Costume Brawl Feedback

Costume Brawl Feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: drake.2135


As far as I know, costume brawling is going to stay forever, but what I don’t know is if there are going to be more costumes (outside of holiday events…being a Santa will probably be fun…throw Christmas presents at people, damage them, then give them some chocolate ).

In my experience, costume brawls are ridiculously amazing. Sure some of the costumes are better, and do remember that the Halloween costumes will not be available once the event is over. Luckily you have the Witches cauldron so that someone who does not already have a costume can get in there. Even the banquet table can be fun in groups.

Now, I must discuss the witch and the Mad King costumes. There have been quite a bit of gossip on these two about balance, and of how you “pay to win.” These two are just completely not true. Like most costumes, they only have four skills excluding the “Time Out” skill.

The witch’s first skill releases bats in a sort of Point Blank Area of Effect, but it has a one second recharge. The second skill is the cauldron…okay. The third skill is the Wizard of Oz melting thing, which is cool and has a really nice range (1000 or so), but you are open to attack once the blocking ends, which is also where your damage ends. The fourth skill is the broomstick riding, which only gives you two minutes of blocking and you cannot do anything else except get off it (strangely, it says three seconds on the skill tip). As you can see, the witch is defense based, and really does not have that much when it comes to actual brawling.

The Mad King does however. For the first skill, you have a pumpkin…that can be fired behind you somehow, but whatever. That is cool and all, but it has a half second recharge. The second skill is the Moon that fears you and the third skill is the Area of Effect daze. Yes, they do seem a bit unfair, but you need to realize that they only have a range of 200 units, which is slightly smaller than melee range (around 350). The fourth skill is the banquet, the only source of blocking the Mad King costume has. Some have said that people put it in hard to reach places and just fear you off once you get too close. Well, stay out of range of the fear! The Mad King is powerful, I will admit, but realize that it is an up close and personal kind of costume. If you keep your distance (green skeleton), you will win every time.

That takes care of that, and as for the “pay to win”: I have both of them, I am dirt poor, and did not spend a cent of my real money, which I am also dirt poor at.

Now, do I think there should be more costumes, other than through holidays? Yes! Who would not want to be an Ascalonian ghost with those cool sounding effects? How about a dragon, smaller of course? What about the risen? I could just picture someone in a risen costume self-destructing. That would be hilarious. I would do anything to see that, and of course be an Ascalonian Mage. Those rock.

All in all, it is a fun gig, and I hope to see more added to make it even more fun (and hilarious). Personally, I just love launching effects. Makes me laugh every time, which is why I sometimes go to the labyrinth and purposefully fall off the edge (rarely, you do not teleport back and it kills you at the absolute bottom, which is also hilarious). Have fun making us have fun!

“The beginning is the beginning. The end is also the beginning.”
~Drake from Blackgate

(edited by drake.2135)

Costume Brawl Feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Knote.2904


Aside of people facerolling with the mad king costumes it’s pretty fun.

There’s too much cc though overall.