The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: Cakewalk.2064


I agree with pretty much everything you have said here. As a husband and a father of two teenage girls I am aware of, and often embarrassed by, how some men act. However, I also tend to think that our pain threshold has been reduced to the point these days that everyone is offended by something pretty much 24/7. I usually tend to let most stuff roll off my back.

Nevertheless, I agree that a level of respect is due to everyone simply based on their existence. However, it is a fact of competition that occasionally you have to say to someone (respectfully) “You suck”. lol

You’re right. Doesn’t hurt me or anyone else for this guild to exist. I guess I only commented because the need for it, to whatever degree there is an actual need for it, reflects some things IRL that I generally don’t like.

Let Them Eat Cake!
Cakewalk-GM of Infernal Gamers

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: Kai.5138


Hi everyone, just thought your guild idea was a cool idea. My husband and I have our own family here on GW2 even though ours is very new, but if any of you would like to chat or possibly rp in the future we’re on Stormbluff Isle so if anyone wants to add me as a friend regardless of your server feel free. Good luck with your family. Cheers.

Thank you very much for your support and we appreciate your offer! We are more than happy to RP even cross-server. Best of luck to as well

Eukai – Sylvari Ranger & Riskai – Sylvari Guardian
{Serenity and Scars on Tarnished Coast}

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: Kai.5138


I respect to the fullest extent both you Kaii and Cakewalk for having your opinions on this and thank you in fact for posting.

I suppose what I do struggle to make people see is the fact that we aren’t men haters or anything of that sort. I don’t believe any guild founded on hate or founded to hurt people should exist.. most of the people who are posting saying they don’t believe we should exist don’t really explain why they feel that way other than they think it is sad that “it has come to this point” but what I want to defend is that we do have a right to exist since we aren’t hurting anyone and we aren’t saying that every co-ed guild is a bad place to be – we’re just saying we like the atmosphere that we provide and we are able to enjoy our game at least guild-wise free of the perversion and harassment we have encountered many a time.

Eukai – Sylvari Ranger & Riskai – Sylvari Guardian
{Serenity and Scars on Tarnished Coast}

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: Kai.5138


“I thought MMO’s were about content, pvp, dungeons, interacting with other people, etc. I guess I was wrong.”

To address this sentence, Cakewalk, I would just like to say that enjoying the game is all we are trying to do.

The Sisterhood isn’t trying to make a revolution or even stir the pot.. we just want to find other like-minded players and have a little safe haven to go to. It’s not like being in the guild secludes you from map chat or other players in the world, so it’s existence just elevates the fun we have and eliminates the majority of our headaches.

Eukai – Sylvari Ranger & Riskai – Sylvari Guardian
{Serenity and Scars on Tarnished Coast}

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: slafko.1807


What baffles me most is the “18+” requirement. If the guild is about giving women a place free from all the inappropriate jokes, shouldn’t the younger women be included too? I mean, it’s not like they’re not subjected to the same thing you’re hiding from. Besides, a woman older than 18 should be perfectly able to put sexist commenters in their place. Not to mention being on terms with herself and her sexuality. Basically, she won’t be needing any kind of group protection and backup for she is intelligent enough to stand her own ground. Strong women ftw. Herds of sheep? Not so much.

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: AbbieCarrington.4653


Yeah, Slafko…my thought is, it makes you look ignorant to talk about things you have no experience with. Every woman in this guild has tried standing up for herself. When men turn into trolls, they tend to gang up and do so en masse and defend each other’s privilege to tear a woman down. The woman always ends up losing in that situation. Her intelligence and character is entirely irrelevant.

Our guild is a safe zone, period. It’s the way we want to do things, and we’re successful, period. What we’re doing works and we’re happy.


~Archcleric of the Order~
The Sisterhood – Piken Square

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: Kai.5138


Slafko – I am usually a very patient person but your post has no place here because it in itself is sexist and ignorant. Arguing with your horrible point would be like talking to a wall. Please think before you type.

Shalmont – “The Guild sub-forum is to publicize your guild or to find a guild.” – Straight from the description of what this sub-forum is for. I am taking to high-road here and ask you to stop posting what you assume we are when you know nothing about the members of our guild or the members on our forum (male and female).

Eukai – Sylvari Ranger & Riskai – Sylvari Guardian
{Serenity and Scars on Tarnished Coast}

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: Kahna.1026


I was wondering how long it would take for someone to start trolling the recruitment thread.

I’m not going to speak for everyone in the guild but here’s why I applied: I play games to have fun, and misogyny and homophobia are not fun. In order to get the most out of the social aspects of GW2 and maximize my fun, it makes sense to me to play with people who will never subject me to behavior that I have to put up with everywhere else.

I’m not sure why the concept of a safe space is so hard for some people to grasp.

Aoileann » Sylvari Mesmer
[ Serenity and Scars ] of Tarnished Coast

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: Mandar.9813


HERE COMES THE SPEECH (From a female who does not approve :P)

I was at first intrigued by the idea of a “sisterhood” guild. Being a female gamer myself, and of course always being used to feeling like I am playing in a man’s world, I thought I’d at least see what y’all are about.

