Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kill Kayt.8375

Kill Kayt.8375

How does ANet plan to handle this achievement, that for many is the only achievement left, for those on the easy coast that will more then likely not have power for an estimated 7-10 days. It’s not our fault that we don’t have power, and we shouldn’t be punished for our inability to attend.

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MossyStump.9461


1. You’re not being “punished” so stop acting entitled, it’s circumstance
2. I’m sure they’ll work something else out regardless

I understand your plight, but I hate the way you go about voicing it.

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Michael.3279


If you are going to be without power for 7-10 days. Missing an achievement in a video game should not even be on your priority list.

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mimir.4690


ANet also does not have the ability to control the weather, and while it isn’t your fault, it also isn’t theirs’. I agree with Mossy, that it is something I understand being frustrated about, but it sounds like you’re trying to play the blame game.

I don’t know how ANet is going to address this issue. Because if they do, then you can be sure that in the future people will remind them that they did this for this group of people, so why can’t they do this for us? Philly is my home, and I’m lucky to be on the other side of the country for college right now so I’m not missing out. So I really do feel for you guys and I hope it works out.

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: JustT.7465


humanity at its best…. O dear lol


Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AesirValkyr.7418


ANet has in the past done “redux” events so players can play the content in GW1, for example

Also “redux” Dragon Festival in 2007, and Halloween in 2008

If I were on the East Coast, I would be more worried about getting to a safe place first.

(edited by AesirValkyr.7418)

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobobejumbo.4951


I can’t believe people actually expect these things.

I live in Florida, we get hammered with hurricanes and tropical storms/depressions all the time. It’s not the end of the world. No power for 7-10 days? Our power companies here can have everything back up and running in less than 36 hours on the worst of storms. That surely can’t be a realistic estimate.

It’s also not ArenaNet’s fault you might or might not miss the event due to a natural disaster. It’s just a game. Deal with it.

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TheRabbit.9478


Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Joey.3928


Sounds like someone else took control of the Quaggan weather node…hah.

In all seriousness, I think ANet will do something as they are an amazing company.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jnaathra.6549


If you are going to be without power for 7-10 days. Missing an achievement in a video game should not even be on your priority list.

I can’t agree with this more strongly. Food, water, shelter, clean up, tending to family and friends…

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fayte.1803


Sandy wasn’t invited to the party

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kill Kayt.8375

Kill Kayt.8375

Seems I came off wrong. Poor wording on my part. I do not actually see it as them punishing us, but the feeling would suck immensely.

I don’t live in NJ so there are no Safe Place re-locations for my area… Just stay home.

ANet Doesn’t control the weather.. That is Why I am asking them if they have a plan. While it isn’t their fault it surely isn’t fair to their player base on the east coast. Of course one could ascertain that is partly their fault for not allowing the Even to be completed on the first day. I o the other hand do like the way they laid out the event very much. and prefer it to be rolled out in waves.. Much more fun this way.

Florida gets hit constantly and has learned to deal with what is needed (practice makes perfect). Up north they haven’t. While I don’t believe it will be 7-10 days that is exactly what they are telling us it will come Tuesday night (I watch the news). So it may not be realistic, but it is still the estimate given.

It is just a game, but some of us tend to enjoy it more than others and spend more money and time than others. I’m not saying I’m entitled to it. I simply want to know if they have a plan.

PS I am without power at the time of writing this. Posting from my phone.

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Talon Vector.5748

Talon Vector.5748

u know i think this sums it up… have a little bit of kindness and understanding for others, theres alot of people going through a tough time with that storm, and some of u alls a hole comments arnt helpin out. u heard when u were a little kid, if u cant say somethin nice dont say anything at all. u people being rude should b asshamed of yourselves. with that being said, have some good will toward men. it really does help the world to b a better place, even amongst the storms. Peace be with u all. =)

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Talon Vector.5748

Talon Vector.5748

this coming from some 1 who no doubt types LFG for AC PST lololol, what a joke. any way Peace to u also nice guy. =)

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DenverRalphy.4185


and some of u alls a hole comments arnt helpin out. u heard when u were a little kid, if u cant say somethin nice dont say anything at all.


Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Talon Vector.5748

Talon Vector.5748

i just call it like it is bro

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobobejumbo.4951


I believe you are confusing acronyms, which have always been a valid form of conveyance, with plain old butchering of words that are already incredibly short.

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Melchior.2135


I can’t believe people actually expect these things.

I live in Florida, we get hammered with hurricanes and tropical storms/depressions all the time. It’s not the end of the world. No power for 7-10 days? Our power companies here can have everything back up and running in less than 36 hours on the worst of storms. That surely can’t be a realistic estimate.

