Black lion chests

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

Fanboys incoming, i know but do you know people spend RL money to support the game you are playing?

If this its what you call fun where vanity items wich doesnt affect a single bit gameplay and most people would love to wear are this lottery based, well you have dug your own grave.

i spent almost 30$ because i wanted to get a skin from your chest, and guess what, not even one.

If you didnt realize micro transactions are what make f2p games go over the top

Look for example League of Legends, they sell skins wich dont affect gameplay, some of there are unique and have different particle effect and they sell a lot.

yet again you have dissapointed me badly, dont expect to get a good review if someone ask me about this game.

(edited by Denial Of Service.5732)

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fiennes.9568


So you’re blaming ArenaNet? You know Chests are Random. You want a Skin. You spent some cash, you didn’t get the skin. Chests are a lottery. That’s pretty much advertised.

Nothing to see here, move along folks.

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

and you are one of the most … .. . flamboyant fanboys that sadly this community has, i expected loads of fun, fun is getting things out of the event, yet elitisms is rampage in this community.

“i gotz dis shiny skinz u can haz it or i wont be unique” mentality.

guess wha? do you think we are all 14 year old kids that got nothing to do or play 15+ hours the game to have fun?

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: proxy.3297


we were all under the assumption that arenanet wouldnt screw us over with horrible drop rates for skins. we expected to maybe open a few or maybe even 10 chests to get a single skin, not 100. if arenanet was more honest and upfront about the rarity of the skins then there wouldnt have been as big a backlash.

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: axiology.5807


“i gotz dis shiny skinz u can haz it or i wont be unique” mentality.

But isn’t that why you want that skin from the chest? And the reason why you’re unhappy is because you’re not getting it?

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fiennes.9568


guess wha? do you think we are all 14 year old kids that got nothing to do or play 15+ hours the game to have fun?

That’s how your post came across, yes.

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

we were all under the assumption that arenanet wouldnt screw us over with horrible drop rates for skins. we expected to maybe open a few or maybe even 10 chests to get a single skin, not 100. if arenanet was more honest and upfront about the rarity of the skins then there wouldnt have been as big a backlash.

ill just spend the gems i got left in random things but for me its done.

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

“i gotz dis shiny skinz u can haz it or i wont be unique” mentality.

But isn’t that why you want that skin from the chest? And the reason why you’re unhappy is because you’re not getting it?

in fact no, i bought it because in some previous threads i made supporting Anet decision for skins to be in chest its because i tought drop rate was in fact at least 30% in that case encourages people to buy gems and get in exchange a SKIN!.

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dayne.8910


i bought 5 keys

opened i think like 6-7 chests

got nothing, garbage boosters, thank god i got one black lion salvage kit to almost make it not a total waste

have no desire to ever bother with anything involving those chests unless the key is free.

I lived in Vegas for 7 years, i have no desire to gamble, let alone on FAKE ITEMS.

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wolfgang Michael.8217

Wolfgang Michael.8217

If you don’t want to play the lottery game, buy it off of the Trading Post. It’s that you are unlucky. You can’t blame ANet for the RGN. It is called ‘Rare or Unique’ for a reason. I personally am going to try opening a few chests. If you are not lucky enough, stop gambling and move on kitten

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: axiology.5807


in fact no, i bought it because in some previous threads i made supporting Anet decision for skins to be in chest its because i tought drop rate was in fact at least 30% in that case encourages people to buy gems and get in exchange a SKIN!.

Where in the world did you get that 30%? I have never seen that anywhere.

In any case, you have supported ANet! I’m sorry that you did not get the skin you wanted, but there are other ways to enjoy and get something out of the Halloween festivities. Which I hope you would take part in, and not base everything on some poor luck with chests.

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pratelic.6185


do you guys go beserk if you don’t win the lottery? :P
bad things happen, just gotta take it on the chin, i haven’t paid a single penny for this game (bar actually purchasing it) and i’m still having fun.

this game is what you make of it.

If you expect to pay a small amount and get the most amazing things then you’re gonna be a little dissapointed (unless your one lucky sod) if you don’t enjoy the game or have fun, you’ll spend more time complaining than actually playing, and won’t that look silly


Take Everything With A Pinch Of Salt
Especially Chips

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vakirauta.6397


If you expect to pay a small amount and get the most amazing things then you’re gonna be a little dissapointed (unless your one lucky sod) if you don’t enjoy the game or have fun, you’ll spend more time complaining than actually playing, and won’t that look silly


Are you kidding? A skin being the most amazing thing in the game? OP said he paid for to get that skin which has no effect in the gameplay.

Get lost


The Iron Butterfly

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Faction.4013


I opened 3 chests today and got the Shield skin.

Maybe Im just lucky?

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


i dont care the event update, but some classes modification are made without sense. +10% damage on SOW is pretty ridicolous, they throw a bone of kitten to us, and they want we spend real money for gems? i think NO!

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Alexander Dragonfang.1759

Alexander Dragonfang.1759


Did you waste money for nothing? what a lol im having hahaha, thanks for letting us know your failure, is like looking those gambling addicts getting out of the cassino defeated/broken, is a wonderfull sight for me lol.

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wolfgang Michael.8217

Wolfgang Michael.8217

If you expect to pay a small amount and get the most amazing things then you’re gonna be a little dissapointed (unless your one lucky sod) if you don’t enjoy the game or have fun, you’ll spend more time complaining than actually playing, and won’t that look silly


Are you kidding? A skin being the most amazing thing in the game? OP said he paid for to get that skin which has no effect in the gameplay.

Get lost


Exactly. Its just a flipping skin. Stop crying over it and get more keys. Or move on!

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sanarian.9614


I’ve seen quite a few of your posts around here, Alexander. Is it just me or do you never have anything productive to add to a conversation aside from a halfwit’s attempt at trolling?

That aside, the drop rate is/was extremely low. It’s not a big deal, although many people expected (as is tradition in GW1) for the rewards to be generous, not greedy. It was an assumption on the players’ part and it bit us in the rear for it. It happens, chances are it won’t change. Move along.

Sanarian [ME] | Thief | Blackgate

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MinkoAk.7049


Aren’t those skins craftable too ?

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Alexander Dragonfang.1759

Alexander Dragonfang.1759

Whatever i say is productivo or just trolling depends on the one who read. Thats the magic behind words. For some my words could be fun, advicing and really interesting, for others they are boring, stupid and better not read them or ear them, i see it everyday when im in front of my class, is something most people do not notice or don`t accept, most of these people like to say others “the things you say are useless”.

Still, having fun with the poor boy, 30 bucks to waste cause of RNG… such a… lol. kitten it beats me lol.

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sanarian.9614


I’m fairly sure that the crafted equipment has a different appearance, but I could be wrong. Not many of them have been discovered yet, from what I know.

Sanarian [ME] | Thief | Blackgate

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


Oh look its TF2 all over again.

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Qelris.6901


or you could have bought it for a few golds..

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

Black lion chests

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CC Charles.3675

CC Charles.3675

Community Coordinator

Hi Everyone,

Please stick to this thread for everything related to black lion chests’ dropping.

This will help us to have clearer feedbacks.

Thank you.

(edited by CC Charles.3675)