Yak's Bend [Dagr] is Recruiting!

Yak's Bend [Dagr] is Recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: curlyfryes.3927


Vagabond Daggers [Dagr] on Yak’s Bend is recruiting all professions and levels!

The Vagabond Daggers are wayward soldiers in the lands of Tyria. We group when we can, we go solo if we need to, and we know that we have real lives and can’t always play. The guild was formed by an EFMB badge-wearing former army medic who knows that the best guilds are those that are military based. Here’s what Vagabond Daggers has to offer:

A core of mature military members
A core of stellar civilian players
Mumble server for voice
Tier I guild vault
Guild armorer contract

…and here’s what we don’t have to offer:

Login requirements
Mandatory events
Mandatory builds

Well, maybe there are a couple of jerks – but the funny kind. We’re casual players – meaning that we have casual hours. It does not mean that we love tokittenand kitten while standing in the fire. Some of us play better than others but can do so without being an a** about it. No yelling, no power trips. We’re somewhere between “Leeeeeeroy Jenkins!” and that twat that ran the “MOAR DOTS!” raid.

for more info please see our site! http://daggers.enjin.com/

Yak's Bend [Dagr] is Recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Turpenstein.8213


We can’t always be on at the same time – but when we are it’s always a good time! Look up Curlyfryes, Silstorm, Aeli or Turpenstein for an invite (or any other member for that matter).

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

Yak's Bend [Dagr] is Recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: curlyfryes.3927


Still recruiting!