looking for mature, casual guild PVX
Hello froacus!
I think our Vampire Crew guild meets your requirements perfectly. I am not sure if our US based play times will work out for you. Most of our players are currently EDT or CDT based and play into the late hours (hence the Vampire Crew name).
You can find more information on our guild here:
Hey Froacus,
We are currently building a European presence on the Gunnars Hold server, and at this point there is almost always someone in guild chat. The members of AI will never try to hug you. Mostly. Recruitment post is here:
Sorrows Furnace
Home World: Yak’s Bend
Guild Name: Death Enforcement Agency [DEA]
Voice Chat: http://www.raidcall.com
Focus: Mainly PVE, some PVP, guild events
The guild abides by two simple rules.
1) Respect others.
2) Represent the guild.
DEA on Yak’s Bend is a very active, casual guild that was made for players who enjoy grouping up and playing the game with other people a majority of the time.
We have over 190 members and a lot of them are friends and family. Guild events are at least once a week in which we get in groups and do entire zones, but none are mandatory.
I’ll use today as an example so you can somewhat know what to expect as far as numbers go. From 8am EST to about 12am we had around 20 guildies on. From 12 noon-5pm, there were about 30, and during prime time(5pm-about 10pm) there were close to 50 of us on. A total of 98 members logged in throughout the day.
We are mainly PVE, but there are some who pvp and we have members of all levels literally.
We use Raidcall for voice chat, it’s super easy to set up and get chatting.
You can contact me in-game or you can apply on our website.
Guild Website: http://deathenforcementagency.enjin.com/
In-Game Contact: Rowdyrowdy / BobbyK.9730
Hi Froacus.
The Scarecrow Ministry is an old guild consisting of a tight-knit community of players that have stuck together through WoW, SWTOR and now GW2. We operate under the mantra “casual but competent”, since we feel it describes us very well; we’re a mature bunch of people who wants to make the most out of our time. Thus we emphasize a strong community with a laid-back attitude that still gets “stuff done”.
We have never had drama (and we have no tolerance for drama), and we have only had one member quit in over a year; I think that speaks volumes of our stability. You can find our information below if it is of interest:
Server: EU-Desolation
Website: http://vii-guild.enjin.com/home
Voice program: Mumble
Focus: PvX but primarily tPvP and WvW as we feel those are more long-term sustainable endeavours than PvE.
Hi froacus,
Aeterna on ferg crossing might be just the home for you! We have a large European population population (including myself) together with Aussies, night owls and general socialites.
We have a mid – late 20s average age with pretty immature chat at times.
Our main aim is for wvw but we farm dungeons like lunatics and have many people about to get legendaries. We are additionally putting together tournament teams for pvp. Currently, we have approximately 80 people in guild with the majority of them logging in each day. We do not keep people in guild for the sake of numbers.
We have 3 rules.
1) respect others, both in guild and out
2) represent Aeterna on all characters
3) download mumble for voice comms
The reality is that you have to enjoy your new home. We have a great bunch of friends all playing this game from all over the world. At any time you can log in and find someone to help you. Hope to see you in game.
Contact our leader, Alpha Bladie, or one of the co-leaders – Toilieban, Woo Doo or AppleX.
Check us out :-)
Web: www.pirategaming.co.uk
Public teamspeak: ts.pirategaming.co.uk
Hi there! House of the Black Oak [tree] is a social guild focussed on dungeons and SPvP. Members frequently have a variety of interests in the game, but as a guild our scheduled group activities generally revolve around these two events. Our “casual competitive” attitude means we have the utmost respect for your real life, not just your in-game persona. We seat a total of 50 members mostly from Europe and from all walks of life. This means we’re a smaller, private guild which relishes our members’ contributions and skills. Because we maintain a smaller group of players, we also foster a more community-oriented playstyle and team environment than many of the other guilds. We also firmly believe that gaming is neither a full-time job nor a lifestyle; it’s a hobby. Our guild’s motto is: This is just a game. Sometimes it’s a silly game, sometimes it’s a competitive game, but it’s always a game and it’s always meant to be fun.