After reading this I was just thinking “What the HECK am I missing?”. Honestly, the first question that came to my mind was “what are you girls doing that is bringing on the scorn of men?”. I have never once felt the way you describe feeling, and while surely it is your prerogative to feel that way, it just makes me wonder what you are doing in-game that is causing the feedback you are getting. I never EVER point out my gender unless someone becomes a buddy and continues to call me “dude”, and sometimes even then I ignore it. Put it this way, unless you are representing yourself as very feminist and “guys can be such jerks” in-game, I don’t see why guys would be particularly crass…at least any more than is usual for our testosterone-filled counterparts.

I like playing with guys, and frankly I appreciate the no-nonsense sense of, and sometimes ridiculous, humor I get from them. I always feel bad when I make a facetious comment that clearly leaves them thinking they have offended me. I think female gamers have a reputation of being more sensitive and “prude-ish” and quite frankly, when I get online to play with the boys, I wanna be treated like one of the boys. Why? Because I have dealt with enough feminist politics everywhere else.

It’s so ironic that you say you want DRAMA free, because I don’t think you can really attribute that to guys. Guys can be crass, and they sure as hell will latch on to a weakness if they see one, because they want to win, but they are otherwise drama free. This whole SISTERHOOD guild just smacks of drama. You are dramatizing the need to give females a special place, and dramatizing the stigma of being a female player in a male-dominated realm. Guys are NOT about drama. Being a tool and being a drama-queen are two distinctly different things.

Making a female online guild that seems to suggest that the vast majority of men in gaming are pigs is like saying females want a special treatment while gaming. That’s like walking into a bar and asking the men not to curse while you are there, and setting up a special roped-off corner for the women who only want other women and sensitive men to enter, but at the same time want to feel like they can go have a drink with the bros. It doesn’t work that way, ladies.

It just seems silly to take the “Sisterhood” thing as far as you seem to have. I think having a women’s guild that is there so that women bond over a love of gaming is a great idea. Women in gaming who have similar appreciation for the same things in life = great! Making a guild that is about bonding over exorcizing a certain type of male-player is just too far. Women bonding because so many male-gamers are such big jerks=ummm…need a tissue? or maybe a reality check?….

With all that said, I am sure you will humbly thank me for my opinion and of course reserve the right to have your own. More power to you; that is your prerogative and your right after all. Ultimately it will accomplish your goal of having a guild of like-minded women and (maybe? men – despite your many proclamations of being women-only but saying you will accept a very certain type of man int your ranks). I just wanted to represent another portion of the female population that likes things just the way they are, and want to give you some insight in the off chance that maybe you wanted to come off as a little less extremist in your attempts, because, as I said, the concept of a female-bonding guild is nifty….IF you get rid of all the anti-most-male-gamers-who-don’t-appreciate-your-special-womanly-sensitivities thing. We’re all equal, and gaming can sometimes be just plain dirty.

Your Resident Devil’s Advocate

(edited by Mandar.9813)

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: MissyChrissy.1974


Aw, I would totally join up but I’m on a different server. :/ Also, don’t feed the trolls!

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: Seraki.2753


One of my earliest guilds in another game many years ago was all female and we had a great time. I’m on TC also but just running a guild for my family [ 3 people lol ]. My problem is I’m not only female but old.

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: Kai.5138


At Mandar:

Point #1 – Where did I say that men cause drama? Just because I posted we have a drama-free environment, doesn’t mean I am CLAIMING that men are the ones causing drama. You are assuming this with nothing to back this accusation up with. Does the fact that we say we have a mumble server somehow indicate to you that we think that teamspeak is a worse voice-chat system? The list of what we offer doesn’t have everything to do with men.

Point #2 – By existing we aren’t stopping “crude” people from making their jokes and saying what they want. Why does everything think this? How about we think of it like this.. Map chat is a public area, right? Anyone can use it.. and it’s easy to turn on and off.. We aren’t going into map chat like this lack-luster “bar example” you gave and saying “Stop saying things we don’t like!”.. Guilds you can look at as a more private group – you don’t HAVE to be part of a guild if you don’t want to and the leaders of any guild have the ability to run that guild however they want. It doesn’t effect YOUR game time.

Point #3 – This guild is about so much more than what you already have in your mind that we are. The Sisterhood isn’t about what you are accusing us of. We do bond over all the games we play, daily life and plenty more. Those are the things we discuss and what we relate to each other with.

Point #4 – You may not have had any encounters that made you uncomfortable or unable to enjoy your game to the fullest extent, but just because YOU haven’t, doesn’t mean that other girls haven’t. And by you saying “I don’t know what you’re doing to bring on the scorn of men” just shows me that you are pretty much blaming the victim in this case. If you took the time to ever listen to any man or woman who has experienced unprovoked harassment or unwarranted comments you wouldn’t be so quick to assume THEY are the ones “asking for” the attacks, etc.

