooperation and attracted less of the online screamers when things go wrong. There have been a few arguments(ok i’ve only seen one), but it wasn’t long lived and both parties continued to fight.

I admit I absolutely love the TC server :P

Also to Alodar. Be careful I really don’t want to end up being another NSP, ET, HoD and Blackgate where we get a massive influx of many large alliances

So you do apparently play with other Vancouverites from the lower rainland. I may now even be tempted to be multi guilded now if the SL is still recruiting :P

oh and Fel was right. It only counts for the people running with him. As I was running North with Fel our squad was left out of the beer

I don’t need no stinking signature.

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

If a bunch of elitests transfer here from big alliances, then they will either… A: learn how to mesh with our cooperative and mature community or B: bang their heads repeatedly against desks as they fail to be listened to by any part of our militia or Day 1 guilds.

I’m not too concerned about it, really. I’ve also not had any problems with oceanic guilds that I’ve come across. Really, they could only help us in staying in the higher tiers where combat is more competitive 24/7. It would be good that we don’t drop into the lower tiers and just womp on people for an entire week.

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: qsaimik.1347


I’m new player here and was looking for a server to join. Sounds like I have my answer. See you guys on TC.

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Slick Ling.6451

Slick Ling.6451

IGN: Validi
Class: Guardian
Gear: Full exotic w/weapon
Underwater gear: Masterwork

I don’t mind playing support guardian in the front or back lines. I am more comfortable on the front lines though.

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


We are still looking for people to play during the off peak hours for North America. Any people playing during European or Oceanic peak time would be more than welcome. Please feel free to contact me in game as we are looking for people/guilds to help defend during our off peak hours.

If you or your guild are looking for a fantastic server that is quickly being recognized as the most mature server with the best ‘community’ like feel to it, I would suggest you contact us about a move to Tarnished Coast.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Zynthetic.2954


So do we have a full listing of all WvW guilds on the server anywhere? Preferably complete with guild numbers, what time they play at, play styles and a list of commanders in the guild.

Would be helpful for those looking to find guilds that suit their times and play styles, or which guild their favorite commander is in.

Tarnished Coast - Principality of New Katulus [PiNK]
Commander Zynergise – 80 Hammer Guardian

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


We do not have a full list of guilds that play during those times… I don’t even know if creating an accurate listing would be possible.

Tarnished Coast is still looking for people who play during our off peak hours. As we are often full during the NA peak times, we do not require more people during those times. However, during our late night and early morning times, we could still use more people. We have picked up a few small guilds and could use some more.

For more info, please contact me us in game or visit our website.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Zynthetic.2954


Well getting all the member guilds of the Alliance War Council to register on http://www.gw2guilds.org/ would at least be a good start. A lot of our major guilds aren’t listed.

Tarnished Coast - Principality of New Katulus [PiNK]
Commander Zynergise – 80 Hammer Guardian

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Boom.9304


Registering certainly helps! And so does forum visibility for those not recruiting in LA.

Alodar thanks for all your hard work. Here’s to a fresh match beginning this eve – start your engines!

Boomkins / Ayvaree
Bringer of Hellfire & “Dirtnapping Diva”
Leader, Transcendent Veneration [TV] – Tarnished Coast

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Zynthetic.2954


Also if those guilds that do register write a post in this thread as well, that would be great. The more exposure for both guild and server, the better.

Well, so long as we don’t get the bandwagoners when we hit (or if we even get to) tier 1.

Tarnished Coast - Principality of New Katulus [PiNK]
Commander Zynergise – 80 Hammer Guardian

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


You got it… another message looking for more people for our overnight coverage.

Whether you’re just a player in NA who plays the graveyard shift or you’re playing from overseas, Tarnished Coast is looking to add more WvW’ers to cover our off-peak hours.

If you’re looking for a fantastic server with a great community… look no further.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


This weeks WvW is coming to an end. We still have lots of room for late night players or Euro/Oceanic guilds and players that want to move to what is considered to be the best server based on community. Have a look at previous posts on the thread. Everyone has tremendous things to say about the TC community and our determination to keep on fighting against all odds.

We are currently the top server in Tier 3.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post here, message me on the forums or in game. You can also contact us on our website (www.shadowlegion.net)

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


I have to fully agree with everything stated in this thread.

A small group of close friends and me transferred from Blackgate to TC. The first night out, we had a 6 man group just harassing an enemy tower for fun (20 man enemy zerg protecting too lol!). While we were doing this, a another small group of players from TC strolled up to us, stopped, and said hey, whats up?

I almost fell out of my chair!! I had NEVER had anyone say Hi to me in general chat. So casual, so friendly. It was very refreshing lol.

But yes, we have awesome coverage all around except during Oceanic hours. Please only join if you plan on making this a permanent home though.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

(edited by DivineBeing.2086)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Karuna.1357


Just adding my +1 to this. Tarnished Coast has one of the best player communities in the game, and you get to avoid a lot of the excess baggage that other upper-tier servers seem to have.

It would be great to see TC get the extra little bit of coverage it needs to where the server can start to hold its own with just about anyone.

Guild Leader/Commander, the Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]
Tarnished Coast

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Sinfullysweet.4517


Agreed this is one of the best community based server that I have ever been on. Everyone rallies up, has fun, and jokes around while doing strategic moves. (Asuran Squad Mafia!)

We have our military moments, but they are determined to get the job done while having fun.

So inc transfers we welcome you, as long as you contribute to the great community we have!

