Alone in the clocktower?

Alone in the clocktower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Boris De Pig.7258

Boris De Pig.7258

So, something weird happened and after completing the clocktower I hit ‘travel’ to leave the overflow…
…and I was completely alone.

Believe it or not, it doesn’t actually make the puzzle any easier. I found it harder!

Has anyone else experienced this?

Alone in the clocktower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kumu Honua.2751

Kumu Honua.2751

I did it that way, but….

I was just in an overflow and everyone left. It was late enough that no one ever filled it enough to join me.

Sylvari Guardian. – Dragonbrand.

Alone in the clocktower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bear.9135


There wasn’t really a change in difficulty for me after I left overflow. I completed the tower while it was packed with charrs/norns and while it was virtually empty.

Alone in the clocktower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eaglemut.6348


Exact same thing happened to me, I did not find it harder but I found it quite boring since I couldn’t chat with anyone else nor could I watch people falling down. I just relogged and went back to overflow to have some fun :P

I’m really happy this was not made as a solo event, I would probably never make it because I’d get bored.

Alone in the clocktower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I travelled to the main shard last night and it was SOO much nicer. Only 2 or 3 other people actually running it at the time. A couple of afk characters. Me and another asura that was hooked chatted and complained to each other. It was a great opportunity to figure out how to do the starting part without the hordes of people. I went on to use that knowledge today when it was more crowded but I finally beat it. So yeah, definitely easier for me with a smaller group (of smaller characters :P). Usually a faster turn around time too.

Alone in the clocktower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kagejuin.4713


I was left alone with one other player in an overflow once. It was heavenly.
I could learn the jumps of part 1 and actually felt improvement. Took short pauses not to rage too much. And then people flooded the overflow and I left.

I want it to be instanced like a dungeon. Me and my friends. nobody else.

Alone in the clocktower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Manoa.5897


I’ve been doing Clock Tower runs for funsies (and trick-or-treat bags) and found myself all by my lonesome in overflow way late the other night. It was like my own private instance and it was pretty neat. The portion at the pause (and shortly thereafter) was a bit easier without the cluster of panicked players. But it wasn’t THAT much easier for me since I had already mastered the puzzle by that point. My buddy who was struggling with the puzzle joined me in my “personal” overflow map after a bit and was able to score the slippers and the achievement within 3 or so runs. He had the skills, but was really struggling with the visibility issues when larger model characters were on the same map.

I suspect it may all really depend on how you memorize the puzzle. A lot of people rely heavily on sight cues and the crowds can really trip people up when you try to memorize the puzzle this way. A solo instance will help the former tremendously. Those who rely more on angles, timing and music cues and don’t rely on sight as much (especially in the early stages of the puzzle) likely have a much easier time with the puzzle, even with the crowds. While these folks would also benefit from a solo instance, they may not necessarily find it THAT much easier.

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

Alone in the clocktower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Richard Nixon.6573

Richard Nixon.6573

I discovered the non-overflow a while back, made the run a hell of a lot easier. Less lag, less downtime, less people blocking my sight… it’s easier to pinpoint my mistakes when I know exactly whether they’re because of my own error or because some other player caused a visibility issue.

Heck, even just jumping with other people stresses me out. It turns into a competition for me, which makes me more nervous, which makes me fail. It took 10 hours total, but I finished with only one other person in the puzzle.

Btw, I made a thread about this that didn’t get many posts, but if you get out of the map and wait until your queue pops (took me about 15-20 minutes), you can reliably get into the non-overflow instances.

-1-800-GUILD-WAR? They can’t have my ’Brand… I have special eyes.
-Look, look with your special eyes!
-My Dragonbrand!