Clock tower video all 4 chests and the hard mode path to the top no one takes

Clock tower video all 4 chests and the hard mode path to the top no one takes

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Raz.3269


I quite liked all of the Halloween events, however I very much enjoyed the Clock Tower, and did it many, many times. So I made a video of me doing my normal bag farming run, with a twist at the end.

Clock tower video all 4 chests and the hard mode path to the top no one takes

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Skoltnik.4361


nice video! I enjoyed the clock tower very much also, finished it 4 times without taking any of the chest, gotta try some more before the events end.

Clock tower video all 4 chests and the hard mode path to the top no one takes

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Raz.3269


Thanks, if you’re going to grab the chests though you have to push your loot button twice to skip the opening animation. I’m actually going to add that tidbit to the video description.

Clock tower video all 4 chests and the hard mode path to the top no one takes

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Raz.3269


Someone commented that the video makes it look so easy, and seemed frustrating to them, I’d just like to say that it is quite a difficult jumping puzzle, I’ve got it the timing of jumps down to muscle memory now. I’d just like to say I spent probably 4 hours, and countless attempts before I got it the first time. It sure did feel good when I made it though. I hope everyone else who makes it feels the same way.

And to the people upset about the difficulty. The challenge is what makes it fun. All content cannot be geared at the lowest common denominator, or it becomes boring for the majority. It’s better to have some easier stuff, some mid range stuff, and some very difficult stuff. I personally hope that even harder jumping puzzle events happen as the game continues.

Clock tower video all 4 chests and the hard mode path to the top no one takes

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Thebacklash.8396


Good video, until the end I used that same path. (and yes you made it look easy)
8 characters, 8 boots
4 Asura
1 Human

found the Charr were actually easier for me, which is odd cause they tend to be the worst at jumping puzzles (for me anyway) So i farmed with the Charr for awhile.

Gotta say, it took me forever to beat it once… NOT an easy puzzle. but once I did beat it, it’s grew on me.
Some complain that the puzzle is impossible to do with huge charr/norn in their way… (people even offered to pay me to leave lol) BS. I stayed behind and let people do the puzzle without me on my Charr…. they still failed.

People are focusing on everything else, except what they should be focusing on… the puzzle. It’s hard.. until you beat it, then it’s fun!

“People who say it cannot be done, should not interrupt those who are doing it.”

Clock tower video all 4 chests and the hard mode path to the top no one takes

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Duplicated.4715


@Thebacklash: haters gonna hate, no matter what lol.

People kept throwing ugly words at my norn, and i said okay, you all go ahead then, I’m trailing after you guys.

No one in my overflow made it to the third chest. So much for all the QQs and threats lol.