Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Specifically wat chests are we referring to?

Open world bosses, dungeon bosses, halloween specific bosses…..what?

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xodus.7802


Halloween mad kings labyrinth chests

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


same here, I’ve not looted the chest in over 24 hours and i still cant open it:(

The reset time is in about 4 minutes. Well should be anyway. So you should be able to loot it again then.

That means we should have gone through a reset ~ 1 hour after last nights patch (if I recall the timing correctly)

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


People will soon learn, if it’s to good to be true, it probably is an exploit and you better use it as much as possible before the nerf.

IMO Exploiters are the only ones that get ahead in this game, sad, sad, sad…

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vena.8436


It would seem that they have un-nerfed the chest’s contents (perhaps this actually was a bug?). I cannot speak for the ability to open it more than once per character, though.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


It would seem that they have un-nerfed the chest’s contents (perhaps this actually was a bug?). I cannot speak for the ability to open it more than once per character, though.

I was able to loot the chest once, but the contents are still a joke. 2 more greens and some plastic fangs: what a threat to the economy.

Guess it’s back to just being disappointed rather than worrying about a bug.

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vena.8436


It would seem that they have un-nerfed the chest’s contents (perhaps this actually was a bug?). I cannot speak for the ability to open it more than once per character, though.

I was able to loot the chest once, but the contents are still a joke. 2 more greens and some plastic fangs: what a threat to the economy.

Guess it’s back to just being disappointed rather than worrying about a bug.

What is RNG. Hello, good bye, and top of the hat to you.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: matthewr.3980


Got an icy bag out of a chest today. Whoopie.

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Komah.5230


I just want to know what ever happened to the whole philosophy of using tokens to get gear. We get to grind two chests.. once per character, per day and we have a very low chance of getting one of the exotics for the Mad King set.

There’s barely a point to going into there now.

(edited by Komah.5230)

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ordin.9047


The thing is, this is happening left and right and over and over in this game. Does anyone at anet have even a little bit of foresight? Cant they think…. If I do this, what may be a consequence? They seem to just hash this content out and then worry if it works later. Then to fix it they just nerf it into oblivion.

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


I perfectly understand RNG, thank you.

I’m talking about user expectations. If I can loot the chests over and over, then I have a chance at a good roll and getting loot of value.

If I can only loot once a day, then there’s no purpose – even with higher chances, I’m only going to get to roll the die once.

So let’s say that the Exotic drop rate in the chest is something silly, like 20%. Sure, that might be broken if I could loot the chest multiple times a day, but it’s worthless if I can only loot it once – there’s an 80% chance I’m walking away with nothing, regardless of how much “better” of a chance I have.

So what’s the point of spending the time and effort to more likely than not walk away with nothing? My time would more efficiently be spent grinding for gold so that I can buy whatever exotic I want.

That’s the problem with the nerf, they completely kill the fun of the event.

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Northy.1206


If I can only loot once a day, then there’s no purpose – even with higher chances, I’m only going to get to roll the die once.

So let’s say that the Exotic drop rate in the chest is something silly, like 20%. Sure, that might be broken if I could loot the chest multiple times a day, but it’s worthless if I can only loot it once – there’s an 80% chance I’m walking away with nothing, regardless of how much “better” of a chance I have.

So what’s the point of spending the time and effort to more likely than not walk away with nothing? My time would more efficiently be spent grinding for gold so that I can buy whatever exotic I want.

That’s the problem with the nerf, they completely kill the fun of the event.

exactly i don’t even care if they made the Halloween items you get from it account bound, i just don’t see a point going in there as it is, crap items once/day if i want karma or xp ill go to orr and do de’s

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Halloween mad kings labyrinth chests

Oh i c. Chest can only be looted once a day?

In that case i dont care and heres why.

Youre all so preoccupied worrying about loot from a chest that you cant even see the gold mine that is the entire zone.

Think about it.

Theres soo many mobs, like Orr and what do they drop?

Candy corn
ToT bags
Halloween mats.

What is going to be in short supply and high demand a week after halloween hmmm?

Im farming the absolute hell out of that zone.

Dont care about once per day loot if the stuff really worth getting can just be bought almost literally with candy after the fact.

Think about it. There IS a reason to go there.

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kolache.3964


I just want to know what ever happened to the whole philosophy of using tokens to get gear.

I was thinking about this myself. So many forms of tokens/faction to spend on gear to avoid the RNG. Then in the first holiday event we get not only RNG, but compared to other MMOs a pretty harsh rate at that. If anything I would have thought it would have been done the other way around. If you realize the benefits of token based systems, why would you put in the potentially more frustrating alternative for what should be a special event? It’s like one company made the game and another company is handling this event.

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Northy.1206


ToT bags drop in orr, the rare mats sell for the same thing selling to npc, so i npc all of those, candy corn, i can spend 1hour in orr and buy 2000 candy corn at its current price

(edited by Northy.1206)

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kolache.3964


ToT bags drop in orr, the find mats sell for the same thing selling to npc, so i npc all of those, candy corn, i can spend 1hour in orr and buy 2000 candy corn at its current price

lol careful what you say, they’ll just nerf that too

“The beatings will continue until morale improves!”

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ditton.3149


okay so you can do it all in Orr, well any low level toon can get in this one so you can do it with any friend and its something different than the risen.

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: JPUlisses.8756


This jumping puzzles are making me miss guild wars 1… you couldn’t jump and it was a good thing! I hate this puzzles.