Attend The Party

Attend The Party

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ronin.7381


Are we going to get specifics here in a bit as to what exactly this entails, like the hour or finale to be involved in? Got the witches hat but the Act 4 section on the Halloween Page still says it’s locked.

Attend The Party

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vengus.1098


Log in/zone into Lion’s Arch and you should get it automatically.

Attend The Party

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ronin.7381


Weird, I was there before it started and he’s gone through his second pass of Mad King Says, hadn’t received it.

Attend The Party

in Halloween Event

Posted by: WillOfIron.5273


Tried reloging? That worked for me.

Attend The Party

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Healer Demon.8069

Healer Demon.8069

As the Devs have already stated "

The event will continue to run every few minutes all day long so everyone can get their hat and achievement, no worries.

The achievement “Attend the party”, you must be where the lion statue originally was, to partcipate in “Mad King Says”. A chest pops at the end, as a mass costume brawl starts.

Some people have had to log out, then back in. To have the achievement “attend the party” go thru.

Also, know, that you had to do the rest for the achievement. To get the Title
“Emissary of the Mad King”
The following are the achievements you must have completed to get “Emissary of the Mad King” completed.
1. “Halloween Hunting”
2. “Halloween Events Complete”
3. “It’s a Mad King World”
4. " Attend the Party"
5. “Trick or Treat Bags Opened”

Just so everyone knows. As the devs, have already explained. The achievements
1. “Pumpkin Carving”
2. “Mad King’s Clock Tower”
Neither one of these two achievements count towards, the “Emissary of the Mad King” Achievement & Title.

If you go to this forum " " You can track what the devs are saying. And have said. Their is a post from one of them in this forum. Explaining what I just did. It’s also usually a faster way to get your questions answered. A lot faster.

Healer Demon! JQ Member
Friends in many guilds on JQ, and other servers.
It’s a game enjoy your play time, leave the QQ, for your X .

Attend The Party

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ronin.7381


Ahhh it bugged out. It just didn’t update properly. I closed the game relaunched, logged in, and everything was there filled up.