22 Chests opened, nothing unique

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Belz.9037


I’m going to love seeing every and single one of these self proclaimed whitknights and defenders of Arenanet break into tears, because Anet wont afford making any new meaningful content in the future. Due to noone is buying anything from the store.

Well played Anet you convinced your biggest spenders that they had a chance to get something meaningful from the BLC. I bet you got alot of money out of this. Very shot sighted, but well played.

You think its funny seeing how your biggest spenders are suffering the consequences for gambling against unknown low odds? Well you gambled too with the shenanigans you just pulled. I for one am gonna enjoy seeing the massive layoffs at Anet ala Swtor style. See how your whitknights will save your jobs then.

P.S Your whiteknights that keeps telling people that the ones who spent alot of money buying keys have noone but themselves to blame, probably hasnt spent any meaningful amount on your precious game and that revenue wont save you. D.S

I am confident that they will continue to release quality content and that over half of the people who say that they will no longer be buying gems will continue to do so. Guild Wars has alot of good things going for it; it is a shame that the first thing people did when they released this new content was complain. Learn to enjoy the game.

Aha! One of Anets shining eh.. Blueroseknight is it? Your point is based on wishfull thinking there for moot. Look how other mmo companies survived when people left the game because of its many issues. GW2 allready has alot of issues, adding that many players also feels tricked ( see what I did there) will have severe consequences. But as the valiant knight you are, you will probably play even when Anet cant handle the gold seller spam, bots ruining your TP and content gets further apart presented in a very mediocre mannor. Thats because your one of Anets great defender who sees everyone who critique the game as a troll who needs to be banned with the holy of holyest the Banhammer.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Orian.3015


I’d rather just pay a monthly fee, then get robbed by ArenaNet like this again

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Hughs.6549


It doesn’t matter who’s right or wrong guys, what matters is that we all noticed in what direction arenanet is looking

Rewarding their best paying customers ? Nope
Releasing content based on gambling ? Yes

They could’ve added things like a mid-rare minipet, town clothes (a hat, a pumpkin head or something), candies, halloween funstuffs AND a chance to get the super-rare shiny thing in the minipet but instead of that, many of their most supporting customers spent hundreds of $$$ for nothing not even a freaking candy.

This is how they’re treating their fanbase. This can nowhere be good for the game’s future so what’s the point hating on ppl who spent money ? We’re all on the same boat.

My opinion is that This company has been incapable of rewarding players for accomplishing epic/fun challenges so far, all they did is eat your money with lame RNG gambling mechanics. (cf. mystic forge, and now scamloween chests)

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


Don’t forget that a few weeks ago one of the designers confessed that they viewed the insane RNG part of crafting precursor legendaries was “fun”. So I think maybe they honestly did not see this coming.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Belz.9037


I am 100% confident that most, if not all, of you will forget about your “boycott” when the next event rolls around. Just like every other srsbsnz video game boycott, ever.

You sure about that? AoC, Swtor, Warhammer, TSW, Aion begs to differ. When players are unhappy they leave. Meaning no more money! You speak as if boycotts previously were empty threats. Think again.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: YamaBigDog.2076


Decided to give it a whirl. Will not be spending money in that black lion house ever again. I hope that 5$ keeps you guys warm at night.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Orian.3015


Honestly I would have spent just as much money on the straight up weapon skins off the gem store. Not to mention I can’t purchase them on the Trading Post because I don’t have money left after exchanging for gems with such a low rate.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Many Pesky Monk.3140

Many Pesky Monk.3140

I am 100% confident that most, if not all, of you will forget about your “boycott” when the next event rolls around. Just like every other srsbsnz video game boycott, ever.

Swtor, aion, warhammer, TSW would like to have a word with you. History from past mmo’s show that when customers get displeased with a NEW mmo that they haven’t invested years worth of time in, they will drop that game like a bad habit no questions asked. I think Anet screwed the pooch on this one. I for one, am going back to WoW.

