Redmist Warband [War] is a 220+ member WvW guild based on the belief that all players should be offered respect and the only way to flourish in WvW is together. That isn’t just together as a guild, but also as a server. To build this unity we encourage open communication, are happy to teach what we know, and remain eager to listen to what others have to say.
We understand people have lives to live but may want to play well organized WvW when they can without being yelled at or feeling like they enlisted in the military. We consider ourselves to be a friendly and semi-hardcore community that takes part in enjoyable and satisfying WvW events. We also run dungeons and sPvP for gear & fun but our primary passion remains WvW and we expect the same of our members.
We tend to avoid being a ‘zerg it’ guild. We prefer to use communication and coordinate to achieve great things. We often have separate squads working on defense, guerilla tactics, large assaults, and scouting simultaneously. This gives us eyes all over the map that relay trust worthy information that enables us to react to enemy movements and spot advantages in the field, advantages we like to pounce on.
We are looking for avid WvWers that remain approachable, friendly, light-hearted, and enjoy being part of a community. While we are quite serious about WvW when it comes down to it GW2 is a game, and a game is always more enjoyable with a bunch of good friends.
If this sounds like your kind of party please let us know and we’d be happy to talk with you, or apply at and we will contact you there.
-220+ Members
-Organized WvW
-Organized dungeon runs
-Respectful community
-Teamspeak 3 server
-Guild website