need guild!! on maguuma
Dear ShadowKing,
We from Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG] are an international Mature PvX guild playing on Desolation [EU]. As we are an international guild, we have members from all over the world. We mainly reside in USA / Canada / Europe and Asia! Therefore, we have members online at all times ready to do some dungeons or WvW runs!
As of right now, we have over 214+ Members inguild with a daily login varying from 130 ~ 150 members online and around 50 ~ 70 members online at the same time.
As we are a PvX guild, we are several Officers appointed to specific game types such as PvP, PvE and WvW. They organize scheduled runs through the week whom you can join if youd want to be sure to hit a party. Outside those scheduled events, we organize alot of guild events and other parties all the time!
Nonetheless, if youd like to know more about us, make sure to check out our website at! Feel free to reply or PM me incase you wish to know more info about us!
Best Regards,
Hi Shadowking, (we are mostly for pvp if you are interested in that some times)
We are Brain Eaters Inc. [Luv] a brand new small guild focusing on spvp and tpvp, and we are interested in other aspects of the game on occasion. People that join our guild should have an interest in PvP. GW2 allows people to join multiple guilds, so we do not require rep 100% of the time, and we do not have age restrictions, but that does not mean we will babysit. You may check out our website for more info (if you apply on the site I can invite you from there) plz contact the guild GMs Rim.9321 or Rotten.6307 for more info and/or invite.
Thank you for reading this!! I hope to see you in-game!
To the OP. EOH may be a new home for you. We’ve expanded into other areas from our initial WvW base and are now considered a PvX guild. We’re mostly active in the evening hours and have our hands into a lot of things. We’re a small guild at present (less than 50 in our roster as we’ve recently moved to Maguuma about 4 weeks ago).
We use TS3 and have a FB group.
Guild contacts in game are, Gifany, Zarri, Tirnwold, and of course myself Xandria Wolfkin.
Good luck with finding a new guild on Maguuma.
[RED] Devona’s Rest
If your interested you can check out our small guild site We are new and looking for mature players. We will be adding a guild bank this week and a vent server. We are on maguuma
I sent you a PM but here is our recruitment page in the forums:
Hi ShadowKing,
I have read your post and wanted to reply and offer you a spot in our small cozy laid back guild, if you dont mind to change servers.
We have members from Europe, the US, and other parts of the world.
We have 122 members atm, and we are steadily growing, but we
still maintain to keep the family feeling.
We have a mature member base, I would not mind taking a few
younger members, as long as it wont be the majority of our roster.
Although we are not huge, we have a very active group of people
now, we play every day and mostly play together in party.
We have weekly organized WvW/PvP, Dungeon & FotM runs, and even Music Night, and our members do all those activities together with other guild members every day as well.
We use RaidCall to talk, and a lot of us are on there on a daily basis as well.
Please take a look at our forums:
Guild name: We R In Style
Server: EU Underworld
I would say, give it a try, and who knows, you might like our little crazy bunch!
Note: if our server looks like its full, all of our members managed to transfer within 10 minutes, hope that helps:)
in game character: Xena Love/Lady Luna Love/Luna Lovess, whisper me any time.
Hey Shadowking. I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] on Jade Quarry. Hope to hear back from you.
— David.
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
[KORE] Kings of Real Excellence
WvW and PvX focused guild located on Maguuma.
Guild Website :
Ventrilo :