Alatum Interitum
Anybody else already broke?
Alatum Interitum
I am always broke but I am especially broke today lol.
i just opened 30 chests and only got deadly avian mantle skin and some other disposal junk so yeah it was a big money sink
AMD Phenom II x4 955 BE 3.20 GHz DDR3 1600 8GB 4×2gb Sapphire Radeon HD 6870 1GB DDR5
I have 1g and some odd silver. But I just started a few weeks ago. And I never sale my items, always break them down for mats.
Well I haven’t bought anything yet but made a couple of gold today selling candy corn and recipes/mats found in personalized trick or treat bags.
I’m fine but I don’t care about cosmetic skins, lol.
Seriously I don’t. I’m not interested in tormenting myself trying to craft them or spend money on keys to acquire them.
I’m just enjoying the events.
Nope, I bought 2800 gems a couple days before for 21g, bought 10 keys when the event started, got a ghastly rifle skin, sold it for 7ish gold, then bought a mad king’s outfit for the hell of it, sold my remaining gems and still got like 10g back lol. All in all I only lost a few gold and got some fun goodies.
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows
Still have 1600 gems waiting to be spent. There’s nothing worth spending for this event unfortunately….
Would be nice if some of the hats /cough Phantom Hood /cough weren’t town clothes only..
I’m terrible with my money. At level 31 I can’t seem to break above an average of ~70 silver. It’s my own fault.
I haven’t tried too many of the Black Lion Chests, only used up the keys i had in the bank.
However, I have tried to save up for a weapon for quite some time now (Charrzooka) and i had about 13g. I’m now down to 87 silver after buying two of the skins and a bunch of stuff you get from those bags, trying out the Mystic Forge to see if i could get something interesting.
And I’m not complaining either, just wondering if you also went on a shopping spree?
your shopping spree is my payday
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
Bought 900 gems last week and 300 more this morning. Bought 2 mini packs at 500 gems and the 200gems halloween mask. Also bought around 200 candy corns from the tradepost to craft my chainsaw mini.
Now I’m under 50 silvers and thinking to buy some gems with real money this time for one of the halloween costumes.
Haven’t spent money on keys. Just used 6 keys i’ve got during the last 4-5 days since i started saving them. No fancy item drops
after 5 chests i got the gs chainsaw skin(ik your jelly and im lucky) after that i bought the mad king costume.Opppppp in costume brawl,lolall that for around 20g