Delicious Halloween fun!

Delicious Halloween fun!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fixintothrill.1067



Thank you ANet! This has been a brilliant debut event for GW2 and aside from a few buggy beginnings and vagueness at the start I am having an absolute ball!

The haunted doors are sick as, the clock tower is frustratingly awesome, the pvp games are super fun!

Would have liked to have seen weapon recipes a bit more attainable for the event. Somewhere in between exotic and legendary would be nice. Hoping to build up mats to get my Crossing staff for next year.

Would really love to see a way to store all the costumes as well… Even maybe a gem store purchases tab where you could spawn your bought costumes and hats. Would love to see a way to implement the costume tabs of GW1 where you could wear costumes and fight at the same time.

Overall, you’ve blown me away once again ANet, this is a sign of massive things to come from ANet and GW2! <3