Ascent to Madness LFG MK

Ascent to Madness LFG MK

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bones.5762


quite funny but just earlier today, i was in LA waiting for my guild group to get ready to go to MK, and i saw a guy spamming LA for a dps 80 toon. LOL he was searching for over 10mins, and spamming alot more towards the end. I don’t know if it was cuz nobody wanted to run with him, or if it was cause he was coming off in a bad way. but it gave me a laugh after i read this post earlier this morning.

Will you help me move?

Ascent to Madness LFG MK

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Aviden.7091


A solution could be slap DR on the dungeon to discourage the need for “speed clears”

Ascent to Madness LFG MK

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Account.9832


However, you can’t determine the competence of a player without seeing them play. On the other hand, you can determine a player’s level quite easily.

You can also determine what letter their name starts with quite easily. Does that make it a good way to decide who to invite and who to kick?

I could sort of understand looking at a player’s achievement score, which is global for his account and gives you an idea of how experienced he is (although I’ve met several idiots in GW2 with over 4k achievement points, so it’s still far from perfect – and experience isn’t necessarily a guarantee of skill, awareness or team spirit).

But making everything hinge on the level of a particular character (which will never really have an impact of more than 15% on the total party DPS – most of the times not even 10%) is being an elitist jerk – with emphasis on the second part, because you’re turning a factor that is minimized by GW2’s mechanics into an all-or-nothing precondition.

just assume that the person who has more play time and better gear is going to help the group more.

Because a guy that has 6 different characters and happens to be on his level 65 necromancer must have less experience than the guy who just hit 80 on his first character (and could be wearing level 20 gear, for all you know), right?

I guess it’s the way of the “gearscore generation”. Watching people play or asking them a couple of questions before the start is too complicated. Must make all decisions based on a number – even if that number has little or no practical relevance.

But hey, whatever works for you. Me, I like to avoid people with that mentality. In my experience, they tend to lack team spirit (which actually translates into a DPS loss, in GW2) and are rarely fun to play with.

You know who goes on my friends list almost immediately? Someone saying “LF1M for AC explorable; any level”. That means they know what they’re doing. But maybe I’m just an elitist jerk of a different kind.

- Al Zheimer

(edited by Account.9832)

Ascent to Madness LFG MK

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nevermore.5487


What are you rambling about? I had no trouble finding party with lvl 19 character. Always get invite within 15 seconds

Ascent to Madness LFG MK

in Halloween Event

Posted by: holska.4127


My experience is that even though I’m lvl 80 in full exotics those are the type of groups I should avoid because they’re usually full of annoying people.
If I’m going for a pug I just invite whoever does an LFG regardless of level or class becuause it can be easily completed (even fast) with non-80’s and any group compilation. I’ve been in several groups with only me as lvl80. So I would gladly take you for a couple of runs if you were on my server.
I’ve never had the farming / speedrun get shinies asap attitude though.