10 slot bag from ACT 3: I can't equip it!

10 slot bag from ACT 3: I can't equip it!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BroScientist.9875


A while back I bought a bunch of inventory bags from a random merchant. Naturally, I equipped as many as I could to increase my inventory size. Well now I have the 10 slot inventory bag from the Halloween event and I can’t seem to find out how to equip it. All my bag slots are full and I can’t unequip them to replace one of them with the Halloween one. Anyone know why this is?

10 slot bag from ACT 3: I can't equip it!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MrMacAndCheese.3907


My guess would be becuase you have too much stuff in your inventory. You can’t unequip a bag that has items in it. Sorry if that doesn’t help, it’s the only reason I can think of.

10 slot bag from ACT 3: I can't equip it!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: holska.4127


You can manually unslot one of your existing bags by making it empty and then dragging it out of the slot it’s in back into your inventory (another bag).
Then you have 1 empty bag slot you can equip the trick or treat 10 slot in.

10 slot bag from ACT 3: I can't equip it!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BroScientist.9875


Oh okay thanks! Had no idea it had to be empty first.

10 slot bag from ACT 3: I can't equip it!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Djinn.9245


If you drag the halloween bag on top of one of the bags you want to exchange it for, the halloween bag will take its place and all of the stuff from the first bag will be in the halloween bag. I did it myself yesterday.

it’s this luck based mystic toilet that we’re all so sick of flushing our money down. -Salamol

10 slot bag from ACT 3: I can't equip it!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Actually as long as the bag you’re replacing doesn’t have more than 10 slots full of items you can just drag and drop and the items in the bag will just transfer to it.

If you drag the halloween bag on top of one of the bags you want to exchange it for, the halloween bag will take its place and all of the stuff from the first bag will be in the halloween bag. I did it myself yesterday.

Exactly. The only reason that won’t work is the bag is bigger and has more items in it than the bag you’re trying to replace it with.

10 slot bag from ACT 3: I can't equip it!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: juno.1840


The bag is also soulbound instead of account bound. This was a bad idea imo. The first toon that finished the event for me already had 15-slot bags. Unfortunately I cannot give the bag to a lowbie alt.

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

10 slot bag from ACT 3: I can't equip it!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rocco.2143


Have you tried dragging the new bag over an existing one? Should work.

10 slot bag from ACT 3: I can't equip it!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NVranya.5013


Dragging did not work for me, but I assume it was because my (empty!) bag was bigger.
Why try to equip a smaller bag? Well, just to test it.