Constructive idea for future event marketing

Constructive idea for future event marketing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dawthus.4630


Seeing the ‘backlash’ on the forums by what is a very vocal, and significant portion of the games population, it seems that what created the ‘confusion’ boils down to the pressure put on the BLC chest reward skins in the event release info.

Were there to be a rewind button or as an idea for future events, from my opinion, one might take a different approach to the marketing details (if all other things were the same, as I feel the event has been rather well designed and implimented, drop rates are appropriate etc)…

Push the free content as the primary interest. There is a LOT in the Halloween event, doors, the quest chain, jumping puzzle, costume battle, candy, craftables (and I’m sure by the other acts even more to come)… which have been overshadowed in the forum conversations by the very few skin items in the BLC system which had the marketing focus. Had the focus been on the other parts with the BLC content being put in amidst as a declarative added bonus on top of the event, something akin to ‘And for those who are looking for even more Halloween trick or treats, as an extra bonus, we’ve added ‘X’ rare skins into our BLC system, not available anywhere else, for that added unique flare for the adventurous. These coveted prizes will only drop for the very lucky as an added seasonal reward to the existing Chest offerings!’ with the old * item skin availability is intended to be an extremely rare drop from the BLC. Players should not expect to receive these items but understand they are there as a potential award offering similar to our permanent TP/Merch/Bank items.

This could have driven just as much fervor for the items but players would be told from the start they are super rare and that they are somewhat an ‘outside’ of the main event and are intended as gamble play incentive, there would have been less (some is always inevitable) complaint about availability and the BLC tie-in.


P.S. Thank-you for the event so far, its fun! and thank-you to those in support who are working hard with all the complaints, and the dev’s who are trying their best to mitigate the mess.