[Underworld] Expect No Mercy Pvx Guild

[Underworld] Expect No Mercy Pvx Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Madness.5810


Founded 2004 and have been successfull ever since in all kinds of famous MMO’s on the market out there. GW2 our final resting place. Its time to rule, its time to fight..

Expect No Mercy is recruiting!

We are a social guild that aims for everything GW2 has to offer. All classes and levels are welcome atm. If you want a nice community and World Domination then ENM is the place for you…

We do have 1 rule…be…active….muahaha……

So if you want to join us in this epic Battle for world Domination in the end so “ALL” enemies will fear us, Then join ENM. Whisper 1 of our officers or leader in game for an invite no application needed on the website. If we feel the need for some sort of application then we will do that ingame 1v1 Muahaha

Leader: Mad and Twisted / General Kuan Ti
Officers: Jemaima Riddle / Eir Eucalyptus / Lavyndar
Temrick / Venii / Koifur