VS Recruiting For Anvil Rock Server.

VS Recruiting For Anvil Rock Server.

in Guilds

Posted by: Kitanai.8130



The Defenders of Anvil Rock: Server: Anvil Rock


WVW, dungeons, PVE
The art of using Sneak Attacks and Deception in wvw to get what we want at any given time.

VS Leadership:

Valiant Sword or VS was formed by 2 friends one EST and one PST, that ran the 3rd ranked raid guild in Everquest 2 on Antonia Bayle so leadership is there and running well.

VS Members:

Our members vary between new recruits to well seasoned veterans, We do not take all players. We are looking for people that play well with others and fit in the guild, ( That Click As A Unit ). We will never have 500 players to just grind out the karma and run the train , we are not that type of guild. There are way to many guilds doing it now. but let me tell you we do take stuff and very well.

What We Are Looking For:

1:) Oceanic players to help take over the slack of 12 am to 8 am PST to hold what we take.

2:) We have 2 1/2 groups of top rank players to run OPS looking to round out at 4 or 5 groups for the deception teams.

Contact Info:

Website: Http://Raginglunatics.com

Please login onto our forums and hit new recruit and leave a messages to us or contact Kittai Roes in game or Hammerhorn Da Great


Kittai Roes Guild Leader, Valiant Sword
VS : Server Anvil Rock
Defenders of the Homeland.