Asura disadvantage?

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TwoSwords.4687


Not only can I not see my character 70% of the time, but it seems I get stuck in between the teeth of the gears far more often then other races. Any other Asura out there feel the same way or is it just me?

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Deleven.7508


yes, i can confirm this

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


I’ll get this out of the way…

“Well it wasn’t a problem for ME so you have nothing to complain about”

There, now all the people that are acting that way about other peoples problems can just save it.

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


I’ll get this out of the way…

“Well it wasn’t a problem for ME so you have nothing to complain about”

There, now all the people that are acting that way about other peoples problems can just save it.

Thank you. You saved me the effort

- Signed, a very acrobatic Asura

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gurpsmeister.9068


yeh, it’s tough to be a shorty in the clocktower that’s for sure.

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TerryLong.9561


Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: fritanga.1623


I just wish that the clock tower would either be able to be done solo or seperated by race. I can’t see my character ever in this puzzle and end up falling off things repeatedly when a giant norn runs in front of me.

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DmnHunter.7620


Ima straight up say it here and now and get it out of the way so I don’t have to say it again. I AM A NORN AND HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM. i have to wear neon pink dye so I can see myself. If you can’t do the puzzle don’t complain about it because you lack the skill. Its hard for tall races and hard for small races. too many people and you cant see yourself period. Try being a Norn and also not being able to see landing spots because its filled with humans and asuras. The puzzle is fine.

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vradiqa.2765


That’s part of the “madness” for me. Asura consistently managed to get into the tower here.

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Riva.3418


As an Asura, it did make it more difficult to see my character. But once you learn the layout of the jp, it doesn’t matter. You’ll keep on going and see those fat charr falling off the ledges

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


That’s part of the “madness” for me. Asura consistently managed to get into the tower here.

Maybe it’s because Asura attract a “certain type” of player

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Haette.2701


I can’t imagine they actually gave the different races different hitboxes, that would completely conflict with the whole “race is irrelevant in PvP” thing.

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Player.9621


i saw a norn a couple char, another norn
only time i saw myself was at the staging area

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vorch.2985


Yes…i’ve done this with my human first…with my asura it is MUCH harder

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Account.9832


Not only that, but on Asura the camera often decides to zoom in (and then slowly out) for no apparent reason whenever you land on a new platform.

That particular bug has been around for over a month, but on a timed puzzle you can’t even wait for the camera to zoom back out, you have to guess where the next jump is without seeing it, because the camera is too busy showing you your own backside or a rock under your feet…

I AM A NORN AND HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM. […] Its hard for tall races and hard for small races. too many people and you cant see yourself period.

Not even comparable.

Be a norn in a group of asuras: See your character perfectly, see the platforms perfectly.

Be an asura in a group of norns: Don’t see your character at all, have most platforms in front of you hidden behind norn meat. Unless you’re lucky and they all fall off, you’ll basically be doing the puzzle blind from start to finish.

- Al Zheimer

(edited by Account.9832)

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: isoulssa.3489


I finished this within half an hour with an asura surrounded by charr and norns. Took off double tap dodge, zoomed out 100%, painted myself pink.

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TwoSwords.4687


I completed the puzzle, but Asura are much harder to see then a Norn, sorry it’s a fact.

I was just wondering if any other races had the same issue with the gears.

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: galeigh.5721


As an Asura I have noticed it too. That and it’s extremely difficult to judge jumps when you don’t even know where your character is. The first jump after the first break is a crap shoot for us, we might land on something or we might miss entirely.

(edited by galeigh.5721)

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Miz.2761


I don’t understand why it’s such an issue to have people in the puzzle since most fall after the first few jumps anyway. Not to mention it’s all just memorization.

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: konosh.4721


Hitboxes are the same for all races. I’ve been stuck between the cogs’ teeth as well, and I play human.

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eastwind.7209


Every time I play a jumping puzzle where the thing zooms in so close I can’t see where I am I wish I was playing a smaller character. So it goes both ways. Not that they shouldn’t fix both issues.

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

I had that problem as a Sylvari. Granted, I roleplay as the shortest male Sylvari possible.