Carving Pumpkins

Carving Pumpkins

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kalipsan.2073



So, I see you have to carve a certain number of pumpkins. Are the Carving Pumpkin spawns unique and you can only carve them one, so you must find each across Tyria, or do they respawn for you, so its not a treasure hunt?

Kalipsan – Sylvari Ranger
Paige Starpetal – Human Elementalist

Carving Pumpkins

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kalipsan.2073



Sorry, figured it out! They randomly spawn and unspawn in certain locations for you, from what I can tell.

Kalipsan – Sylvari Ranger
Paige Starpetal – Human Elementalist

Carving Pumpkins

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Valanthe.4279


I’m having a pumpkin carving issue myself. I’ve now carved 3 pumpkins and my Disturbance Zone is not moving up at all, and the dude says I’ve just carved one. . .

Carving Pumpkins

in Halloween Event

Posted by: twibs.2173


From my experience the carving pumpkins are also an achievement and have nothing to do with the disturbance level. I finished the first tier is 1 pumpkin, 2nd is 25 pumpkins (where I’m at), then 75 and I’m assuming 150 for tier 4. I think he only changes what he says when you reach the next tier.

Carving Pumpkins

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Penarddun.6827


I talked to the Carving Master and then found a bunch of pumpkins to carve (around Queensdale), which I did, but when I go back to him he talks as if he is just telling me about it and I haven’t gotten any yet. I’m certainly at tier 1 since I’ve carved more than 1.

The ones I have carved are the ones that actually say “carving pumpkin,” you do a bit of slashing, and it turns into a jack-o-lantern. Are these not the right ones?

Carving Pumpkins

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TerryLong.9561


Look in your achievements for hints on how many pumpkins you will need to carve.

Carving Pumpkins

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Penarddun.6827


So it doesn’t show up as a side quest, it’s only in the achievements? Thanks, that clears a lot up actually.