Chainsaw The Skeleton!

Chainsaw The Skeleton!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: novaagent.6572


3 minis + 250 candy corn = Chainsaw The Skeleton!


Chainsaw The Skeleton!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: callidus.7085


Wait, wtf? you threw mini’s in the forge?! You MONSTER!

Slow down and smell the pixels.

Chainsaw The Skeleton!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ethanfel.1263


random mini or specifc one ?

Chainsaw The Skeleton!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Caska.4367


random mini or specifc one ?

It has to be the 3 halloween minis that you get from the gem store.

Chainsaw The Skeleton!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: SkeletalLlama.5381


Has to be the Halloween trio of minis from the gem store. 500 gems. Which means if you want this plus the other minis for your collection, you have to buy two sets of them. But Chainsaw the Skeleton is very cool.

Chainsaw The Skeleton!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dicer.2931


Haha nice one! Like the chainsaws

Chainsaw The Skeleton!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Whitenight.5106


money grabbing packages…

but at least mini you are guaranteed to get what u want…unlike rip you off chests.

Chainsaw The Skeleton!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Finally a proper skeleton undead.
It might be just a miniature, but at least is there.

Having only zombies among the undead and not skeletons and mummies was an aberration, as if this was The Walking Dead and all undead had to be “sci-fi zombie style” or something.

Let’s hope they eventually add more animated skeletons as undead foes instead more ‘infected corpses’.

No exceptions!

Chainsaw The Skeleton!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: thavleifrim.4176


this blew out my expected gem spending by another 500, had to by 3 mini boxes =(

Chainsaw The Skeleton!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Max Lexandre.6279

Max Lexandre.6279

This is another “money sink”, we must to buy them twice or even 3 times to get this one. I really aint getting ANet, if the gems rate keeps getting droping soo much in gold value the players will be forced to spend real money, but that can be ok… But overpriced things does not help.

I’m The Best in Everything.
Asura thing.

Chainsaw The Skeleton!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: raxx.8914


What do you mean 3? Buy it twice only.

Chainsaw The Skeleton!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nathan Drake.8043

Nathan Drake.8043

i think it real sad off ANet that they make us buy that pet pack twice to get the last minipet. its pathetic to be honest. sell it seperate for 250 gems or something but seriouslly buy it twice and throw them in.