Zealot Gaming -

Zealot Gaming -

in Guilds

Posted by: Cabo.9832


Hello Everyone,
Zealot Gaming is a community created over a year ago based on the foundations of Faith, Integrity, and Zeal

Wenow boasts over 360 members!!!!
At Zealot Gaming, a community made for gamers, by gamers, we strive to provide a fun environment where members grow through experience in teamwork and skill
one of our goals is to create a fun environment for all of our members.We use Teamspeak 3 and xfire along with our personal forums http://www.zealotgaming.com/forum/forum.php to make communication with each other a lot easier and faster.We have a simple and efficient leadership system which provides our members with plentiful resources and many opportunities to participate in leading the contributing to the community. But as we mentioned before, you will not really know any of this unless you are involved in the community. Being active on the forums and in the game will ensure that you get the most out of Zealot Gaming.
Please note that Zealot Gaming is not simply a competitive team, but a vast gaming community
Game Support
Zealot Gaming currently supports the following Games:
Leauge of Legends North America
League of Legends Europe West
League of Legends Europe Nordic/East
Guild Wars 2
Diablo 3
Starcraft 2
We are also currently expanding into new games, and hope to grow into more games as long as our community is interested!
What we are looking for
Zealot Gaming is looking for motivated individuals that enjoy participating in gaming events and clan matters. This does not mean that members need to be outspoken, just that we appreciate those who have input to share. We value maturity, virtue, honesty, and leadership. What this means is that we prefer members who: maintain a positive attitude both inside and outside of games, make good interpersonal choices, and can admit when they have made a mistake.
Also note that all applicants must be at least 15 years of age or older to apply, unless they are a personal friend or family member of a current member.
How to apply and join
In Game: you can contact the following people:
Visit our website : http://www.zealotgaming.com/index.php/join/ to join!
All new members must register an account and submit an application. Those missing either will be denied and asked to submit both. New members undergo a probationary period during which all members may vote on your membership and vote to remove you from the clan if your attitude and behavior is poor. New members are also expected to fulfill general requirements to become full members and are given 1 month to do so.
Other Information
Below is a list of other information you might find useful. If you have further questions or comments, check out our website.
Clan Rules- http://www.zealotgaming.com/index.php/about/rules-policies
Clan Structure-http://www.zealotgaming.com/index.php/about/clan-structure