We’re located on Vabbi, a well-populated (but not overly-crowded) EU server.
[tree] is currently accepting applications from mature gamers (24+, calm, community-oriented, team-players) for PvP tournaments and dungeon activity, and future eSports competition.
For more information, or to submit an application, please visit our web site: http://blackoakguild.com.
Feel free to check out our thread:
We’re up to about 23 members now, and spent all last night together playing Twilight Arbor and then WvW.
We’re a guild about fun and enjoying ourselves, while at the same time having serious goals (like playing a lot of wvw). We will never have mandatory events, but we will have optional ones.
EU Desolation based guild, called Brothers of Aesir.
Sign Ups: www.battlefy.com/academy-gaming
Website: www.academygamingnet.com
Hi there.
If you don’t mind a small guild, then we would be happy to have you in Existential Sprocket [EXP]. We are on the Tarnished Coast server. Many of us played the first game (myself in excess lol)and are casual PVX.We are all about just having fun, treating others with respect and helping those in need. If you have any questions, feel free to message me in the forums or in game (Chi Yuri).
-Chi Yuri, guild leader
Guild Name: [WTF] Why Tempt Fate
-Time zone: NA- CST time zone. Oceanic- GMT +8 time zone
-Primary Location: NA, but many international people in guild.
-Server: Henge of Denravi
-Age: 18+… May make exception to this rule if prove you can act mature in game and out. This rule also inclues the 18+ limit
-Voice Comm: Raidcall… Will eventually get a Mumble or Teamspeak once the guild is more established
- Website: http://whytempt.enjin.com/
-Short description: Semi-Hardcore PvX: Concentrating on WvW atm, but also are branching out toward Spvp and organized Dungeons
-Member Target: Trying to create a split between NA and Oceanic within the guild, so we are looking at recruiting 100-200 members.
-Recruitment Contact: Azrael.5134, Vehzz.2345, SuicideByTaco.5408
-Currently in major need of: Any members of any level are acceptable atm. As we are currently a new guild.
-Guild Info and Goals: We are a new guild building up to become a great guild in game, but possibly in the future branch out and create chapters to many games. We are trying to build a strong community for people to come, make friends, and enjoy playing video games with fellow members alike. If you are willing to help us and make a competitive, but fun community, please contact any recruitment officers and we would love to see how your goals will mesh with ours ?
1. Try to have a main character that you will mostly play with.
2. You must be on voice comms at all times and have a working Microphone when in any type of Pvp (WvW, Spvp)
3. Members should respect each other, however if a problem does occur with another member an officer should be contacted.
4. You must not be an active member of any other guild in GW2.
5. No kitten talking in or out of game, it will bring bad rep to the guild. Actions > Words
6. Please act professionally (no spamming)
7. Help guild members, we are a community, guild members should come first.
8. No exploiting
9. At least 50% attendance rate atm.
10. AND please NO DRAMA. We are a mature guild we are to act mature in game and towards our peers, we are here to help each other become better and make the guild stand out.
Please contact us if you have any information regarding the guild. Our goal right now is to recruit n look for capable officers to fill our ranks to push this guild further in this game and future games.
About CGU :
CGU (Crimson Guards United) Gaming has been established since 2003. Our goal has been aimed towards uniting friends and expanding our game play on multiple gaming platforms.
