Just adding my peevedness at the clocktower.
Yes, it’s very hard. Yes, with practice I’m going to beat it. How much practice? I’m currently at about 2 hours. I reckon I’m looking at another hour to get there. I’ve been playing platformers since the 80s; yes, a lot of people are going to have beaten this a lot faster than me. But a lot of people are not going to be able to do it at all.
I don’t have to rely on anecdotal evidence; Anet’s stats are going be backing me up. They’re going to be showing a very high proportion of players giving up, and that those who succeed have an extremely high average number of attempts before they get there.
If this was a year-round jumping puzzle it’d be great. I could try for a half hour, go do some other stuff, come back next week, try again. It’d be something to work up to.
But, as I understand it, it’s not. Halloween event finishes 1 November, and this is the only weekend over that period (and thus the only time to really sit down and bash these achievements out). There’s two acts to come, but it doesn’t seem likely either was planned to nerf the clocktower, so let’s assume this is as easy as it gets.
Yes, the achievement is small and skippable. Yes, the slippers are unexciting. Yes, it’s not part of the meta. But it’s content. I want to see the content. You could make every dungeon in the game so hard only 1% of players could finish them; and say, “Well, the dungeons are skippable”. I think people would be rightly annoyed if that was the case. It’s there; the intention is players should interact with it, be challenged by it, and then gain satisfaction and fun by overcoming the challenge.
Yes, if it’s too easy, the top end of players won’t be challenged and won’t have fun. Yes, if it’s too hard, the bottom end of players won’t be able to play it and won’t have fun. Currently, you have the balance wrong. It needs to be a little easier, which will probably peeve the top 5% of players, but gratify the bottom 50%.
Or… make it available all year round. That’s fine too. Really it’s the pressure to get it done before it goes away that makes it so aggravating.