Can I complete the scavenger hunt after the event?
No, if you want it, get it now.
if you want someone to escort a lower level character of yours through, and you are on the Tarnished Coast server, i will help you
I don’t know if they’ve confirmed this or not, but I would assume so. Act IV of the Halloween event won’t be released for roughly another 6 – 8 hours, so you have plenty of time.
Grand Duke Slushey of the Knîghtmare Court
Blackgate | Knîghtmare [KnM] | Knights of the Temple [KnT] | Attuned [Att]
Blackgate | Knîghtmare [KnM] | Knights of the Temple [KnT] | Attuned [Att]
Thanks. Sanctum of Rall actually. TC is our enemy right now in WvW.
I was good up until the very last piece, but some random person helped me out on my lowbie and I got it. All my other toons will have to wait til next year. Too much work for them at their level.