The Farstar Alliance- EU- Gandara- PVX/Mature

The Farstar Alliance- EU- Gandara- PVX/Mature

in Guilds

Posted by: Trodas Taranis.6401

Trodas Taranis.6401

The Farstar Alliance is a guild where older MMORPG players can find a place to call home.

Where characters can group together, be it for PvE or WvW, without someone screaming at them that they broke the latest strategy, or they had to log out in the middle of things because the baby is crying.

Where people new to the game can ask questions, without being made to feel silly or like they are bothering the “Elite”.

Where the overriding sentiment is a willingness to help others, whether that’s with quests, advice or crafting them some better kit, and where people who enjoy roleplaying their way through the game’s content can do so without fear of being ridiculed (you want to watch all the cinematics and read all the quest dialog – you do it).

And above all, since a video game is not (and should not be) a second job, our guild is a place where people play to have fun, and play only as long as they are still enjoying it.

If you are:

> Friendly
> A casual gamer
> An adult gamer with responsibilities
> Playing for fun
> Enjoy helping others
> Enjoy the occasional dungeon run or WvW encounter
> Like to work out how to do things, sometimes the hard way
> Enjoy a mature ‘adult’ ambiance, along with a bit of light hearted banter

Then The Farstar Alliance is a guild you may like to join.

Who we are:

The Farstar Alliance was originally formed by the merger of four guilds in Star Wars: The Old Republic, although many of us had already played other games together even before that. In fact, the MMO history of some goes back to the early hours of Ultima Online. We were also one of the first guilds to form on the GW2 Gandara EU server and have maintained a strong presence there ever since.

We don’t have an open ended membership policy but we do aim to maintain sufficient numbers to be able to organise regular dungeon runs and forays into WvW for those who want it.

How to join us:

Head to our recruitment forum (read the stickies before posting!):

The Farstar Alliance – a PvX guild for mature players
EU – Gandara server

The Farstar Alliance- EU- Gandara- PVX/Mature

in Guilds

Posted by: Korrigan.4837


One of the finest bunch of people I’ve had the honor to play with in a MMORPG. If you look for a place with mature people, look no further, you’ve found it.

The Farstar Alliance [TFA] – Gandara Server.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.

The Farstar Alliance- EU- Gandara- PVX/Mature

in Guilds

Posted by: Trodas Taranis.6401

Trodas Taranis.6401

If you’re a mature European gamer in a small guild where you frequently find you’re the only one online, maybe it’s time to move on. Please consider joining The Farstar Alliance. One of the first guilds on Gandara and still going strong.

The Farstar Alliance – a PvX guild for mature players
EU – Gandara server

The Farstar Alliance- EU- Gandara- PVX/Mature

in Guilds

Posted by: Trodas Taranis.6401

Trodas Taranis.6401

Another player is leaving his old guild for ours just this morning. If you’re in a small guild that’s getting smaller and want to actually have other guild members online when you are, please apply today.

The Farstar Alliance – a PvX guild for mature players
EU – Gandara server

The Farstar Alliance- EU- Gandara- PVX/Mature

in Guilds

Posted by: Korrigan.4837


If you look for an European guild for casual/adult players without any obligation but with an active community and people online all the time, look no further, TFA is the place to be.

The Farstar Alliance [TFA] – Gandara Server.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.

The Farstar Alliance- EU- Gandara- PVX/Mature

in Guilds

Posted by: Trodas Taranis.6401

Trodas Taranis.6401

If you are the person who applied to join our forums within the past 24 hours using a name beginning with X and ending in R, your forum registration has been approved. I tried sending an in-game email but the name isn’t known. I haven’t printed the full name as another guild will probably try to poach you

If anyone else is interested, please supply your exact in-game name when applying to TFA as it makes it easier for us to contact you if necessary.

The Farstar Alliance – a PvX guild for mature players
EU – Gandara server

(edited by Moderator)

The Farstar Alliance- EU- Gandara- PVX/Mature

in Guilds

Posted by: Korrigan.4837


You can also give a shout to Trodas or me in game if you want more information about the guild!

The Farstar Alliance [TFA] – Gandara Server.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.

The Farstar Alliance- EU- Gandara- PVX/Mature

in Guilds

Posted by: joneb.5679


Guild events planned and new recruits welcome. Come be bounty hunters with us. Our jumping puzzle sessions are hilarious, have a laugh. Do dungeon running and run amok with us in WvWvW. We have few rules but be as mature as a gamer can be ;-) . Flaming is only for eles and engineers and cough anyone else with a fiery weapon or spell of-course cough . We do like humour though. Humour is good if its good humour. OK I know the writing is bad but its late I’m tired and bed is waiting (obviously its not actually waiting but..well..ach you know what I mean)
I hope to see ya in game. Night Night.

I use forums to give my opinions but I mostly avoid discussing over
them due to those less than polite individuals out there and their offensive attitude.

The Farstar Alliance- EU- Gandara- PVX/Mature

in Guilds

Posted by: Trodas Taranis.6401

Trodas Taranis.6401

We’ve recently started doing the guild bounties and aim to make it a regular fixture. Come along and join the fun!

The Farstar Alliance – a PvX guild for mature players
EU – Gandara server

The Farstar Alliance- EU- Gandara- PVX/Mature

in Guilds

Posted by: drunknmunkky.4867


The Farstar Alliance would like to welcome our latest recruit Deathbound (all the way from sunny Israel no less).

Now, if you happen to be looking for a new guild then think on us.
Clean, Wormed and Well Groomed is a good description of us in general.
We do all the things most guilds do:

Guild Boublahs
Blah Blah
anyway i’m sure you get the picture. =)

So if you fancy bounding around Tyria showing off your new TFA glossy coat and
burying bones in Orr get in touch, we won’t bite…much.

Right enough of the Dog analo RABBIT

ps. we are a supposed Mature(ish) guild.
pps. No Rabbits were harmed in this post.

Ol’ Bugger
EU Gandara Server