The Unnamed [ThUn] - Desolation WvW Guild

The Unnamed [ThUn] - Desolation WvW Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Aeonax.1207


  • Website:
  • Recruitment Status: OPEN for dedicated WvW players (Open to all races/classes.)
  • Region: UK/EU (Anyone outside of these regions can still apply.)
  • Age Requirement: Applicants must be 18 or over.
  • Play-style: Semi-Hardcore / WvW
  • Guild Leader: Benki
  • Officers: Aeonax, Bladeh, Kaboom, Papaganoosh, Phoru, Snort

About Us

The Unnamed is a semi-hardcore European Guild looking to recruit for WvW players. Since beta when being on Desolation, we have moved to Gunnars Hold and then to Blacktide before coming back to Desolation which we believe to be the most consistent server for players and WvW. Our recent move here our focus is 100% on recruiting a WvW force large enough to take on the other zergs and blobbing kittens of tier 1. We’ve been on tier 1 in Blacktide before so we’ve already fought these people before!

Back on GH and BT we roamed WvW in force and did our part in contributing to the WvW effort. We decided to move over to Desolation because the WvW community didn’t feel strong enough for us on BT, and although we had an unbeatable server it was at the sacrifice of the good fights that we are now back to return to our old, yet new home server. We wish to build our numbers up and settle in to our new home in Desolation, helping with the coverage of the WvW maps and contributing to our new server community.

Since regrouping on Desolation we have made it our main goal to focus on WvW in 2013. As of late old and very experienced players that have been a part of The Unnamed before in Warhammer Online are flooding back to GW2 to join us in our efforts. As it stands we don’t WvW on a strict nightly basis due to our smaller numbers, with our official WvW nights being Tuesday and Thursday, but we hope to expand upon that and be present in WvW every day once our roster gets bigger.

If you want to be a part of a guild and community of players who care about WvW and work well as a team while having a good laugh along the way, then The Unnamed will suit you just fine. We are semi-hardcore and we take our WvW seriously, though we also like to have fun with it as well, so we can also be laid back and a great laugh too. We also stick by a rule that real life always comes before in-game.


- When in WvW you must be present on Mumble to listen to commands
- You must always represent The Unnamed when in WvW
- If online, you are required to join our compulsory Tuesday night WvW (RL commitments will be excused)

A Brief History

The Unnamed, originally a UK based guild, has been going strong for 5 years, and was formed by a group of friends and previous members of a former guild for the release of Warhammer Online. When WAR came out, we started off small but within 6 months of the game’s release we grew huge, recruiting players and several smaller guilds resulting in us having some of our finest Open PvP players to date. We became a large force and influence in the RvR and through one of our Commanders, Bladeh, we made a name for ourselves.

We branched off into other MMO’s such as Aion, FFXIV, Rift and SWTOR. None of these games suited us as a guild and when our core members heard about GW2 and the promises of WvW, we knew that it would take us back to our glory days.

Additional Information

As well as a sub-section for Guild Wars 2 on our forum, we also run a Mumble server for us to play games together on. People are on there most nights and it’s a very friendly environment full of laughter and banter. There are members on every night, with a large amount in the WvW channel within people also in other channels exploring PvE content.

How to Apply

To apply, make an account on our website and then head over to our WvW application form:

A response may take a few days, as our Commanders are usually very busy with leading, so please be patient when waiting for acceptance!

If you are an old member of The Unnamed then simply message me, Benki, on our website and we can sort you out from there.

Aeonax, The Unnamed Guild Wars 2 Officer

“Never understimate the predictability of stupidity”

The Unnamed [ThUn] - Desolation WvW Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: papaganoosh.7908


To add to this. If you are a smaller WvW guild and are looking to make more of an impact, PM myself or any other ThUn officers in game and we might be open to a merging of members.