Former Floridian here. Florida is an unusual example, and a lot more weather-tested than other parts of the coast. Yeah, they’ve got some impressive preparations and they’ve streamlined recovery there to pretty amazing degrees, but if meteorologists tomorrow said “Florida will get hit by at least one Category 2+ Hurricane every year for the next 100 years, and at least two Category 1s or major Tropical Storms”, no one would be surprised, and state-level emergency planning wouldn’t change much. The local governments in Northeastern states tend not to remember that Hurricanes are a possibility until they have one bearing down on them, and the response is likely to be a bit more haphazard as a result.

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


Weather-response is relative. We shrug off big snowstorms multiple times every winter in Michigan, but business-as-usual was halted in Atlanta for days when they got hit by that storm a couple years ago because they were poorly equipped to deal with blizzards. That doesn’t mean I was laughing at folks in Georgia because they couldn’t handle it as well…it’d be crazy of me to expect the state of Georgia to be as prepared for wintery weather as the northern states.

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DataDwarf.1073


First world problems. Got to love them!

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mega Skeleton.8259

Mega Skeleton.8259

I see no reason for them not to extend the festivities a week into november. Just more fun for all to be had.

[EG] is recruiting!

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mimir.4690


I don’t want this event to be extended, but I’m sure you guys will have time to fill in that last “Attend the Party” achievement. The event ends on November 5th right? Most people will have their power back on by then.

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kill Kayt.8375

Kill Kayt.8375

I don’t want this event to be extended, but I’m sure you guys will have time to fill in that last “Attend the Party” achievement. The event ends on November 5th right? Most people will have their power back on by then.

It was originally Nov 5th, but now all Official sites say Nov 1st…

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

I hate that you guys up north on the east coast are going through these weather issues. I hope that your power isn’t out long (not because of the game but because of the real life issues that incur). However let me simply say this. Achievements in this game are simply numbers. That is all. They are meaningless to game play. Yes I understand that they can be fun and interesting to complete. Yes they can give you some titles. But again they are still meaningless. How can I back this up?

I started the game and had a very low amount of achievement points. I now have nearly 2,000. Am I bragging about these points… no. Many more have more than me and many more have lower than me. Does this do anything for either group… Nope not a darn thing.

If I achieve something in the game and get the achievement, yeah. If I can’t guess what… no boo hoo. It’s a few meaningless points. It’s not like when you hit a particular achievement point level you get a new something or other.

There is no 10,000 achievement point club that gets free waypoint travel or some other benefit so in the end I just say get over it quickly about achievement points. When you can get one then yes enjoy getting it. When you can’t get over it quickly and keep having fun. Achievement points are the last thing you should worry about.

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kill Kayt.8375

Kill Kayt.8375

IAchievements in this game are simply numbers. That is all. They are meaningless to game play. Yes I understand that they can be fun and interesting to complete. Yes they can give you some titles. But again they are still meaningless. How can I back this up?

I started the game and had a very low amount of achievement points. I now have nearly 2,000. Am I bragging about these points… no. Many more have more than me and many more have lower than me. Does this do anything for either group… Nope not a darn thing.

I don’t care about the points.. I care about the title.. I didn’t do all this work and get all this done to have nothing to show for it. I was told completing everything would grant me a title.

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mimir.4690


@Kill Kayt: (not letting me quote for some reason)

The website still says, at least the TP, will be Halloween themed until November 5th. Does anybody know for sure?

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vorch.2985


…You’re blaming ANet for planning an event weeks ago that now coincides with a hurricane…

I think your primary concern should be being safe for the hurricane.

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kill Kayt.8375

Kill Kayt.8375

…You’re blaming ANet for planning an event weeks ago that now coincides with a hurricane…

I think your primary concern should be being safe for the hurricane.

Why does everyone say that? I’m inside my apartment.. Can’t get much safer than that.. No power.. Bored all I have to do is worry.

I’m not blaming anyone.. I’m askin if the have a plan for. If they have thought of anything.. Made any decisions..

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kill Kayt.8375

Kill Kayt.8375

@Kill Kayt: (not letting me quote for some reason)

The website still says, at least the TP, will be Halloween themed until November 5th. Does anybody know for sure?

The link you gave actually says and I quote “Runs from October 22 until November 1* in four acts”

(edited by Kill Kayt.8375)

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Solinox.6251


Wow, theres cry baby threads… Then theres this piece of work.

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kill Kayt.8375

Kill Kayt.8375

Wow, theres cry baby threads… Then theres this piece of work.

Well this started a simple question… Then many people took offense that question as every question ever asked is a personal attack on everyone else.

The question still stand and is a legitimate question considering that ANet has done so in the past.

Attend The Party and Hurricane Sandy

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Martin Kerstein.3071

Martin Kerstein.3071

Head of Global Community

There is an existing thread about this, in which I also posted. Closing this one, please use the other one