3/4 Explore? Been to all the maps...

3/4 Explore? Been to all the maps...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Anyone have any thoughts?

3/4 Explore? Been to all the maps...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Qelris.6901


Only 3 out of 4 are currently available.

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

3/4 Explore? Been to all the maps...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kaderin.7584


Same, I can only suppose that this is because the other “Area” to explore will come in future acts, such as the one tomorrow? Because mad king will come forth in act 4 so exploring his realm then is illogical Just checking its the “mad king realm” explore achievement you are talking about right?

3/4 Explore? Been to all the maps...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Indeed. Explore mad kings realm is what I speak of.

3/4 Explore? Been to all the maps...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AveryFarman.2973


I had the same bit of confusion. I’m assuming that we can complete this achievement after the ‘big event’ on Sunday.

3/4 Explore? Been to all the maps...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Unspecified.9142


There was a Dev post that has long since been buried by clock tower QQ that said that not all the areas are available. If you have:

Emissary: 3/5
Mad King’s World: 3/4
Attend the Party 0/1
(All others maxed)

You have done everything you can right now.

3/4 Explore? Been to all the maps...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Spike Firebrand.8943

Spike Firebrand.8943

So why have 4 areas if only 3 count. Once again we are not told whats going on.

3/4 Explore? Been to all the maps...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Qelris.6901


So why have 4 areas if only 3 count. Once again we are not told whats going on.

There’s only 3 areas.. Keep in mind Lunatic Inquisition uses the Labyrinth. Why should Labyrinth counts twice? Also Anthony did say that somewhere, I believe..

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

3/4 Explore? Been to all the maps...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Edewen.8304


CALM DOWN PEOPLE. Only 3 of 4 are available at the moment. You aren’t told because it is a surprise. Even an Anet posted has said we are still missing a zone. Drop the attitude and learn some patience.

3/4 Explore? Been to all the maps...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Spike Firebrand.8943

Spike Firebrand.8943

Really edewn wheres the post then ?