Yak's Bend

Yak's Bend

in Guilds

Posted by: Triohh.3728


I’m a newer player to gw2 I played wow since beta tried eq and eq2, RO and other mmo’s tried gw1 but never got into that much and now gw2 has got me hooked.
I’m a lvl 80 necro looking for a decent guild with helpful players that don’t mind giving advice and have patience with someone learning new fights. And would like a guild that does both pve and pvp.

Yak's Bend

in Guilds

Posted by: Dark Revan.7634

Dark Revan.7634


I sent you a PM but here is our recruitment page in the forums: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/Potluck-Massacre-PLUM-is-recruiting/

Yak's Bend

in Guilds

Posted by: KingslayerKeebs.9382


Hey Triohh,

I sent you a PM with more detailed information about us. Any questions, let me know.

Friskosmash | 80 Warrior | [MF] Malum Factum
Yak’s Bend

Yak's Bend

in Guilds

Posted by: Obran.6582


The Crusaders of the Lost Gods [GLG] is now recruiting! Yak’s Bend Server

We are a new PvX guild focusing our recruitment on good attitudes rather than a vast resume of skill factors, we want to play the game with cool people. That being said we do want to win as well (who doesn’t?) so we do play to win but not at the expense of having fun.
CLG runs various guild events throughout each and every week – encompassing PvE and PvP: whether that would be dungeon runs or exploration, or making new characters and playing with guild mates. On the other hand we also run WvW and SPvP guild groups on different nights. If you rather not do what the event is that’s fine – but there will always be a guild group doing what the event says for that evening.
Our tiered leadership structure allows new players to the guild to start leading events that they want to do, rather than listen to what a few people tell them to do. So if you’re interested in leading events then simply do so. We’re an open source community that wants awesome people to play with.
So if this interests you send Obran, Thorsol, Arinzel or Leahshawn.7450 a message in game. You can also visit our website: www.clgguild.com and apply (it’s not required to apply – just another way to get ahold of us). Come join us!

Yak's Bend

in Guilds

Posted by: Pimsley.3681


Shooting you a PM!