Ways To Contact Us :
Website : www.cgunited.net
Ventrilo : IP – cgunited.maxfrag.net
Port- 3883
E-mail : cgunitedgaming@gmail.com
Also Try : YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, Steam
What CGU offers :
- A Ventrilo Server
- The opportunity to network with a wide range of diverse gamer’s
- In-game Events
- A well organized group of leaders to help strengthen your abilities as a member and a gamer
What do we ask from you :
- Be active for our weekly meetings
- 15+ years of age
- Please have a headset/mic to communicate with (exceptions may be made)
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions
*How to apply *:
Come on our Ventrilo server and speak with a admin with the title G.C. (Global Council)
Ventrilo :
IP – cgunited.maxfrag.net
Port- 3883
Hi Froacus :)
If you’re still looking for a home, you are very welcome to give us a try. We’re a smallish guild for adults on the EU server Underworld and we’ve gained some really nice new members over the last couple of months who have been a great addition to our original family from GW1. If you’d like to find out a bit more then please have a look at our little post here:
If you’ve any questions or are interested in join us, then just send me a whisper or in-game mail :)
Take care,
http://sinful-individuals.enjin.com. Another option for you to have a gander at if you’re still looking.
Hi Froacus! Sorry for the late response. My guild sounds like it would be a great fit for you if you’re interested in a small friends and family place that is looking to expand. Your reasons for playing are exactly why I decided to create this guild so I think we could share some good times. Check out our bio below if you have not found a home yet.
Home World: Maguuma
Guild Name: Heroic Heroes of Heroism [HHH]
Focus: PvE and PvP (mostly WvW)
VoIP: Ventrillo
Prime time: 8 PM – 12 AM Eastern, and anytime on weekends
Our guild has one rule: thou shall not be a prick.
Heroic Heroes of Heroism was founded by several friends who have known each other, and have gamed together for well over 10 years. As adults, at this point in our lives many of us have full time jobs, significant others, and / or children of our own. While our personal lives and entanglements may take up much of our time and attention, there still remains at least one constant: we love to game together and interact with like minded people!
We wanted to create a Guild Wars 2 guild where all kinds of great and friendly players could pool together to enhance their gaming experience, regardless of whether your schedule is busy or flexible. A place where all players involved felt like they were a part of a meaningful community of great people. Above all else, we just want to PLAY and have a great time doing it! We do not have any mandatory events which require you to commit regular play time, but we highly encourage our members to organize optional nights and activities as long as your fellow players in the guild are kept in mind.
If you want to join a group of mature, open minded, and at times hilariously demented people (in a non-murderous kind of way), then we would love to have you on-board to take this ride with HHH. Hell, we’ll even cater to anti-social cat lovers!
Please feel free to contact us via in game mail or whisper.
Dr Higgs Boson/Xavier.2356
Tyrian Knights Templar (TKT) is a new guild on Blackgate created for mature MMO players. We currently have 7 members and are growing each day.
I’m gonna offer something a bit different from the other posts…We are a brand new guild, so if you have ever wanted to be part of laying the foundation early on in a new gaming community, then TKT is the place for you. We are in need of executive officers to run guild operations (guild bank, events, recruiting, etc) so if you prove yourself to be a trust worthy player I feel that you will fit right in with us.
Check out our website and fill out an application if you are interested:
TKT Guild Master
Hello Froacus,
I have read your post and wanted to reply and offer you a spot in our small cosy laid back guild.
We have only 24 members atm, of course we are willing to grow a bit more in the future, but still keep the family feeling.
All our members are 18+ right now, I would not mind taking younger members, as long as it wont be the majority of our roster.
Although we are small, we have a very active group of people now, we play every day and mostly play together in party.
We have RaidCall, and all actives are on there on a daily basis as well.
Please take a look at our forums: http://werinstyle.shivtr.com/
Guild name: We R In Style
Server: EU Underworld
I would say, give it a try, and who knows, you might like our little crazy bunch
in game character: Xena Love, whisper me any time.
http://werinstyle.shivtr.com/ https://www.facebook.com/WeRInStyle
We would definitely love to hear back from you. Mjollnir (HoT) is now recruiting on the Jade Quarry server. We are a relaxed group of people who enjoy all aspects of the game. Each of us have our own play styles, so you should run across kindred spirits with us. We use vent and skype, but do not require others to use it. We have a webpage that we are currently updating. For more information about us, please check out the following links.