Did they nix ToT doors in order to have portals?

Did they nix ToT doors in order to have portals?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: ccdsurf.8639


I have yet to see a To door I think I am in the wrong zones. But I have seen a boatload of portals… or did the doors switch over to just portals?

Did they nix ToT doors in order to have portals?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

I think the doors are there when the starter zones don’t have the portals into the lab. I’m not sure how long the lab doors remain but I do know they go away until the event chain that opens them completes again. In the other zones the portals are in they go on as normal.

Did they nix ToT doors in order to have portals?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nalora.7964


The doors become regular ToT doors when the meta event has not been completed for that zone. The mad king’s realm is only open for a while, then the doors revert back to tot doors. Also, the doors outside the area where the actual meta event for that zone to open the mad king’s realm appear to remain tot doors as well.

DEMAND Bunny Slippers and a bathrobe!

Did they nix ToT doors in order to have portals?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: ccdsurf.8639


thanks guys! I was driving my self crazy looking