Yak's Bend - Dawn of Insanity is now recruiting!

Yak's Bend - Dawn of Insanity is now recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: Malachi Draven.2865

Malachi Draven.2865

Guild Name: <Dawn of Insanity>
Location: United States of Awesomeness
Website: doi.enjin.com
Classes Recruiting: what the hell, we’ll take anybody
Contact: Malachi Draven, Talenken Goldie, Spart, or pretty much anyone with our guild emblem (a shiny sun, cuz dawn, get it?)

We are accepting deviants, alts, pvp toons, hookers, asurans, refugees, lepers, asurans, amputees, asurans, mules, strippers, preachers, naked asurans, drunks, methadone junkies, horse thieves, Canadians, Canadian asurans, people who chew with their mouth open, people who chew on their own tongue, people who chew on their friends’ tongues, asurans who chew on their friends’ tongues (think about that- some asuran hangin’ offa somebody’s face, just masticating away….), and pretty much anyone else.

No politicians, though. We have standards.

As you may have guessed, we’re a social guild with a sense of humor (IDC if you think it’s funny, it’s still humor. I’ll bet the Canadians get it.) We try to be helpful, but our primary purpose is to have a fun place to PvP and level alts, or have a conversation with other freaks while we do….whatever.

We’re currently doing WvWvWveeWorldviiWurledvieWhirled, sPvP, and toss in some dungeons because it’s part of a healthy gaming diet. We always have people on our Mumble voicechat server to keep you company while you do whatever. We offer leveling incentives if you’re an alt or a newbie, and also the top 5 people that contribute to Guild Influence each week will be given rewards!! =D

Check our website for more information, or gimme a holler in-game.

The Cry of Winter [ICE] - Tyria’s ‘Coolest’ Guild, now recruiting!

Yak's Bend - Dawn of Insanity is now recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: DJSkittles.7196


I would be interested in joining. My IGN is Big Sean, im a level 51 Ele. Just curious, do you guys have an age limit?