[race] Because races need help. (EU Gandara)

[race] Because races need help. (EU Gandara)

in Guilds

Posted by: Sentrovasi.1982


Hey, I’m here to advertise a pressing problem among Guilds of Tyria; no one’s really recognizing the big issues. We’ve been given a great power here, and yet we don’t see enough people coming together to fix the right problems!

To this effect, I’ve set up the Society for the Protection of the Rights of Lesser Races of Tyria, otherwise known as the Society for Lesser Races. As a guild, our main aims are to protect the lesser races of Tyria: from the popular Quaggan, Skritt, Kodan to even the less popular ones such as the Ogres or Dredge.

That is, of course, not to say that we should condone all of these races’ behaviour. The Krait threatening Quaggan cities ought to be stopped, as should unsanctioned attacks of the Centaurs. Yet we should temper these rebuttals, and not wantonly intrude upon their lands and kill them. As major races, the onus is on us to lead by example.

More so, we should help those of their race who would show signs of change; there have been rumours of a rebellion of Dredge in the Bore Lynch that might bear investigating, and the peaceful Hylek that live in the swamps should be given every bit of support we can offer.

As a guild that was created a mere twenty minutes ago, I don’t know what can be promised, or indeed the direction to be taken. Evidently we will be very much into the PvE side of things, so that we might better be able to fulfill our duties to the lesser races at large, but I hope to see a bunch of individuals with a passion for the protection of lesser races growing as a guild and being able to do what everyone wants.

It will evidently become important as time goes on to take part in bigger events as well to get our message out, but at this point I can make no promises beyond the fact that I hope to create a guild people can be proud of, and a fun one for all involved in the creation of a better Tyria for all races.

[race] Because races need help. (EU Gandara)

in Guilds

Posted by: Sentrovasi.1982


Out of character, I basically had the idea of creating a guild that would actually be a believable society in Tyria and growing it from there. I haven’t much of an idea where to take it but I’m sure everyone can agree that most of the lesser races in Tyria are pretty cool; I personally love Quaggans for being more intelligent than they let on, Ogres for being remarkably caring of their animals beneath their stoic facade, Skritt for having a ton of sass, Dredge for being largely well-meaning and very much communist kitten Dredge Disaggregators!), Kodan for being among the most amiable and honorable races (more so than the Norn, anyway), the Hylek because they’re quite adorable when you look beyond their violence, the Grawl because at their very heart they’re just struggling to survive, and well I suppose the Krait aren’t all too bad either.

With this guild I don’t expect any serious roleplaying or trying not to hurt lesser races to your own detriment, but it’s a kind of thing you join because your character maybe sorta agrees with its core values and you think it might be fun parading it around a bit. We can make shows of denouncing opposing factions for mistreating their Quaggan helpers in WvW or goad our own people to help them find pearls, or go as a guild around Tyria just doing any dynamic event involving lesser races and causing people to wonder what just happened. Really all this is here so that one day months or maybe years from now I can look back and see that in the history of Tyria an unlikely group of activists for lesser races made it into the history books together with other guilds with awe-inspiring names that don’t actually amount to anything practical (no offense to other guilds! Well not much anyway!).

Personally I mostly do PvE with a little bit of sPvP, but have never gotten into WvW simply because I feel quite alone and lost most of the time. Perhaps if enough people are there to get alone and lost with though it will be an adventure

I mean, really, has no one else considered that if Tyria were reality there’d be guilds like these as well? I did a search for anything on lesser races and nothing turned up. Lesser races need our help! Send me a message and let’s get to it guys.

[race] Because races need help. (EU Gandara)

in Guilds

Posted by: Sentrovasi.1982


Bump Join to show your affiliation! You don’t need to represent all the time, just whenever you’re helping other races out, or want to show off your membership in this noble cause!

Of course, if the guild ever gets big enough to be recognized on a global stage, that’ll be awesome