Clocktower griefing

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kam.8109


I understand if you have a norn or a charr and want to run the clocktower. But I just encountered a level 2 norn, huge as the player could make him guardian too so he evven has the should armor that sticks out. Name? Block Your View Bro.

I leave the zone and go back in. Different group, no annoying norn. Than a ranger summons his elite spirit…. which is absolutely huge and follows everyone through the puzzle. He does this repeatedly.

I’m not that interested in this event in the first place. Seeing as how it’s a playground for annoying little kitten heads, I’m not going to do it at all now. It’s sad… it seems like a pretty good challenge.

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: sushihead.9360


lol, I have a Charr guardian and named him Blocking Your View.

I made him just for this event so I could see my character while jumping through the other 4-5 large characters.

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: arabeth.2361


As I understand it, the clocktower is, in a way, a PvP event: you’re not just competing with the clock, but other players, as whoever is fastest will set the pace. So yes: they are blocking your view on purpose, since it helps them win and you lose. I’m not sure if it’s griefing or just competitive play.

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kam.8109


As I understand it, the clocktower is, in a way, a PvP event: you’re not just competing with the clock, but other players, as whoever is fastest will set the pace. So yes: they are blocking your view on purpose, since it helps them win and you lose. I’m not sure if it’s griefing or just competitive play.

I highly doubt it. Even so, that’s not the kind of competition I enjoy. Thanks but no thanks.

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MossyStump.9461


Griefing during this event was pretty annoying but it’s still doable. I’d suggest just finding a new instance. When I was doing my run there was a group of two trolls doing what they do best, during the first jump at the beginning after you pause for a moment, they would spam walls of text (as large charrs). I blocked them and found a new instance, and continued on until I got it

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fiddlestyx.9714


Griefing during this event was pretty annoying but it’s still doable. I’d suggest just finding a new instance. When I was doing my run there was a group of two trolls doing what they do best, during the first jump at the beginning after you pause for a moment, they would spam walls of text (as large charrs). I blocked them and found a new instance, and continued on until I got it

Same thing happened to me, but it was a single Charr. Further proof this event should have an instance for each player (like GW1).

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: LameFox.6349


You can stop walls of text from displaying. ;P

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Awesome.6120


People grief because people like you give them a reaction like this.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: sushihead.9360


I think it is a competition to see who gets to a specific platform first because I think that spawns the next level and nearly instantly it is swallowed up by goo

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


Most of the ‘griefers’ are very bad at the puzzle so if you can get past the jump after the pause without seeing your character (which isn’t that hard tbh just hold w and mash space) things will spread out pretty quickly. In my experience after the first horizontal gear 95% of the group has already fallen and its just two or three people left.

I also disagree with it being instanced, I like jumping with a group, gives you a smug sense of superiority when you started with a large group and you are the only one who made it to the end.

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Taurethion.7302


@ Awesome And bullies only pound you if you react… No, griefers and bullies are simply small people inside who enjoy making life difficult for others. A jerk is a jerk.

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TheRabbit.9478


I also like hearing the crunching noise as players behind me fall off or get swallowed up.

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mimir.4690


You just have to focus on where you’re going, and not the fact that you can’t see. You aren’t alone in that difficulty and frustration, and people have still managed to succeed. Don’t do the puzzle if you don’t want to, because that’s not the point. But if you did want to, just ignore all of the pricks and memorize your muscle movements.

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HyDraLiNsK.2470


I agree with OP 100%. It’s bloody difficult enough without a kittening ice elemental running his slow kitten on top of you so you can’t see where you’re going. And the big norns in their underwear that are so pasty white they glow?


“This rose has thorns…. here they are!!”

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Corian.4068


I didn’t experience any griefing. In fact, every last charr and norn player was happy to remove their armor when we asked.

I think the instance size is a bit large (maybe reduce it to 5-8 people?) but I did like having people to compare progress with and like someone else said, that feeling when you realize you’re the last man standing heading to the top of the tower is just epic.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


I didn’t experience any griefing. In fact, every last charr and norn player was happy to remove their armor when we asked.

In my experience few norn and charr actually make it past the first vertical gear.

Clocktower griefing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Account.9832


In my experience few norn and charr actually make it past the first vertical gear.


- Al Zheimer