Is that so?
I was able to do it with all races without having problem, although you have to time your jump correctly in order to get in the clock tower.
I failed to get in the clock tower twice with my asura, but I didn’t encounter a single problem with my human character.
you think you struggled? try doing it with a charr whilst everyone is complaining that you’re blocking their view :p
unfortunately i cant shrink and i’m pretty certain my large bulk didn’t exactly work in my favor!!
I believe sometimes your character gets bugged out. I just relog.
I’m not struggling too much, its the last and final jump im talking about. Everytime ive gotten to it, and im still trying, i slam my face into the wall and slide down, rather then enter the clock tower like im supposed to.
I’ve done this on my necro, i know the jumps, i have it kitten near memorized where for every 1-4 fails, i get to the end.. and it keeps happening..
It took me 15 hours and hundreds upon hundreds of attempts to beat the clock tower. I had memorized most of the past early on, but I failed 80% of the time near the beginning and in the middle due to a combination of over sized races like Charr and Norn (my poor Asura) and a bugged camera that liked to zoom in instantly everytime I jumped while pressing forward against a wall or something.
But…I finally did it. I was the only one of my group to make it in. Most Charr and Norn tend to die early on, which makes early levels the hardest for me. Also the first time I ever got to the clock face was the only time I needed. I didn’t miss. I went right in.
the early stuff doesn’t matter to me, its that last part thats the issue here..
I’m not struggling too much, its the last and final jump im talking about. Everytime ive gotten to it, and im still trying, i slam my face into the wall and slide down, rather then enter the clock tower like im supposed to.
I’ve done this on my necro, i know the jumps, i have it kitten near memorized where for every 1-4 fails, i get to the end.. and it keeps happening..
Try to jump earlier before the lightning struck the clock tower, you have to time your jump to make sure you get inside the shattered part of the clock somehow.
Yeah, I believe I had the same problem. Simply relogging or changing JP instances helped me. I did it about 10 times consecutively successfully up until the final jump where I would smack my head on the tower and I would die lol. It got to the point where I was in complete disbelief as to whether I was truly missing the jump all 10 times or whether I was bugged out. After I logged out and got back in, I managed to do it several times over without any bugs.
BTW, Relog does NOTHING
kay i take that back.. relog worked… but my god.. what an annoying bug