Also, I appreciate your view on it but I would like to point out that you are the only person who has ever mentioned that us trying to come off as less extreme might be a “solution”. I do apologize if you think we come off as extreme but we truly are not but let’s be honest here, the trolls and critics would have an issue with us no matter how we came across because of Female Only. That’s what brings them here and that is what gives them what they think is ammo to bash us. I personally don’t see why they take time out of their game to comment non-helpful, negative posts. I could understand more if this sub-forum was made for posting guilds and criticizing them.. but it is not. I understand people have opinions but the ones that are simply “I don’t agree.. you are wrong, this is sad, you are so-and-so (ignorant assumptions), etc etc” don’t make any sense to me. Thank you for taking time to read this and I thank you for your post, as well.

Eukai – Sylvari Ranger & Riskai – Sylvari Guardian
{Serenity and Scars on Tarnished Coast}

(edited by Kai.5138)

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: Kai.5138


MissyChrissy: Aww, well thank you for your post anyways and if you do decide you’d be okay with transferring to either Tarnished Coast or Piken Square, drop us an application any time! (Also.. I’m trying not to feed.. but WOW are they hungry!)

Seraki: That’s awesome! I’m glad you had a great experience with your other guild – and if you ever want to send in an application (we don’t care that you’re “old” :P) please do!

You both can find our website in my signature, if you do so choose to take a look

Eukai – Sylvari Ranger & Riskai – Sylvari Guardian
{Serenity and Scars on Tarnished Coast}

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: Azurite.3824


I really support what you’re doing with this guild. I think it’s great that you’ve made a safe haven for women who haven’t been able to find a comfortable gaming environment in other guilds. I haven’t experienced a large amount of sexism in guilds but I’ve certainly experienced crude and insensitive behavior. All the criticism I’ve seen in this thread just proves how much a guild like this is needed.

I haven’t decided whether to join or not but wish you all the best of luck either way.

Azurite Dawn – 80 Human Mesmer – Svanhild – 80 Norn Guardian
Tarnished Coast

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: Kai.5138


I really support what you’re doing with this guild. I think it’s great that you’ve made a safe haven for women who haven’t been able to find a comfortable gaming environment in other guilds. I haven’t experienced a large amount of sexism in guilds but I’ve certainly experienced crude and insensitive behavior. All the criticism I’ve seen in this thread just proves how much a guild like this is needed.

I haven’t decided whether to join or not but wish you all the best of luck either way.

Thank you for your post, Azurite! I appreciate seeing someone who can see past the cloud of bull and see that we have every right to exist. You are always welcome to send in an application – I wish you the best in your search for a guild and thanks for the support!

Eukai – Sylvari Ranger & Riskai – Sylvari Guardian
{Serenity and Scars on Tarnished Coast}

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: RylennTerynget.2897



All of this discussion is great, but please remember that this forum is for, as I quote the Guild Wars 2 Guidelines, “… to publicize your guild or to find a guild.”

Whether you like the idea of our guild or not, this is not the appropriate place to discuss it. PLEASE reserve further comments for interested applicants and questions regarding applying to the guild ONLY.

We get it. There are tons of people that don’t like us, for whatever reason. But we’re not suddenly going to shut down because of all the various dislike and trolling coming our way. If you have a concern or a question, you’re more than welcome to PM us or message us in game.

This is not an opinion thread. This is a guild recruitment thread. That’s it.

Now back to business.

~Abbess of the Vanguard~
The Sisterhood – Piken Square

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: AbbieCarrington.4653


Let me make this clear. We’re not interested in your opinions anymore.

This thread is for RECRUITMENT ONLY. If you must contribute your opinions about our guild, please go start your own thread and do it someplace else. It’s not relevant or helpful here. Otherwise, you risk being reported.

We thank our supporters, but for everyone else, please move along unless you want to talk seriously about recruitment.

It’s that simple.

~Archcleric of the Order~
The Sisterhood – Piken Square

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: Azurite.3824


Thank you for your post, Azurite! I appreciate seeing someone who can see past the cloud of bull and see that we have every right to exist. You are always welcome to send in an application – I wish you the best in your search for a guild and thanks for the support!

Well I just noticed that you require a voice interview so I won’t be joining but good luck in your recruitment.

Azurite Dawn – 80 Human Mesmer – Svanhild – 80 Norn Guardian
Tarnished Coast

The Sisterhood - Recruiting Women 18+

in Guilds

Posted by: Kai.5138


Thank you for your post, Azurite! I appreciate seeing someone who can see past the cloud of bull and see that we have every right to exist. You are always welcome to send in an application – I wish you the best in your search for a guild and thanks for the support!

Well I just noticed that you require a voice interview so I won’t be joining but good luck in your recruitment.

Best of luck in your search, Azurite!

Eukai – Sylvari Ranger & Riskai – Sylvari Guardian
{Serenity and Scars on Tarnished Coast}