Clock Tower Next Halloween

Clock Tower Next Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TheWalrus.4923



Will the Clock Tower be available to complete next Halloween too? There will be virtually no way for me to finish it before the event ends with how poorly I’ve been doing and how little time is left, and it would make not finishing not seem so bad to know that in a year I can take another stab at it.

Clock Tower Next Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Snarky Snarf.8463

Snarky Snarf.8463

you could totally finish it. try watching a youtube video of someone completeing it if your worried about not finishing it in time. If you don’t want to sap the fun out of it, try just watching part of the video that you are having trouble with. that way you still did some of the puzzle yourself.

Clock Tower Next Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: mrsrachelm.7618


Hopefully, it will be available next year without all the bugs etc -and- be changed to a soloable puzzle as was originally intended by the designer rather than grouped. Then, if I’m still playing the game (doubtful) I might bother with it.

PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT talking about changing it’s difficulty level.

Clock Tower Next Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TheWalrus.4923


I really don’t think I could. :/ I’ve already spent hours and can’t even consistently get past some of the very earliest parts.