I remember when cash shops were first announced people got very worried. I now see why. The chest keys drop rate is something that has bothered me. 50 chests yet 2-4 keys from 1-80. Seemed fishy, guess I was right.

(edited by Many Pesky Monk.3140)

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: lycosis.5974


Swtor, aion, warhammer, TSW would like to have a word with you. History from past mmo’s show that when customers get displeased with a NEW mmo that they haven’t invested years worth of time in, they will drop that game like a bad habit no questions asked. I think Anet screwed the pooch on this one. I for one, am going back to WoW.

I remember when cash shops were first announced people got very worried. I now see why. The chest keys drop rate is something that has bothered me. 50 chests yet 2-4 keys from 1-80. Seemed fishy, guess I was right.

You sure about that? AoC, Swtor, Warhammer, TSW, Aion begs to differ. When players are unhappy they leave. Meaning no more money! You speak as if boycotts previously were empty threats. Think again.

lol, those games were garbage and doomed to die within a few months do to being rushed out the door with zero content, a plethora of problems, and a $15/month fee.

Not because a bunch of butt-hurts wasted their money gambling for in-game items and got burned. Those weren’t boycotts, those were people quitting the game. I am talking about all the people in the, “Ur never geting my monies agan arenanet, but I’m still gonna play and probably buy gems in the near future..” camp.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CharrGirl.7896


I don’t plan on buying the keys – I opened them with keys I stashed before. So for me it was 10 chests + 5 additional from keys dropped inside those chests. I got some shoulder pads, and lots of other things I like like magic find boost, repair kits, transmutation stones and 1 revive orb.

I bought the witch costume for 10 dollars and that was money well spent because I got something I paid for and it looks awesome on a charr

I feel sorry for those who wasted money expecting those skins but it’s not like you could not have predicted that you probably won’t get anything. Is it unfair? Yes and no. By buying those gems, with gold or real money you agreed on what they have stated – a chance to get those items. I’m not trying to defend them on this matter because RNG is not cool, but you could at least enjoy items you got from those chests.

But I think Anet has to learn from this event and not apply this kind of thing on future updates. I would very much prefer it those skins were obtainable by candy corn. 250 for skins that expire, and maybe 500+ candy corn for perma skins. Or put them simply in the gem store for those who do not wish to grind or rely on luck. I’m only saying this because if you apply this method on the Christmas event, people will be disappointing again. I know you have to make money and you give your best to push good quality content, but there are ways to do it without making players feel like they’re cheated.

You will loose trust from people who spent a lot of money for not getting what they wanted. Spending gems on items is ok if there is something equally redeemable in game as well. 1 free horn hat won’t really do it I’m afraid. You could have added a chain event that awards you a free cat mini pet or something equally cute or cool.

Events should be fun, not grind and/or gamble.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Whiskeyjack.4569


I’d rather just pay a monthly fee, then get robbed by ArenaNet like this again


im starting to feel the Swtor vibe again when i expected more being Anet we are talking about.

Just find it so funny that people in this thread are talking like the chest is the event. That there is nothing else going on and nothing else coming for the halloween event.

What was the drop rate before the event?
People are complaining like this drop rate is new, that they lowered the chance especially for the event and that isn’t the case.

I guess my problem is I just don’t have tons of money to just throw away and a little more common sense ( That isn’t trolling its a fact ) What makes you think that after getting nothing after dumping 20 bucks you are going to get something different by throwing more money at it right away? Really? And what exactly is junk? I got a few nice rare dyes that i managed to sell for a tidy profit out of my chests.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


I find it hilarious people are trying to argue it wasn’t shady as heck for ANet to say “Hey buy chests now, they have these cool skins you can get.” then set the drop chance to be so obscenely low that you could easily spend thousands of dollars worth of gems and not get one.

If this whole BL chest skins thing was a calculated attempt to ensure people that spent money and didn’t get anything out of it never buy gems again, it’s a shocking success.