Goodluck and Have fun!
Sin the Explosive/Sin the Insane/Sin the Potent/Sinfully Sweet/Onyxeyi/Goddess of Decay/Earthwind and Fire/Silent and Sinful of [CRZY]

Current Home: Yaks Bend Former Home: Maguuma/TC/SBI
Sin’s Characters on Gw2efficiency

(edited by Sinfullysweet.4517)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


Yet again Tarnished Coast finds itself in a very competitive matchup. The Tier 3 bracket seems to be excellent for battles 24/7. With Tarnished Coasts never say die attitude, you’ll find players staying up very late to keep competitive. We’re looking for more players who play late and night to keep the pressure going.

Whether you’re a NA player who is usually playing until the wee hours of the morning or a player from Europe or on Oceanic time, the Tarnished Coast server would be a perfect fit for you.

Please read the previous posts in this thread to get an indication of how much those that have already moved over are enjoying the server. The people of Tarnished Coast really make this game that much more enjoyable. The players have really pulled together, there is little drama, and we are extremely competitive.

And as far as queue times go, if they occur, they are usually very short.

If you’re looking to move servers to one that is either higher in tier and more competitive, or from a higher tier to a lower one that has lower queue times and a far better player community, then please feel free to contact us or you can visit our website and leave me a message if you have any further questions.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: xtorma.1283


SoS should move over to Tarnished Coast!

We’ve had some great battles against you guys and when it’s getting late for us and you guys are starting to come on and the numbers are even there have been some great battles.

If you just moved over to Tarnished Coast, we’d be WAAAAYYY up there in the standings.

Madember (In game)
The Shadow Legion

SoS is already in tier 1, why do they need you?

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: ykyk.2740


SoS should move over to Tarnished Coast!

We’ve had some great battles against you guys and when it’s getting late for us and you guys are starting to come on and the numbers are even there have been some great battles.

If you just moved over to Tarnished Coast, we’d be WAAAAYYY up there in the standings.

Madember (In game)
The Shadow Legion

SoS is already in tier 1, why do they need you?

The post you quoted was made a MONTH ago. That was not long after TC beat SoS 1.0, before they got the massive transfers that made them tier 1. Context and reading, please.

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Ireniicus.2167


Coming from a YBer it is always a pleasure playing against TC. (ps same cannot be said for FA)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


If you or your guild are still looking for a server to call home and generally play during the non-peak hours of North America, then Tarnished Coast is probably a server you want to give serious consideration. Already known for having by far the best player community given the nature of the server (Unofficial Roleplaying Server). The server is full of mature players who work well together to complete common goals. This spills over into WvW where the players of Tarnished Coast are known for their never give up attitude. Every server that we have faced in the past has given TC props for never giving up and always fighting until the final moments and a new start every friday.

We are looking more to fill in during our down times. If you play generally between 10pm – 4pm the next day, we are looking for you.

As you can see by previous comments left in this thread, you will not regret your decision to move to Tarnished Coast.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


Aye, we be a mighty fine crew on da Tarnished Coast. We be ready n’ wit open arms ta take all lads and lubbers willin’ ta fight for da cause!

Tarnished Coast [TC]

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


Still looking for a few more guilds or individual players for Tarnished Coast. Read the comments in the thread so far. Nobody that has transferred over has regretted it. The server is very competitive and mature.

If you or your guild are looking to make a move to a new server for WvW, Tarnished Coast is looking for a few more to round out our ranks.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: ThaOwner.7560


Just a bump for my awesome server, always looking forward to new faces (or names) on the battlefield!

For the Coast!

Tybstra| Everything Purple [EP] | Maguuma

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


Still looking for more people to come over and help cover our overnight WvW timeslots. We have a fantastic server as you can see by the messages posted in this forum and we’re looking to add some solid people to help keep our numbers up over night. Send me a message here or in game if you’re wanting to know more.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Karuna.1357


Amongst the top 10 servers this is the friendliest WvW crew that you could hope to find, and with some extra coverage we can spread the awesomeness even further . . that’s right, spread the awesomeness.

This is where some other servers go awry. They worry simply about coverage, whereas we are interested in spreading the awesomeness.

Guild Leader/Commander, the Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]
Tarnished Coast

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Nethril.7413


Amongst the top 10 servers this is the friendliest WvW crew that you could hope to find, and with some extra coverage we can spread the awesomeness even further . . that’s right, spread the awesomeness.

This is where some other servers go awry. They worry simply about coverage, whereas we are interested in spreading the awesomeness.

This is a great server! My guild transferred here after getting fed up with some of the shenanigans in WvW on our old server and we’ve never looked back.

Zyrith – Thief | Morden Krad – Guardian | Nethril – Warrior
[ACEN] Ascension | Tarnished Coast

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


We are glad to have anyone who wishes to be part of our community and help in WvW.

Tarnished Coast is doing better at all times of the day, but we still have room for more. During our prime time hours we have only a short Queue time and usually by 10pm until late the following morning there is no queue time for any of the maps.

If you’re still looking for a fantastic server, Tarnished Coast could still use some more players. We are a very healthy server that would like to add more people to become more competitive for a long time to come.

Please read for previous posts from others who have made the switch.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

Tarnished Coast looking for a few more for our late night crew!

in Guilds

Posted by: Alodar.5794


Tarnished Coast is still looking for a few more players to help cover at all hours of the day.

Without constantly repeated everything that I’ve said in the thread already, Tarnished Coast is looked at as having by far the best player community in the game. We are looking to add more WvW’ers to our mix. During peak hours our queue times are 5-10 minutes max, and usually only on one or two of the maps.

We could use more players at all times of the day however our focus is to bring in more players for overnight/early morning coverage.

Send me a message here or add me (Madember) as a friend in game and talk to me there about moving over to Tarnished Coast.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)