2012 halloween skins unique to 2012? or they will return next year?

2012 halloween skins unique to 2012? or they will return next year?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: carson yuen.6739

carson yuen.6739

As title

just wondering what’s anet’s take on those skins? are they the one time thing or they will make a return every year?


2012 halloween skins unique to 2012? or they will return next year?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Snow.5269


As title

just wondering what’s anet’s take on those skins? are they the one time thing or they will make a return every year?


Excellent question. While I think it would be neat to have them exclusive as a way of rewarding players who participated in first Halloween event, I think its unlikely as alot of effort went into designing these items.

2012 halloween skins unique to 2012? or they will return next year?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


New skins must be made, so chests can contain new prizes, and give veteran players new incentives.

2012 halloween skins unique to 2012? or they will return next year?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

Most likely they will return + skins , for an example , we did not have any axe halloween skin.

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