(edited by Rouks.2593)
Hello! I am Ryn Firemane, and I am one of the illustrious leader of The Merry Band of Gentlemen! If you’ve clicked on our post, it is surely because you were attracted by our unique, totally original, and fantastically manly guild name.
If you’ve clicked because you are interested in joining an amazing guild on the Maguuma server, I can help you with that too. We started out as a merry group of lads that became acquainted through various other games, over the years, our numbers have grown, changed, and on occasion split. But we still have that same sense of genuine camaraderie that got us playing together in the first place. In fact, if your one of those people who are allergic to laughter, and having a good time, or one of those lilly-nannied, woose-looked, brombillows, then we will literally kill you, you will die…. Laughing.
Now for the part that you really do need to know. Were active, we have a core of around 10-15 (subject to change due to holiday/time of reading) that play literally everyday from 5 pm eastern until about 2 am eastern. Were ambitious, we’ve gotten most of the guild upgrades ( wont bother listing the do’s and dont’s by the time you read this they will have changed ). We do dungeons almost nightly, and schedule bigger longer runs most weekends in which we push our limits and complete multiple runs.
Aside from running dungeons, we interact with our newer recruits in many other ways, from providing helpful advice and tips on character building (when asked for, no over bearing class education here) to more in depth companionship as you journey throughout Tyria. On occasion we have been known to gather in large numbers and “smash” a zone (Move around in a large laughing zerg maniacally eliminating every targetable entity)
In our down time we strive for economic/explorative/completionist/WVWVW excellence, so if thats your thing we can not only help you out but give first person accounts of our experiences in said region.
Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten pvp. Yeah, we do that too. We actually have members that have lvl’ed 1-80 with nothing but wvw and single pvp, even participating in, and winning a fair amount of tournaments. On occasion we have been known to “smash” a WVW map, with mixed success!
I suppose after covering the game related articles its time to mention our communication. We chat primarily via Teamspeak, but if your not such a vocal individual or are lacking a mic, we actually do look at guild chat too.
To sum this all up:
Dungeon Runs
World Versus Worlvd versus World
… We do all of those things!
So, if this sounds good to you, come chat with us! (Due to various concerned individuals the teamspeak IP will not be added to this post. If you want to troll us, you’ll have to join our guild! >:P)
P.S. You can contact me via in-game mail to ensure i receive your interests!
P.S.S If you decide to mail me, say your going to do so on this post! It helps keep us in the spotlight!
(edited by Rouks.2593)
Thank all of you who have expressed interest in our intrepid band of raucous-men >:D (See what I did there? Yeah… thats probably going to be a running theme here :P)
As one clever new member of the Gentlemen revealed to me, you may very easily get into contact with me via the in-game mail system! Thank you Holgar Strauss for this brilliant innovation! (I’ll admit… should have dawned on me sooner >.<)
There’s a lot of awesome coordination for the World Versus World aspect of the guild. A lot of significant captures outside of the main horde for Maguuma. If we had more to collaborate with, I think Maguuma would be on top more often!
Just sent you a manly application!
One manly application accepted!
If you aren’t currently on Maguuma, we would encourage you to join Maguuma while server transfers are still free! Thank you!
Do you take applications from merry ladies?
We absolutely take applications from Merry Ladies! We have a few female players already! (about average number given todays population distribution among mmo’s) I’ll send you an invite immediately!
Yea! Merry Ladies! Lend me your ears! Come hither and join in the ranks of the Merry Men! We can pull off the tights better than they can anyway
No, but really, I honestly haven’t been in a cooler guild. My friend bugged me and bugged me to join, and I liked their name so I got thrown an invite. I haven’t regretted it, and have made some good friends. Even when we aren’t playing GW2, we usually hang out and joke around. It’s worth it to hang out with us…. the shenanigans are usually pretty awesome.
hey im brand new to the game, still dling actually, and decided to find a guild of players where i can quickly learn from. im a dedicated player as long as i have ppl around me that make it fun. ill be intouch as soon as i make finish dling and start my toon. cheers
Due to the approach of holidays, traveling, and general Real-life merriment associated with this cheerful time of year, numbers in the guild are going to be at a yearly low, please keep in mind this will be the norm until the holidays come to a close, in which case our numbers will again grow as everyone returns to a more regular schedule! Thank you for your understanding!
Just shot an email to Ryn, curious about joining.
As our gentlemen swept over the fields crushing our enemies, seeing them driven before us. Hearing the lamentation of their women! A glorious victory! GLORIOUS VICTORY! Those Ettins never saw it coming,
Hello! I am Ryn Firemane! And may i just note that our little community has been bolstered quite a bit by our recent additions! Our accomplishments are pushing the limits of what even I thought possible for our group. Our progress and prosperity is due to all of you, for even if you aren’t a Merry-Man, you’re reading this, and you yet may be!
Join up, join up, the Merry Band is where you wanna be!
Hello good sir, I would like to join in some jolly fun!
I will sending an in game mail to you Ryn as i might be interested if the Merry band is still recruiting
We are in fact still recruiting! Actively! Feel free to pm me or mail me or even respond on the forums! I check all of them everyday!
Hey guys I’m one of the leaders of MBoG and would like to remind you guys that we are still recruiting and would love to have any and all of you in our wonderful guild/gaming community! What are you waiting for!? Come play with us, already!
One Merry-Man just sent some Merry-Mail to Dragon and Rouks. Looking forward to the possibility of Shenanigans, Hoop-la, Diggery-do, and some WvWvW wouldn’t hurt either! Seems like a great community, hoping to talk to you guys soon. Thank you for your time.
To all of those wondering souls out there looking for a great group of players to team up with – MBoG is certainly worth considering. I had the honor of joining their ranks yesterday and spent the day conversing with multiple guild members through chat and TeamSpeak and traveling the countryside in WvW with the Gentlemen. Really excited to be a part of this crew, come check us out!
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