Don’t forget that a few weeks ago one of the designers confessed that they viewed the insane RNG part of crafting precursor legendaries was “fun”. So I think maybe they honestly did not see this coming.

Don’t forget “rewarding”. Because we all know the definition of “rewarding” is tossing your hard earned items into a glorified garbage compactor.

(edited by ChairGraveyard.2967)

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Belz.9037


Your funny, funny man. You don’t think alot of ppl arent thinking this game is starting to become garbage? Fyi a big reason why those game failed was because ppl like you gave the devs a sense of false saftey while they didnt listen to the playerbase who truly tried to make the devs listen. Honestly ppl like you ruin the game by giving blinded fanboism feedback.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


@Many Pesky Monk.3140

Don’t let the door hit you in the kitten on the way out.

so tired of people crying about “SKINS” total repeat of TF2 crying by a minority of people.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Orian.3015


So I guess you consider a lame book scavenger hunt an event? They should have said " hey the drop rates are low" or even acknowledge now that a lot of people are mad with what they did. They aren’t doing anything to make it right, they just want our money. I guess you could say we get what we pay for (subscription wise).

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: cdunning.6815


i’m pretty disappointed as well. too bad.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


So I guess you consider a lame book scavenger hunt an event? They should have said " hey the drop rates are low" or even acknowledge now that a lot of people are mad with what they did. They aren’t doing anything to make it right, they just want our money. I guess you could say we get what we pay for (subscription wise).

I hear we have experienced all 4 acts already….

still amazed people needed to be told it would have a low drop rate.

A lot of people? that’s relative…..so far seems like a minority.

Make what right? Because people made kittenumptions and didn’t get a “skin” they wanted means they should make it right.

Did the TF2 kids invade GW2?

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Many Pesky Monk.3140

Many Pesky Monk.3140

@ epicsmooth

Skins or cosmetics is the main point of this game. Make it difficult and stressful to obtain said items, people will complain. Holiday events are meant to be fun, we have enough gold sinks and craftables that take an insane amount of resources. So go ahead and be a blind fanboy, keep thinking the way they handle things is in the players best interest.

Btw, TF2 is a completely different game with a completely different aim. It is F2P, and a fun/goofy fps. Where you can get most of the good crap through long hours of playing anyway. I never heard of people crying about the cash shop there anyway since you knew what you were buying. This is an MMO. Different beasts.

Btw, 19 pages worth of complaints sound like a minority to you? People in my server are also up in arms. I’ve never seen a thread this hot before on the GW2 forums.

(edited by Many Pesky Monk.3140)

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gatts.4865


i opened 30 chests and got some lame shoulderguards on the tp for 1 gold let me put it this way i will never buy keys ever again as im sure many others will

Custom built rig-
AMD Phenom II x4 955 BE 3.20 GHz DDR3 1600 8GB 4×2gb Sapphire Radeon HD 6870 1GB DDR5

(edited by Gatts.4865)

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Knux.6054


I’m just glad I was warned before I went out and bought keys.

Server: Yak’s Bend
Main: Crossandra (Mesmer)

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TobyTucker.5317


For those saying “This is a lottery, if you expected to get anything you’re ignorant and or entitled”, you’ve got two things wrong. First, you know going in what the odds are in a lottery. Lotteries are legally required to publish the odds of winning. We certainly don’t see that here. Which ties into my second point. This wasn’t presented as a “lottery” where only a rare few would “win”, it was presented as something EVERYBODY could participate in, not as a “chance” to obtain some super rare item, à la the Mystic Forge.

