A massive thankyou to ArenaNet

A massive thankyou to ArenaNet

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Genophix.3098


I’ve played most MMOS and there have been themed holidays in a good few. The better ones have been in Aion and Wow which had some nice content like quests, themed items and some nice new decor around the main game hubs. Then ArenaNet come along and do this!


This thing emerged in real time in the centre of the main city, then was sucked back into his own realm. You could then follow the Mad King back into his arena and defeat him. Like many others I couldn’t do this for an hour because of the tech problems but to ANs credit they fixed this so quick. For all the players complaining and ranting please take a step back and see the big picture, we are being utterly spoilt here with rich and well designed content. We have to expect the odd bump as nothing like this has been done before and to have the guts to do this in the main city… yeah that’s brave and should be applauded.


I love the way they built up tension in Lions Arch by the stone lion starting to crumble away to reveal the writhing energy below, just like the dogs in Ghostbusters.


As for the rest of the event, I’ve been blown away by how much effort, time and love has been lavished across the world. There are pumpkins to carve everywhere, costumes with special abilities, spooky mini pets, themed weapons (like a chainsaw greatsword!) haunted doors that appear across the entire game. These doors can also transport you to a hidden estate of the Mad King which is split into four areas. One is a PvP arena where your running through very tall corn and rolling mist (so so atmospheric). Another is a jumping puzzle called the Mad Kings Clock tower where you can to race to the top while the green time goo rises below your feet, and it’s tough! (Managed to do this last night)


There’s also a quest line which is set into four acts and takes you across the whole game world unraveling the Mad Kings story. Act three was the Mad King himself bursting into Lions Arch as seen above.

There’s just so much to do, ArenaNet are being bold and ambitious with everything they do. If this is a sign of things to come we are in for some real treats and we’re only just getting started in the world of Tyria.

So from myself and all our members at Exterminatus ArenaNet we salute you. You are really pushing the boundaries on MMOs


A massive thankyou to ArenaNet

in Halloween Event

Posted by: gadenp.7586


I agree that halloween in GW2 has been great so far. But still waiting my ranger fix

Anyways, yea Anet put alot of effort into this halloween update. Next is Christmas

Looking forward to that…

A massive thankyou to ArenaNet

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Razel.2745


Nice screens! and i agree all the way. Love this event and love Anet for doing it so well , despite the few issues i have with it!!