A list of activities for Halloween?

A list of activities for Halloween?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Groonz.7825


I feel that there should be some kind of thread that outlines what you can do during the event. I’m either completely overwhelmed by the size of the event or I’m simply just lost and have no real direction.

Things that I know;

*There are the main Halloween acts as listed on the main ‘Guild Wars 2 Halloween page’

*There are Halloween weapon skins that can be crafted (note, that these are not the same as the BLTC weapon skins). The weapon skins are essentially like mini-legendaries.
*Halloween themed Tonics/Runes can be crafted.
*Halloween food can be crafted.

Random Misc
*You can get temporary weapon skins from vendor.
*You can costume brawl.
*There are haunted doors that spawn halloween themed monsters which also drop trick or treat bags.
*There are some new jumping puzzles, dynamic events implemented into the game.

My thoughts
I’m just left feeling feeling; “is that it?” as well as “I’m not sure what I can do now” as I’ve been standing around in Lion’s Arch for a while now. It feels like after doing the ghost hunt quest, the only other real thing that feels to be done is ‘farm for halloween legendary’ but to me that seems out of reach and not worth attempting.

Did the costume brawl for 5 mins or so. It’s ok but can get boring once you see some costumes are somewhat OP.

The time limited weapon vendors don’t really seem worth doing (I’m one of those people that don’t see much of a value in limited use items, e.g. time limited weapons, tonics).

I know as the other acts are unlocked, they’ll further the progress of the halloween event chain but for the first act. But as it is now, after completing the first halloween quest, I feel as if I’m at a stand still. In Guild Wars 1 there were quest givers, they somewhat acted as a direction for players so they had some path to follow. I just feel that the main focus after you do your Halloween quest is to ‘farm for crafting materials for Halloween skins’.

Am I missing something?

(edited by Groonz.7825)