Can we open Black Lion Chests for Halloween now
Content Marketing Lead
Your question has been answered here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/halloween/Black-Lion-Chest-Update
Twitter: @ArenaNet, @GuildWars2
In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra
Don’t open anything, no sign that the event has started yet.
Try in a few hours, im sure we will know when it arrives.
It’s not Halloween Time yet on Servers.. so you can’t find something about it, for now
It’ll likely require a patch, or at least a reboot, unless they’ve sneaked in the content in earlier patches and just have to “flip a switch” to activate it.
Might want to read the details…
quoting from https://www.guildwars2.com/en/events/halloween-2012
“* All times and dates are shown in US Pacific Time (UTC-7:00)”
“The Black Lion Chest is getting a spooky upgrade for Halloween. Between October 23 and November 5 each Black Lion Chest you open has a chance to give you one of six exclusive Halloween-themed weapon skins!”
It says on the main page that the halloween stuff kicks off today (22nd).
Got up early (its 8am) to have a look and explore and open the chests, but cant see anything different
Do I need to download something new?
But my main question is can I now start opening my chests to find a possible halloween gift? Or do I have to wait for this download or whatever it is? I dont want to waste my chests.
8am your time really doesn’t matter. To no offense, because none was meant. The time and matter is when Arena.net updates their servers and decides when the game updates. Whether that’s 22nd in Hawaii or the 22nd on the Moon.
Their servers run PST, which is to say that right now it’s 11:51pm PST on the 21st as I type this. So, it’s not the 22nd to them yet.
As Brian’s quote says, the chest upgrade is released tomorrow. I’m gonna wait ’til the 24th though, just in case there are any bugs :P
Thank you everyone I will be more patient
5pm PST
8pm EST
5pm PST
8pm EST
And you got that from?
i talked to a anet employee in game he is a freind of mine (works on pve envrioment) he said he does not know the exact time but it wont be till very late on the 22nd pst.
5pm PST
8pm EST
“The Black Lion Chest is getting a spooky upgrade for Halloween. Between October 23 and November 5…”
23rd not 22nd.
I guess europe will have to wait till tomorrow.
The strange thing is, I think the 23rd comment might be a typo; the fact that Halloween events (and, in addition, the BLC) are on the 22nd is mentioned twice. The 23rd is mentioned once. One typo is understandable… but two, in the same piece?
My guess is it’ll be noon tomorrow.
EST? Is that Europe time? We got to wait till 8pm
EST is eastern standard.. east coast of the united states,
Oh ok. Hopefully they will launch it at a decent time for the EU servers then, and not expect us to bow down to what the US happens to be doing. We do pay alot more for Gems then them afterall!
good luck getting keys that you don’t have to buy
arenanet cash cow inc
truly I wouldn’t see a sane person with money buying keys to get most of time crap from the chest. but then the world is full of insane people, rich or not..
Level 10 personal story = 1 key
lather, rinse and repeat
got 3 keys just from blowing through my alts in a day so far.
Level 10 personal story = 1 key
lather, rinse and repeat
got 3 keys just from blowing through my alts in a day so far.
you’re better off farming with a group at plinx in ORR
yea right
its around
1 k e y per 40 hours of farm
yea thats gonna work
either there better be some spectacular events relating to this Halloween fiasco or its going to be a joke
ed: weird forum wouldn’t let me say that in one sentence without putting a kitten on it
(edited by Player.9621)