When I read “…each Black Lion Chest you open has a chance to give you one of six exclusive Halloween-themed weapon skins!”, I (and probably many others) assumed that MOST Chests would have a Halloween item and the “chance” would be as to which item you received. When I saw “chance” and “exclusive” in that sentence, I DIDN’T read it as “1 in a 1000 Chests will contain a Halloween item”, and I don’t think all those people who bought all those keys thought so either.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kevlon.2341


Wow this is disappointing for sure. All the people who are saying its your fault for buying the keys…maybe it is but if you think about it, all the people that actually were willing to spend their REAL money on gems to buy keys are the same people who would be willing to buy them in the future. Makes logical sense right? So what happens when you screw the people who are willing to use the cash shop? Think about it those who are bashing the people who are “whining”.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


For those saying “This is a lottery, if you expected to get anything you’re ignorant and or entitled”, you’ve got two things wrong. First, you know going in what the odds are in a lottery. Lotteries are legally required to publish the odds of winning. We certainly don’t see that here. Which ties into my second point. This wasn’t presented as a “lottery” where only a rare few would “win”, it was presented as something EVERYBODY could participate in, not as a “chance” to obtain some super rare item, à la the Mystic Forge.

When I read “…each Black Lion Chest you open has a chance to give you one of six exclusive Halloween-themed weapon skins!”, I (and probably many others) assumed that MOST Chests would have a Halloween item and the “chance” would be as to which item you received. When I saw “chance” and “exclusive” in that sentence, I DIDN’T read it as “1 in a 1000 Chests will contain a Halloween item”, and I don’t think all those people who bought all those keys thought so either.

Yep, that is exactly the problem. These skins were very misleadingly advertised if they are indeed intended to be a hyper-rare lottery style drop where only a few people out of hundreds of thousands will get them.

These were advertised as if they were going to be attainable, then the drop rate was set so low that few if any players will ever see one, even after plunking down tens or hundreds of dollars.

As someone else mentioned, alienating the people willing to use the cash shop in such a blatant and ridiculous way is a seriously bad move. I would be extremely surprised if even one person that spent money on keys and got shafted ever spends money on gems again.

There’s a reason that companies who value their reputation don’t participate in this type of bait-and-switch behavior.

The way these skins are set up is going to drive away the very people that are inclined to use the gem store in the first place.

(edited by ChairGraveyard.2967)

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Orian.3015


I sit here wondering how anyone can be such a big fanboy of ArenaNerf especially after they butcherd GW1, and are now butchering GW2. I hope all you fanboys are content with your book scavenger hunt and your candy corn mining. At least I didn’t get ripped off in the GW1 halloween events. I think I know where I’ll be spending my time during the holiday seasons.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Twilight Zone Guy.1487

Twilight Zone Guy.1487

I see players threatening to try and destroy this game or at least say its going to die because they can’t get a weapon skin. That’s probably one of the most petty things I’ve seen from gamers in a long time. Maybe they should just make all weapons have the exact same skin. People are getting far too invested in this.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


It’s not the we didn’t get the skin. It’s that we don’t feel we were fairly compensated for the amount of money we invested. And we invested it in Anet, figuring we wouldn’t get shafted. Then we got shafted. The people who bought keys for this event are the ones most likely to continuously feed their money to Anet during big events like this. Unfortunately, the chances of that have most likely diminshed greatly, because of the way Anet handled their advertising leading up to the event.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


Hurrah, got a key in a drop (wow!!!), boo it gave me nothing halloweeny .

Seems like Anet have just given up on the topic, we got a response 16 hours ago and nothing since. Lesson learned i guess, no more purchasing keys via gold or cash.

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


I see players threatening to try and destroy this game or at least say its going to die because they can’t get a weapon skin. That’s probably one of the most petty things I’ve seen from gamers in a long time. Maybe they should just make all weapons have the exact same skin. People are getting far too invested in this.

I also see people insulting the very players who were willing to invest extra cash into the game both of them love.

That’s one of the most pitty things I’ve seen from gamers in a long time.

If you still think it’s about weapon skins, think again.
it’s about real money and most of all: it’s about trust.

Nothing good can come of this for the game itself.
At least one side is trying to reason with the dev’s that they made a mistake.
The other side is moslty saying things are fine, and it’s your own fault, while not helping the future of the game one bit.

