7 hours Completed Mad King clocktower.

7 hours Completed Mad King clocktower.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

Finally after trial and mistake i was able to complete this jumping puzzle its indeed very hard and i realized where most of my bugs and glitches came from.

I decided to put this part here because probably this wont be read but.

when this halloween event its near to the end YOU SHOULD decrease the jumping puzzle difficulty.

you have to remember not everybody have top notch skills and reflexes and this leaves most of your playerbase aside.

if this JP was designed for hardcore players they already completed it heck ive been hearing people now trying to do perfect runs and wich one gets highest score, so you should remove difficulty so other people can truly enjoy the JP.

i consider myself a hardcore gamer and this was challenging i hope to see more in the near future +1 to you anet.

what i got after a while its that i dont have the best bandwith and this JP its not “lag friendly” it means if you get a bit of lag you are going to get kicked out, i had to wait until almost everyone was asleep to complete thing that could have been solved just making it only for 3-6 people and still getting that flavor of competing to the top.

Some tips if someone truly wants to complete the jp.

-Speedrun is your best friend there are only 2 places where you can really catch your breath to stop and think and they are, the cogwheel thats floating just after the jumping down part, and the thin ledge 20 steps after the jumping part down.

if you cant make a nice single rush without delaying too much at least until the first cogwheel you are pretty much doomed.

-Things that could have solved some rages.

-Waiting time : its the most infuriating part of the JP, this could have been solved easy just by making it a Rooster, you failed? get back in the rooster and when team its full go in again.

(there are not enough people to complete a team, still you got the waiting time as last resource)

-Number of people: i know its cool to share a jp, but when you are with 4 norns dressed in bulky armors and 3 chars in cof sets, you wont even know where you are, and the first part of the jp its the most important one if you misland a jump you are back at the beginning and waiting to get in… again.

(i had to switch over 10 worlds once until i found one when only there was 1 norn and pretty kind to remove his armor off).

7 hours Completed Mad King clocktower.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fiddlestyx.9714


I don’t understand why we have to wait and why we have to watch the intro over and over.

7 hours Completed Mad King clocktower.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DemonNinja.1602


Excellent post I agree 100%. The developers need to respond to this ASAP considering the event ends in nearly 4 days. Unless they plan on extending it, but wow such a huge let down.

Aerilon Starsider
Elementalist Extraordinaire

7 hours Completed Mad King clocktower.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kreit.4709


I don’t understand, why it can’t be done solo? I play asura, and full sized charr and norns are very annoying. And "smart " guys, who summon 2 pets/elementals in start room.
I cursed ppl who made this tower so many times xD. 40 or 50 tries before success. I rly wanted to break something.

7 hours Completed Mad King clocktower.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Yoke.4671


do not agree at all, you are woefull at puzzles if it took you that long, why should the puzzle be lowered to the lowest common donominator?

puzzle was great.

7 hours Completed Mad King clocktower.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bones.5762


Just me personally, i loved being able to see others on my map, it might be because i mastered the kitten thing and nearly lead everyone all the time but, its still fun to watch people overtake you, lead you, fall off. I honestly would not have had as much fun if i made it to the end alone all the time. In fact everytime someone made it to the end, i would congratulate them. There were a couple parts when i played my asura where i had a bigger norn/charr group, but it didn’t bother me too much even when they were leading, but maybe cause thats just cause i remember everything now.

Will you help me move?

7 hours Completed Mad King clocktower.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bones.5762


Also i would not like to spend any holiday event alone, whether IRL or games. Granted there are people who want to be alone on holidays but my personal opinion is that they wanted to be alone and didn’t really even want to celebrate the holiday.

Will you help me move?

7 hours Completed Mad King clocktower.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: lycosis.5974


The difficulty doesn’t need to be reduced to the lowest common denominator. The user-friendliness of the puzzle can be improved (e.g. no cut scene, not waiting 30-60 seconds to get back in, etc.) but leave the difficulty of it alone. It is supposed to be challenging. If you can do all the other jumping puzzles in the game (some are quite challenging, don’t see throngs of whiners asking for difficulty reductions on those), then you can do this one too. Practice more.