Considering the Rarity of the Endless Halloween Tonic...

Considering the Rarity of the Endless Halloween Tonic...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kainazzo.5847


Can we have this tonic have the “Spooky Ghost” transformation part of the random things it transforms you into? It really is the best model in the game from this event and I’d like to see it around for the days to come, not just sparingly when the event comes around once a year.


Considering the Rarity of the Endless Halloween Tonic...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Hunter Theron.6428

Hunter Theron.6428

I so want an Endless Ghost tonic! Or as I like to call it, a haunted bedsheet!

Theron Aquila – Human Ranger

Considering the Rarity of the Endless Halloween Tonic...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ellanon Stormfire.8723

Ellanon Stormfire.8723

I opened close to 300 personal ToT and got zip. I even heightened my MF way up and wore MF armour and zip. This is one tonic I wish sold in the gem shop.

Considering the Rarity of the Endless Halloween Tonic...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Snowstorm.3897


I’ve opened 2000+ of the personal ToT bags, and gotten nothing. To be fair, i’ve got over 500 of each halloween crafting mat, but no endless tonic. Must be a very low drop rate.

Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro

Considering the Rarity of the Endless Halloween Tonic...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: fatality.2645


I would love to be able to transform into a ghost with my endless tonic! In my opinion, we should be able to transform into all possible Halloween disguises. Especially considering the rarity of the endless tonics.

I finally got my endless tonic after using 36,000 candy corn. That number is just what I bought off of the TP ( Tallied it up using the TP history), not counting what candy corn I got out of the ToT bags. It seems that the drop rate is very, very low, but nontheless one of my guildies got his after opening only 220 ToT bags.

Considering the Rarity of the Endless Halloween Tonic...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: ntpmichiru.6135


Don’t really know what kind of tonics you’re refering to. But last night I ran MK dungeon for like 5 runs and exchanged around 250 candy corns with the kids and got 2-3 rare tonics. One of them transformed me to a small ghost, like the bedsheet, but nothing really outstanding. The rest I haven’t used and seen what they will transform to.

Considering the Rarity of the Endless Halloween Tonic...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: ElementBlu.8372


Don’t really know what kind of tonics you’re refering to. But last night I ran MK dungeon for like 5 runs and exchanged around 250 candy corns with the kids and got 2-3 rare tonics. One of them transformed me to a small ghost, like the bedsheet, but nothing really outstanding. The rest I haven’t used and seen what they will transform to.

They’re talking about the endless halloween tonic. It’s one tonic that NEVER gets used up and can transform you into any of the halloween costumes randomly, except apparently the ghost costume I guess…?

Considering the Rarity of the Endless Halloween Tonic...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

He’s talking about the endless tonic. It transforms you into a random Halloween form (glowing skeleton, mummy, plastic spider, and candy corn elemental) and has infinite uses. It’s also soulbound on a acquire.

Its sheer dumb luck getting one from a personalized trick or treat bag. Just be ready with a ton of candy corn, and start contributing to the Lions Arch childhood obesity epidemic.

Considering the Rarity of the Endless Halloween Tonic...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Swizzle.7982


These should be made tradable too, I got one after opening ten bags, but I’d much rather have one of the weapons or something. Seems stupid that they’re bound, tot bags are pretty worthless to me now, I don’t have much use for a second endless tonic.

Considering the Rarity of the Endless Halloween Tonic...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kainazzo.5847


Don’t really know what kind of tonics you’re refering to. But last night I ran MK dungeon for like 5 runs and exchanged around 250 candy corns with the kids and got 2-3 rare tonics. One of them transformed me to a small ghost, like the bedsheet, but nothing really outstanding. The rest I haven’t used and seen what they will transform to.

They’re talking about the endless halloween tonic. It’s one tonic that NEVER gets used up and can transform you into any of the halloween costumes randomly, except apparently the ghost costume I guess…?

That’s correct, the ghost is the only transformation that you can get in a exhaustible tonic form that’s not on the endless one. This is a travesty since it’s the best transformation!

(edited by Kainazzo.5847)