GW2 has a declining reputation outside these forums, time to wake up. Things need to change for the better, and that can only be achieved by pointing at what is wrong.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


@Many Pesky Monk.3140

really so the PvE, sPvP, WvW, crafting and etc are just tacked on and in no way the main part of the game right? Oh look someone disagrees with your stance….must be a fanboy kitten

TF2 wasn’t always F2P and its store was in the game before it even did go F2P. So seems you never played TF2…thats good to know. Btw crates and BLC are the same thing you know what you are going to get in both the rest is the % chance of what.

Really how does being a MMO matter at all in this?

Oh wow 19 pages, of people complaining and of those calling those complainers out. Pretty sure out of a player base of (based on sales at least) 2 million….so yea thats a minority.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Many Pesky Monk.3140

Many Pesky Monk.3140

@ Twilight Zone guy

It’s not about the skins per say, it’s about how they’re handling this. About the cash shop and it’s dirty ways. About having to gamble for a skin, potentially having to toss 100 bucks to get one or two. And how not everyone would be able to get them. This is just a holiday event, imagine anything else. An mmo with TF2’s cash shop is a very bad and scary thing. It would put any player off, except for these kitten riding fanboys.

Before anyone says “oh they’re skins, they’re optional gtfo”, the whole point of this game is getting skins/cosmetics. Once you’re 80 that’s what keeps most people going, the shinnies. Saying that people won’t or shouldn’t want them is honestly very stupid.
Just a kitten argument that fanboys spew out.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rainfall.4017


@buzzkapow I can understand disappointment. But ‘not being fairly compensated for the money we invested’ ? I’m being totally serious. This is what happened. Whether their policy was right or wrong, you and everybody else invested money in ‘A chance to receive a special skin from a black lion chest’.

You can’t base an argument on what you and everybody else assumed they meant. You don’t have a leg to stand on in this matter. The reason is, you obviously either assumed it would be a high drop rate(why did you do that), or you were sceptical which begs the question why go ahead with the purchase.

You and everyone else, again, used your money for a chance to receive a skin. So that means you knew that, normal chest contents aside, you would either get a skin, or not.

So now the skin doesn’t drop, and we have incredibly angry people telling Anet they are dishonest, greedy, etc. Looking at this rationally and logically, Anet did nothing wrong, and you made the purchase. Could Anet possibly revise the chest contents to add fillers? Yeah sure they could, but they did not, and you still bought the item in full knowledge you only had a chance. There is no basis to complain for not receiving a skin because you did not pay for one.

Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Epicsmooth: sales of 2 million. Do you really believe most of those are still playing?

And if the complainers in this 20 page thread are a minority, than the defenders are one as well (and even a smaller one at that).

Out of your 2 million players only a handfull find the game worthy of defending?
Things must be really bad than.

Stop playing with words, if you don’t see there is a genuine problem by now, than you are willingly blind.
I’m not saying that you should agree, or change your opinion on how the dev’s did absolutely nothing wrong.
But don’t dismiss the outcries here. They are important for the furutre of the game you love so much.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Many Pesky Monk.3140

Many Pesky Monk.3140

@ epicsmooth

You pve to get tokens to get skins.
You craft to get skins/gear
You PvP to get the cool looking pvp armors and for titles, rank etc (which are not implemented yet)
Pretty sure I mentioned this.

I have and do playTF2, did not know that it wasn’t F2P before. Must’ve been a while back. And yes, the crates and BLC are the same thing. BUT, what you can get in a crate you can also just buy. You’re not heavily reliant on crates for a chance at a rare, you can just go and buy it separately or buy a set of gear for your guy.

And being an MMO makes a BIG difference. MMO’s are all about progression, challenge, and getting rewarded after overcoming obstacles. Constantly playing/farming for whatever it is you want. FPS games you just play for kitten and gigs. That’s like comparing CoD to this game or WoW. kitten

(edited by Many Pesky Monk.3140)

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Whiskeyjack.4569


Wow this is disappointing for sure. All the people who are saying its your fault for buying the keys…maybe it is but if you think about it, all the people that actually were willing to spend their REAL money on gems to buy keys are the same people who would be willing to buy them in the future. Makes logical sense right? So what happens when you screw the people who are willing to use the cash shop? Think about it those who are bashing the people who are “whining”.

