First, a quick note about me and my GW2 Toon:
I’ve been SEVERELY procrastinating on playing the GW2 PvE game… I got wrapped up in the sPvP aspect of the game and by the time the Halloween festivities kicked off, my highest level character was level 11. ELEVEN. I preface my post with this because it’s important to mention for anyone who thinks that ANet has made some of the content inaccessible to lower level players. It’s simply not true. It’s more difficult sure, but far from impossible.
Mad King’s Memoirs Part 1 and 2: Google the locations and find people to help you. I had no problems finding help. You WILL die along the way if you are low level, but with careful positioning and awareness of your surroundings you will die far less than if you just try and rush through to the next page of the book(s). Also, the person(s) helping you get there will be grateful for your cooperation.
Labyrinth and Mad King Dungeons: You get auto-leveled to 80 upon entering. You will not be AS effective as a true 80, so again… exercise caution, don’t stand in the fire, and use the best skills you have available to the best of your ability to help the group.
CLOCK TOWER: Level doesn’t matter here… time, patience and determination are the key factors to success. I wanted to give up. I was as frustrated as I have EVER been playing a video game. My computer is low end and my latency is 200+. I was ready to call it impossible and join the whine-fest on the forums about how unfair it was. But I kept at it… 8+ hours… learning every nuance… being a bit more ready for the next jump each and every time. Pretty soon it was more about making the jump instead of figuring out WHERE to jump. Finally, I did it. And it was a VERY rewarding experience despite the lackluster loot.
Note: Persons with disabilities may have a legitimate gripe with the Clock Tower. Everyone else should stop whining. My computer/connection from the hotel where I completed it is worse than yours… I guarantee it.
RNG Loot: Deal with it. I spent tons of money on gems and got NOTHING (seriously… like $100). Just like most of us. We knew they would be rare. ANet gave us a second chance with MK Chests… again, NOTHING. Try again next year or save up and buy what you want from the BLTP. I grinded candy corn for hours and hours and BOUGHT my Scythe skin. Now I’m grinding the MK Dungeon in hopes for The Crossing to drop… I doubt I will get it.
What I’m getting at here is that while a lot of the Halloween stuff may be a major pain in the butt, it is all doable. Even by a level ELEVEN toon like me (actually I’m 25 now just from rigorously grinding away on all the Halloween events and crafting… but I started this out at 11).
So hang in there… this stuff was meant to be challenging. And if you don’t get everything, there’s always next year. In fact, most MMO Holiday events are indeed not MEANT to be fully completed in a single year.