We have people claiming they have spent HUNDREDS of dollars on keys. I question if this is a case of pure exaggeration, or a question of lack of common sense.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wayshuba.5912


@Many Pesky Monk.3140

Pretty sure out of a player base of (based on sales at least) 2 million….so yea thats a minority.

Though it may not mean much, this was the exact same stance that SWTOR took (and still do) as its membership plummeted hard and LOTRO took on its ‘grindaversary’ until it seeped into the public media and they ended up just about giving everything away.

Sometimes the vocal minority can indeed be the voice of the silent majority. You never know. But, you do know you are upsetting some of your customers, so it probably wasn’t a wise business decision.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Wanna know something ironic?

I lost 30 bucks. You can see me throughout the first 10 pages of this thread putting in my two cents about it.

So I farmed candy corn. For hours.

Guess what.

I’m now the proud owner of the ghastly grinning shield.


22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825



Do I no? but also don’t know how many has sold since they release the 2 million number or what current “subs” are. even if we drop it to 1 million. Its still a minority.

Defenders could be smaller or the complainers could be smaller. But I bet you overall people just don’t give a kitten as a whole.

Fallacy much? But yes there is a problem, and that is people made kittenumptions.

Also on note. I don’t love GW2, its just a game for me to enjoy with friends for now. Once other things I’m watching are released I doubt I’ll be on GW2 much anymore if at all.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Wow this is disappointing for sure. All the people who are saying its your fault for buying the keys…maybe it is but if you think about it, all the people that actually were willing to spend their REAL money on gems to buy keys are the same people who would be willing to buy them in the future. Makes logical sense right? So what happens when you screw the people who are willing to use the cash shop? Think about it those who are bashing the people who are “whining”.

We have people claiming they have spent HUNDREDS of dollars on keys. I question if this is a case of pure exaggeration, or a question of lack of common sense.

It actually doesn’t matter in the endif you believe it or not.
Nor does it matter if you (or me) think that it’s a lack of common sense.

It’s about what Anet did in regards to the trust their most paying customers had in them.
Don’t forget we are discussing the players here most willing to invest in the game, the ones willing to cash out.

If those players feel disapointed, rightfully or wrongfully, than as a company you have an issue. And what’s worse: since they are the customers, and you as a company are the one depending on their support: you’re the one that messed up somewhere, not them.
And this stands even if those customers laked common sense. Anet still relies on them for the future.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mickey.4207


@Many Pesky Monk.3140

really so the PvE, sPvP, WvW, crafting and etc are just tacked on and in no way the main part of the game right? Oh look someone disagrees with your stance….must be a fanboy kitten

TF2 wasn’t always F2P and its store was in the game before it even did go F2P. So seems you never played TF2…thats good to know. Btw crates and BLC are the same thing you know what you are going to get in both the rest is the % chance of what.

Really how does being a MMO matter at all in this?

Oh wow 19 pages, of people complaining and of those calling those complainers out. Pretty sure out of a player base of (based on sales at least) 2 million….so yea thats a minority.

It is never good to be so kitteny and over confident. i have seen this happening way too many times where this minority actually become voice of majority.

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: lordozone.9167


55 chests – crap in all of em

Commander Yvette Doombringer – 80 Thief
Sea of Sorrows
Event Farming Guide —> facebook.com/GW2EventZergGuide

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: ArkisTruefire.1746


I see players threatening to try and destroy this game or at least say its going to die because they can’t get a weapon skin. That’s probably one of the most petty things I’ve seen from gamers in a long time. Maybe they should just make all weapons have the exact same skin. People are getting far too invested in this.

I don’t think the majority of the people angry are threatening to destroy the game. I think most of them, myself included, feel that this is a bad path to move down, especially since throughout the game every aspect is just horrible drop rates.

I think more people are worried that the game they waited for so long is going down a path of pure RNG in order to get anything that looks decent. I think more people are worried for the game rather than threatening to destroy it.

It took a while for people to get holiday items in GW1. But none of it required RNG or games. I don’t mind hard to obtain items. In fact some of them should take multiple holidays to finish or you need to trade items to finish them.

The problem is people shelling out 50 dollars and getting crafting boosters thinking the rate of these items were 1/10 or something. You have to admit 50 dollars is more than someone would pay for a monthly subscription game in less than 2 months.

It’s true its a gamble, but the rates are so ridiculously low that people just feel ripped off. You have to agree that spending 50 dollars should almost guarantee you something or at the very least get you a “second prize” worthy to compensate you for your cash. I’ve said this before, but slot machines have a better return which is something people get addicted to. This is just purely enraging and really makes me feel like the game could get hurt from it.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vegas.5790


Wanna know something ironic?

I lost 30 bucks. You can see me throughout the first 10 pages of this thread putting in my two cents about it.

So I farmed candy corn. For hours.

Guess what.

I’m now the proud owner of the ghastly grinning shield.


If I might ask… how does farming candy corn get you a shield? Just a drop?

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825



True, but then their is the flip side also. With games like WoW, TF2, and others were the minority are just that….the minority.

Really I except one of a couple things.
1) Nothing happens, they have data to support its a minority thing.
2) They fix it because the % of people kitten off is a pretty good amount (10-25% or even more as you say)
3) This was a test and they will do something to make up for it and change things for future events.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


It is never good to be so kitteny and over confident. i have seen this happening way too many times where this minority actually become voice of majority.

Yet I’ve seen it way to many times where the minority is the minority.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Orian.3015


I wouldn’t mind as much if the prices on the Trading Post for some of the good skins weren’t so expensive, especially after I spent most of my gold on keys.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


I assumed, based on the information given by Anet in their advertisement for the event, that the BLC would contain halloween loot, with a chance at weapon skins. Nowhere did they mention that the only items added to the chests were skins, and that your chances to actually find one were zero to nil. That’s shady business for a company that prides itself from being so different from their competition. At least the competition spit before they gave it to ya.

If you put $20+ into a games cash shop, and walk away with nothing of use to you, there is a problem with the way the game is setup. That is the kind of business that drives customers away. You can try to defend Anet, but the facts remain. They deceived and misled their consumers during the build up to the event so they could profit. They didn’t even go so far as to give halloween themed items in the chests. I saved all my gems for this event, because i don’t want to open chests without added incentive. The items that drop from them are terrible, and most certainly not worth the amount of $$ they command from Anet. Throw in some holiday themed items, and it begins to look like a good deal. Until you realize they threw in holiday items that were so rare, people are comparing finding them to winning the lottery. In a video game! GG Anet! You made the first MMO lottery! Can’t wait to see how that kind of business model works out.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Yoshihito.5928


I opened 30 chests and got nothing. Nice to know the other hundred or so chests I have are now trash, not going to bother anymore with them.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Orian.3015


It’s practically a lottery in and of itself that ArenaNerf thinks this kind of business model will appeal to anyone.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CharrGirl.7896


Wanna know something ironic?

I lost 30 bucks. You can see me throughout the first 10 pages of this thread putting in my two cents about it.

So I farmed candy corn. For hours.

Guess what.

I’m now the proud owner of the ghastly grinning shield.


Yes but do you know it will expire? Wouldn’t you be happier if they provided permanent skins for twice as much candy corn, like they did with candy cane shards in GW1?

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mickey.4207


It is never good to be so kitteny and over confident. i have seen this happening way too many times where this minority actually become voice of majority.

Yet I’ve seen it way to many times where the minority is the minority.

I never said that isn’t possible but it is never a clever thing to kitten off your customer base. Not everyone posts on forums before leaving or quitting.

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.